5th February 2016
Dear Parents,
I would like to thank the PTA for organising last week’sfilm night. Despite the weather and a very wet walking bus, the children had an enjoyable time. £113.45 was raised.
PTA Disco The Spring Disco will take place on Friday 26th February (after the tea and share afternoon) from 5-6pm at the Village Hall. More details to follow.
Glyndebourne Opera: There is a very exciting chance for children in Year 4, 5 and possibly 6 to sing with Glyndebourne as part of Battle Festival Community Opera on 1st October in celebration of the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. The opera has been composed by Howard Moody, and will be produced in partnership with Glyndebourne director, Simon Lorio and The De La Warr Pavilion. Parents are welcome to join the choir as well. The lead singers will be Glyndebourne soloists. The majority of rehearsals will take place on Saturdays and Sundays in September, with just one on a school day. This is a very exciting opportunity. I know several children already take part in large scale professional productions and thoroughly enjoy the experience. If your child is interested, please see Mrs Clark for more details.
Phonics:Thank you to the parents in Tigers’ Class who attended the Phonics training provided by Mrs Fernandes. We were delighted with the turn out and all the positive comments in the evaluation forms. We usually run a parents workshop each term; Term 4 is e-safety [see below]. We will take your suggestions into account for Term 5 training. Thank you also for your offers to help us in some way. We will be in touch!
E-Safety date: Our e-safety week will run from 22nd – 26th February. The internet changes rapidly and it is difficult to keep up and to know how to stay safe on line. Please join us for our annual Parent Workshop on E-safety which will take place on Wednesday 24th February from 3.30-4.30pm. This is a free workshop, where parents are invited to join in staff training from Mr Chris Whitelaw. There will be a crèche available. The meeting is hugely informative and offers advice on the latest updates in internet safety. If you are unable to attend the workshop, Chris will be available for a quick “drop-in” on the morning of 24th February from 08.25. He will be working with the children throughout the day and leading a special assembly.
Afternoon tea and Share on Friday 26th February is a chance to spend time with your child, look through their books and discuss their learning over a cup of tea and a cake. This will take place from 1.30-3.20pm in the school hall.
Parents Evening will follow the Tea Afternoon on Wednesday 2nd March from 1.30-7pm [NOT 3rd as in the original letter – I forgot it was a Leap Year!]. Sign-up sheet will be available in the conservatory after half term from Tuesday 23rd February.
Brighton and Hove Albion Soccer School Football courses for boys and girls are running during half term for anyone interested. Please visit for details and booking.
Catsfield Church Junior Choiris looking to recruit new members. Children are paid 50p to attend practices! (Thursday evenings from 5.30pm to 6pm including a drink and a biscuit) and a further 50p to sing the first hymn in the service and then attend the fun Sunday School at the back of the church. On the first Sunday of the month the children sing throughout the service and receive £1. If you would like further details, please ask at school.
Dawn Wood As many of you will know the Wood family are moving to Preston at the end of next week. We would like to thank Dawn for all her help at Catsfield School, both with the Lollipop and as an on call MDSA. We will miss her and Emma very much and wish them every happiness in their new home.
I hope you all have an enjoyable half term break and thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S Clark