File 201-7 Northern Lights School Division #113 Grade 7 Curriculum Reference Guide
English Language Arts300 min
- Identity
- Social responsibility
-Efficacy / Comprehend and Respond
CR 7.1, 7.4 View, listen to, read, and respond to diverse complex grade level texts, visual, digital, multimedia and electronic texts that address the themes
CR7.2. Use appropriate before during and after strategies to construct meaning
CR7.3. Use pragmatic, textual, syntactic, semantic, and other cues to construct /confirm meaning
CR 7.4 View, comprehend and interpret visual and multimedia texts with specific features.
CR7.5. Listen critically to understand, respond and analyze oral information and ideas.
CR 7.6 Read, comprehend and interpret traditional and contemporary grade-appropriate texts
CR7.7 Read independently / show comprehension of specialized information texts.
CR7.8 Read texts to increase fluency (130 - 170 wpm orally; 170-220 silently) and expression. / Compose and Create.
CC 7.1 Create various visual, multimedia, oral and written texts that explore the themes
CC 7.2 Create and present a teacher guided inquiry project related to theme
CC 7.3. Select and use appropriate strategies to communicate meaning, before during and after speaking, writing or representing.
CC 7.4 Use pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic graphophonic and other cues to construct and communicate meaning
CC 7.5 Create and present a variety of visual, multimedia presentations with graphic organizers, charts, graphs, timelines, maps and sound effects.
CC 7.6 & 7.7 Use oral language to interact purposefully in pairs, small and large groups to express complex information in formal and informal situations.
CC 7.8 Write to describe a person, narrate an imaginary incident or story: explain/inform in a news story, factual account and business letter; to persuade in a letter and interpret text.
CC 7.9 Experiment with a variety of text forms and techniques / Assess and Reflect
AR 7.1. Set and achieve short and long term goals to improve ELA strategies
AR 7.2. Appraise own and others work for clarity and correctness. / (MIR) Nelson Literacy
Unit 1 Step Up-Reading Strategyà Making Connections
Unit 2 Tech Effects-Reading StrategyàQuestioning
Unit 3 Mysteries àMaking Inferences
Unit 4 Fears and Phobias à Summarizing
Unit 5 Send a Message à Synthesizing
Unit 6 Make an Impression à Evaluating
Each unit should include outcomes from all three goals.
Using the MIR (Major Integrated Resource); there should be one unit each addressing the following 5 contexts: 1. Personal and Philosophical
2. Social, Cultural and Historical 3. Imaginative and Literary 4. Communicative 5. Environmental and Technological
( min. 5 units/year: 3 Thematic multi-genre, 1 Inquiry (e.g. S.S./ Sci. related), 1 Genre or Author Study)
Formal Guided Reading Instruction Per Week
Frustration Levels < 22 - 3 times /week
Instructional Levels 22-23 - 2-3/month Independent Levels 24+ - 2-3/month
200 min
Based on Math Focus / September 30
N7.1 Divisibility strategies. / October 31
N7.5 Adding and subtracting positive fractions with unlike denominators / November 30
N7.2a Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals
N7.2b Order of operations with decimals
N7.3 Positive decimals, fractions and whole numbers / Dec 15
Update Inter-vention data / Jan 31
N 7.4 Percent (including fractions) 1-100% problem solving / February 28
SS7.1 Circumference and central angles of circles
SS7.2 Area of triangles, parallelograms and circles / March 31
N7.6 Addition and subtraction of integers
SS7.3 Lines and angles
SS7.5 / PR 7.5 Evaluate an expression given the value of the variable
PR 7.6 + 7 Solve problems that can be represented by one-step linear equations.
SP7.4 Express probabilities as ratios, fractions and percents. / SP 7.5 + 7.6 Identify the sample; conduct a probability experiment involving two independent events
Unit 11
SP 7.3 Construct, label and interpret circle graphs to solve problems. / .
Social Studies
Pacific Rim/ Circumpolar
150 min / Interdependence
IN7.1 Conflict, cooperation and interdependence in the world.
IN 7.2 Globalization affects the lives of people.
IN 7.3 Technology influences globalization / Dynamic Relationships
DR 7.1 Various maps for information about current events.
DR 7.2 Impact of human habitation on natural environment.
DR 7.3 Relate current events to historical events (physical and social environments) / Power and Authority
PA 7.1 Sources of power for individuals, nations and regions.
