Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The April 7, 2015 Regular Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gordon Johnson at 7:00 p.m. in the Rushford Village Council Chambers with Council members present: Dennis Overland, Chad Rasmussen, Todd Baker and Hamilton Petersen. Also, present: Planning-Zoning Administrator Jon Pettit; Planning/Zoning Commission Members Joyce Iverson, Bruce Hovland; Public Works Maintenance Supervisor Travis Scheck; City Clerk Kristina Mart. Absent: City Attorney Thomas Manion and Treasurer Judy Graham.
AGENDA was approved as presented on motion by Petersen, seconded by Baker and carried unanimously.
MINUTES of the March 17, 2015 Regular Council Meeting & Continued Public Hearing on Amendments to Ordinance No.5 was approved as presented on motion by Overland, seconded by Petersen and carried unanimously.
CITIZENS / OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Bailey, Planner MN Department of Health, Source Water Protection Unit
FINANCIALS – The March 31, 2015 Now Acct. Balance per Bank: $ 140,470.34; The March Receipts-per Bank:
$ 12,602.51; Disbursed-March per Bank: $ 31,431.44; The Projected Preliminary April Claims: $ 26,931.82; The April 30, 2015 Now Acct Balance is estimated at $ 103,007.98 + Receipts
INVESTMENT CD Renewals at RSB: One General Fund CD Renewal for $15,551.50 matured on 04/07/2015.
The Financials and Investments were approved on motion by Overland, seconded by Rasmussen and carried unanimously.
TRI-CITY CHALLENGE 10/10/15.: REQUEST FOR SUPPORT: The Tri-City Challenge Committee was unable to attend the Council Meeting, therefore the Council tabled this item until more information is provided from the Committee.
Pat Bailey from the MN Department of Health, Source Water Protection Unit was present before the Council for the public information meeting to review the first part of the Wellhead Protection Plan, which is in place to protect our drinking water. Pat provided the Council with a groundwater model to clarify where the wellhead protected and drinking water protection areas are located within Residential/Agricultural zoned areas in South Rushford. This plan will include a contingency plan, an inventory of sewer lines that may run past this area and other contaminates within this protected area, as well. In addition, this plan will address any future development within the Wellhead Protection areas, as this plan is good for 10 (ten) years. Pat Bailey will be working with Rushford Village’s Wellhead Protection Manager Travis Scheck to complete part two of this plan. No other citizens were present at this information meeting.
CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NO. 5, ZONING and LAND USE Ordinance, Sections 100-800, 1100-1600, 1700-2700. At 7:30 p.m., the regular Council Meeting was closed and the Public Hearing was opened on motion by Petersen, seconded by Rasmussen and carried unanimously. The Council and Planning/Zoning Commission reviewed the final Notes including the Amendments to the Ordinance. With no further input, the Council closed the Public Hearing and re-opened the Regular Council Meeting at 8:00 p.m. on motion by Overland, seconded by Petersen and carried unanimously. The Planning/Zoning Administrator along with the Planning//Zoning Commission recommends to the Council the approval of Ordinance Number 5 as presented. The Council accepts the Amendments as presented including Resolution No. 2015-04-07.01 and Exhibit A: Summary to Publish approved on motion by Overland, seconded by Rasmussen and carried unanimously.
PLANNING / ZONING–Pettit New Permits /inquiries/updates; Pettit reported on one permit in process for Scott Williams building a roof between his detached garage and house to fix a water run-off issue. In addition, Mr. Pettit had an inquiry from a gentleman regarding the placement of a for sale sign and another inquiry from Weiser Brothers Construction regarding the fire damage at Connaughty Industries, which is in the City of Rushford and not Rushford Village.
Mayor Johnson questioned if permits are needed for the upgrades to the campers located in the Commercial Zoned area within the Campground. City Attorney Manion needs to be advised regarding this question. Mayor Johnson will also speak to Jack Hedin addressing the issue regarding the vehicles parked along City Park Road.
Furthermore, Mayor Johnson conveyed to the Council his ideas to install a cement bench and trash can near the parking area by the trail sign. He also thought it would be a good idea to try to receive a grant to build a trail from the trail access to our picnic/playground area and outdoor portable toilet. The Council agreed that Joyce Iverson would be the best person to contact in regards to grants for this trail.
Road Edges – Rotor Tiller: Wayne Feldmeier was present before the Council to discuss a machine he purchased and uses that kicks rocks back onto the roadway from the road edges. This machine will also help if the roads are not shaped correctly. Wayne is willing to come out and work with Public Works / Maintenance Supervisor Travis Scheck for one day to test it out on Ridgeview Road. If the Council likes the results, he can start on other roads in the village at $40.00 an hour man & machine, and fuel costs. The Council approved on motion by Overland, seconded by Rasmussen and carried unanimously to have Wayne and Travis work together to test it out on Ridgeview Road.
Public Works Request to Purchase Cordless Impact & Electric Grease Gun: Public Works/Maintenance Supervisor Scheck requested the purchase of a cordless impact, electric grease gun and charger. The Council suggested checking at Fleet Farm first, before purchasing. The Council approved on motion by Petersen, seconded by Overland and carried unanimously to the purchase of this equipment at an estimated cost of $507.00.
Annual Road Tour: The Council discussed the date for the Annual Road Tour and agreed to schedule it for Tuesday, April 28th at 5:30 p.m.
Community Center/ City Hall Roof Replacement: The Council discussed the options to replace the roof with possibly steel shingles or standing seam. Public Works/Maintenance Supervisor Scheck will check into the costs of shingling the roof.
Spring Clean-up Friday, May 15 and Saturday, May 16: The Council discussed the options for vendors and decided to go with the same vendor used for last year’s spring and fall Clean-ups. Matejka Recycling (d.b.a. Red Box) will provide the same prices as last year for (two) thirty yard roll offs $175.00/per roll off and $90.00 garbage per ton fee, approved on motion by Petersen, seconded by Rasmussen and carried unanimously to accept Matejka/Red Box as our 2015 spring clean-up vendor.
May 4th-8th, Minnesota Municipal Clerk’s Institute: $210.00 Tuition and Hotel $105.00 per night approved on motion by Petersen, seconded by Overland and carried unanimously to allow Clerk Mart to attend.
OTHER UPDATES / MEETINGS: FEMA Flood Risk Info Open House, Wednesday, April 8th, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Fillmore County Government Center, Preston, Room 108; Board of Appeals & Equalization Meeting, Tuesday, April 21st, 6:30 p.m. Rushford Village Council Chambers / City Hall; SEMLM Annual Conference, Wednesday, April 29th, 9:30 am and/or 6:00 pm, Kasson
Next Mtgs: Council: April 21st, and May 5th, 2015; Zoning: April 16th, 2015 6am, CRV Office.
A motion to adjourn was made at 8:33 p.m. by Overland, seconded by Baker and carried unanimously.
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