What is The Money House?
The Money House is a real flat funded by the Big Lottery. It aims to support and prepare young people (17-24) living in Derbyshire for independent living.
Young people will learn how to improve their financial confidence by taking part in a range of fun interactive tasks that will replicate some of the financial choices and decisions that they will need to make to stay debt-free. The aim is to equip young people to prepare and understand the responsibilities of living alone.
What does the Training involve?
The training will be led by a Training Adviser and Training Assistant in the Money House and will be delivered to a group of 6-10 young people.
The training will take place over the course of a week. Indicative course content includes;
Living independently (e.g. tenant responsibilities, household costs, bills etc.) Budgeting (e.g. lifestyle costs, understanding benefits, controlling spending etc.)
Banking and Borrowing (e.g. types of borrowing and credit, understanding interest on savings (AER) and loans (APR))
Being Informed (e.g. accessing advice and support, tax and NI, knowing your rights, negotiating bureaucracy etc.)
Living beyond today (e.g. savings and accounts, costs of running a car, understanding mortgages and shared ownership etc.)
What are the benefits for the young person?
The Money House will improve financial confidence of young people by supporting them to develop real skills for real life. Young people will receive a Certificate of Attendance which can be used to evidence their readiness to move on to semi-independence or full independent living.
Criteria and referral process
Young people fitting the criteria below will be considered;
- between the ages of 17 - 24
- in supported housing; care; or independent living
- planning a move into independent living within the next 3 – 6 months
This referral form should be completed by the young person’s Housing Officer or Support worker, in conjunction with the young person if possible. The completed form should then be forwarded to If you have any queries, please contact Claire on 01629 592978
Following submission of the referral form young people will be allocated to a particular programme based on where they live, their learning needs, circumstances and availability and both worker and young person will be contacted by The Money House Team with joining instructions.
The referral agency is responsible for ensuring the young person is committed to the full week’s programme and that they attend each day. Support can be offered with childcare costs. If travel costs would otherwise prevent the young person attending, please contact Claire to discuss.
About the young person….
NameDate of Birth / Male / Female
Current address
Contact phone no.
Email address
Does the young person have a relevant and up to date risk assessment? YES / NO
If this can be shared please forward together with this form or speak to Claire before referring.
About the referral agency…..
Referral organisationReferrer’s name
Referrer’s email address
Referrers phone number
Relationship to young person
On average, how often do you see the young person?
Which programme would the young person to attend? Please list in order of preference 1,2, or 3
Chesterfield / 6th to 10th MarchRipley / 20th to 24th March
Swadlincote / 10th to 14th April
What is the young person’s current accommodation situation? (please tick only one)
With familyWith friends
With carers
Sofa surfing
In residential accommodation
Supported lodging
Supported accommodation
Private tenancy
Council tenancy
Housing Association tenancy
Brief description of accommodation plans. What type of accommodation does the young person
hope to secure within the next 6 months?
On the young person’s current income…..
Does the young person have any debts? (Please circle correct answer) YES / NO / DON’T KNOW
Does the young person have any existing rent arrears? (Please circle correct answer) YES / NO / DON’T KNOW
Any history of difficulties maintaining a tenancy? (Please circle correct answer) YES / NO / DON’T KNOW
On the young person’s specific requirements……. (Please circle correct answer)
Does the young person have basic literacy skills (reading, writing and speaking)? / YES / NODoes the young person have basic numeracy skills? / YES / NO
Is English the young person’s first language? / YES / NO
Would the young person need childcare arranged while they attend? / YES / NO
Does the young person need support with travel arrangements? / YES / NO