Psych 12 – Intro01

-Psychology’s Roots / Notes

Psychology’s Roots

Psychology·chol·o·gies 1. The science that deals with mental processes and behavior. 2. The emotional and behavioral characteristics of an individual, group, or activity: the psychology of war.

During this course you will examine this definition of psychology by reading and studying about the 6 major fields or perspectives of psychology. Those fields are;

  1. Biological Perspective – An examination of the chemical and biological reasons we behave the way we do.
  2. Psychoanalytical Perspective – An introduction to Freud and his contributions to the science of psychology
  3. Behavioral Perspective – An examination of behaviors and how we learn to behave and react the way we do.
  4. Humanistic Perspective – A look at the modern view of psychology, largely in response to Freud’s ideas and concepts.
  5. Cognitive Perspective – An introduction to how are brain thinks.
  6. Sociological Perspective – A look at how people interact with others. Examining how and why we behave the way we do with others.

There are a few psychologist in particular that we will examine in this course. You will be required to know who they are and what they have contributed to the science of psychology.

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. Jean Piaget
  3. Ivan Pavlov
  4. B.F. Skinner
  5. Abraham Maslow

Each one of these psychologists has developed many different theories to help explain human behavior. Often the modern debate over human behavior is summarized by the phrase; “Nature vs. Nurture”.

Nature describes all behavior that is related to our biological make up or genetics. For example; “He’s hyperactive, because both of his parents are.”

Nurture describes all behaviors associated with the influence of outside “agents” or people that play a role in a person’s upbringing and life. For example; “She’s timid and scared of people because her parents beat her as a child.”

Psych 12 – Intro

-Psychology’s Roots

Psychology’s Roots

Assignment: Student Personality Profile

Psychologists use personality profiles to better understand “…where a person is coming from.” They help provide insight into a person’s character and personality, and are a common psychological tool. Your Personality Profile will be of your own creation and will follow the following criteria;

  1. Divide a piece of paper into two.
  2. On one side of the paper use as many descriptive words as possible to describe how you view yourself.
  3. On the other side of the paper, use as many descriptive words as possible to describe how you think others view yourself.
  4. In a short paragraph, explain which viewpoint is closest to the truth and why.

Your privacy will be respected and you will be marked out of 10 on quality of work and evidence of thought and effort put into your assignment. This assignment is designed for self-reflection, there is no right or wrong answer.

Total: ____/ 10