XXXXX High School DECA

Statement of Expected Behavior

XXXXX DECA State Career Development Conference



Stated below are some guidelines of which you and your child need to be aware. Parent and student signatures are required for participation in the conference.

  1. XXXXX High School students will be participating with students and advisors from several other schools. XXXXX High School students will always be respectful to and considerate of these students and advisors.
  1. XXXXX High School students are required to participate in all pre-conference, post conference, and conference activities such as: practice sessions, general sessions, workshops, competitions, etc., as indicated by their advisors and chaperones. Participation means:
  1. being on time
  2. remaining the entire time
  3. participating with a positive attitude

This conference is the first step in making your way to international competition and workshops and activities have been planned with that goal in mind. Failure to participate according to the above requirements is not acceptable behavior.

  1. XXXXX High School students will be traveling by charter bus. Students will comply with all regulations and policies governing such means of transportation and be respectful of all employees thereof. XXXXX High School students will not rent, lease, or otherwise obtain transportation other than what is provided for them by the conference or chapter unless approved by their advisor in writing, or accompanied by their advisor. XXXXX High School students will not drive themselves to/from this conference under ANY circumstances. XXXXX High School students will take school provided transportation both to/from the conference unless other means have been discussed and pre-arranged!
  1. XXXXX High School students will not be in the company of students or adults that are not registered participants of XX DECA State CDC. Registered participants will have nametags on at all times.
  1. XXXXX High School students will comply with the XXXCode of Conduct and all applicable laws in the state of XXXXX.
  1. XXXXX High School students will be chaperoned by and accountable to all advisors and chaperones present, as well as approved XXXXX High DECA Alumni. Failure to show respect to these individuals or any other DECA advisor in attendance at the conference is not acceptable behavior.
  1. XXXXX High School students being in the willful companionship of someone who violates any portion of the conduct code or failing to report any direct knowledge (other than hearsay) of conduct code violations will be served consequences accordingly.

The XXXXX High DECA Advisor and Chaperones and a team of other advisors have the discretion to review student behavior violations based on individual circumstances and execute disciplinary action accordingly. Discipline could be as simple as being grounded to the hotel room to as strict as being sent home and/or removed from the Marketing Education Program and/or suspension from school.

By signing below, I am stating that I have read the above guidelines and that myself and my student understands and agree to follow them accordingly. I also understand and agree that if the advisor deems it necessary to send my student home, I will provide transportation to/from the hotel to pick-up my student at the advisors/chaperones request.




CTE Administrator ______Date______

Student Name printed ______