North Forest High School Lesson Plan
Board Configuration
Teacher Name:Dates:
Subject: / Learning Focus:
Period __:
Period __:
Marzano / Kagan
Materials & Resources / Technology Integration
Period __:
Period __:
Objective(s): What do we want our kids to learn? Kid friendly terminology. / Related TEKS (Code and Description)
Period_: / I will be able to
Period_: / I will be able to
Period_: / I will be able to
Period_: / I will be able to
Weekly Assessment(s) All Content Areas: How will I assess students for learning or of the learning? What does this look like?
Pre-Test: / Post- Test:
What do I do when students already know the material? / Intervention:
What do I do when they have not mastered the objective? / Modifications: How am I modifying materials and additional resources to support my ESL and special population students?
Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period? / Who are these students by period?
Differentiation provided: / Intervention provided: / List modifications
Materials needed: / Materials needed: / Materials needed:
A or B day / Tuesday
A or B day / Wednesday
A or B day / Thursday
A or B day / Friday
A or B day
Bell or subject ringer.
Content and Academic Vocabulary Development: What strategies are used to develop the vocabulary?
Period _:
Period _:
1. Engagement: Example: Teacher charts connections through real world experiences or through content (interdisciplinary).
Period _:
Period _:
GUIDED PRACTICE: What questions, engagement strategies and activities will I do to work through the objective with the students?
2. Exploration: Which skills will be used? What will students do?
3. Explanation: What is the main idea (concept)? How will the main idea (concept) be constructed?
Period _:
Period _:
CHECKS FOR UNDERSTANDING: What questions do my students need to answer as evidence, demonstrating their understanding of the material?
4. Elaboration: Which process skills will be used? How will the idea be expanded?
Period _:
Period _:
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: How will students independently demonstrate their knowledge of the objective and practice?
5. Evaluation: How will the students show what they have learned?
Period _:
Period _:
Sum it Up: Wrap it up and connect.
Period _:
Period _:
Before You Leave: Homework
Period _:
Period _:
Lesson plan must be emailed to your appraiserby 10:00 PM Sunday.