PA 7.2 Structures and processes of Canadian Government
PA 7.3 Strengths and weaknesses of oligarchy, dictator ships and democratic systems of government / Resources and Wealth
RW 7.1 Role of barter, trade, sharing in traditional economies
RW 7.2 Influence of resources on economic conditions.
RW 7.3 Ecological stewardship of economies varies by location.
150 min / Life Science – Interactions within Ecosystems
IE 7.1 Key aspect of Indigenous knowledge to understanding ecosystems.
IE 7.2 Analyze organisms within local ecosystems (food webs, populations and communities).
IE 7.3 Biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon and nitrogen) – energy flow and cycling of matter.
IE 7.4 Ecosystems change in response to natural and human influences. / Physical Science – Mixtures and Solutions
MS 7.1 Pure substances and mixtures (mechanical and solutions using particle model of matter).
MS 7.2 Methods of separating the components of mixtures and solutions and analyze applications.
MS 7.3 Investigate properties of solutions (solubility and concentration) / Physical Science – Heat and Temperature
HT 7.1 Past / current heat/cooling technology related to food, clothing shelter and impact on society / environment.
HT 7.2 Differences in states of matter and the effect of heat (particle theory).
HT 7.3 Principles and application of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation) / Earth and Space – Earth’s Crust and Resources
EC 7.1 Societal and environmental impacts of historical and current catastrophic geological events, movements and forces within Earth’s crust.
EC 7.2 Location and processes used to extract Earth’s geological resources and impact on society and environment.
EC 7.3 Formation of surface geology in SK, including soil and land use.
Health Ed
80 min / Understanding, skills and developing confidences: USC Grade seven perspective: Commit Self
USC 7. 1 Commit to / act on personal standards for health / USC 7.2: Blood borne pathogens (HIV / Hep C) and commit to healthy behaviours. / USC 7.3 Commit to personal safety practices – first aid knowledge and skills / USC7.4: Importance of nurturing harmony in relationships and apply effective strategies when conflict arises. / USC 7.5 Personal food choices and needs by applying nutritional knowledge. / USC 7.6 Interpersonal skills including assertiveness skills, to manage peer pressure. / USC 7.7 Discrepancies in morals that may affect commitment to well-being. / TEACHING SEXUAL HEALTH is required.
(USC.1, .2, .4, .6, DM, AP)
Decision Making. DM 7.8 Make a personal commitment to healthy decision making.
DM 7.9 Health opportunities and challenges to establishing personal commitment (apply to each USC topic above) / Apply decisions. AP 7.10 Make three 6-day action plans
Arts Ed.
Focus: Place
200 min
/ CP: Creative Productive Visual Arts (50 min)
CP7.10 Create visual art that express ideas about the importance of place
CP7.11 Use various art forms, images and processes.
CP 7.12 Use image-making skills, tools, techniques and problem solving abilities in a variety of media / CP: Creative Productive Drama (50 min)
CP7.4 How dramatic character develops from role.
CP7.5 Use dramatic elements, strategies, negotiation / collaboration to shape direction of drama.
CP 7.6 Express ideas about importance of place in drama. / CP: Creative Productive Music (50 min)
CP7.7 Improvise using voice and instruments.
CP 7.8 Manipulate elements / principles of music composition including tension and resolution.
CP 7.9 Traditional / homemade instruments to show relationship between music and place. / CP: Creative Productive Dance (50 min)
CP7.1 Create dance that expresses ideas about the importance of place.
CP7.2 Manipulate the elements / principles of dance composition including tension and resolution.
CP 7.3 Create and refine transitions within choreographed forms.
All units for each strand in Arts Education should include:
CR (Critical Responsive) and CH (Cultural Historical) outcomes / CR7.1Respond to professional arts presentations using analysis, research and personal ideas
CR7.2 Identify ways that the arts can express ideas about place.
CR7.3 Arts from various times and places, reflect diverse experience, values and beliefs. / CH 7.1 Artists relationship to place may be reflected in art.
CH 7.2 Indigenous artists from around the world reflect the importance of place.
CH 7.3 Factors that influence artists, their work and careers.
50min/wk / Change and Growth
CG 7.1 The influence of positive and negative self image on one’s life and work
CG 7.2 Behaviours needed in building healthy relationships / Connections to the Community
CC 7.1 Knowledge learned in school transfers to one’s life and work.
CC 7.2 Contribution work makes to individuals, community, and globally. / Life and Work
LW 7.1 Personal qualities needed to seek, obtain, or create work.
LW 7.2 Non-traditional work (stereo-typing / discrimination) to assess the impact on life and work.