Instructions for Production of Pass-Along Cards:

The purpose of the Pass-along card is to be a conversation starter with someone you as a council member would like to build a relationship with or as a contact card to leave after you have visited with a stakeholder.

The templates allow you to build five different cards to represent the program areas of agriculture, business development, human environmental sciences (nutrition), 4-H youth and community development.

These varying card versions allow you to produce whichever card best suits the interests of the person you are talking with or the program area you wish to depict.

There are five different Word files to create the front side of each card and one file to create the back side for the cards: "PAC_Back.doc.” The templates for the card fronts include blocks of editable text to insert the council member’s name and contact information.

For an agriculture-related card, see:


For Business Development:


For Nutrition:


For Youth:


For Community Development:

PAC_ Hobbs.doc

For the contact information:


To produce the card:

a. Open template

b. Click File/Save As

c. Save file to your "R" drive - then edit

d. Cards should be printed on card stock. Print one side, turn stock over and print second

side. (You may want to print total quantity you want of one side, then turn all over and

print same quantity of second side.)

Please note that these files take awhile to download. With a T1 connection, each file can take between 1 minute/30 seconds to 1 minute/45 seconds to open. If you have the resources to download the files and take them to a local printer, that may be best.