v Members car of the month
Owner: Barry Kemp.
Colour is metallic green with green leather interior. It’s in totally original & excellent condition.
v President’s Comments
Thanks to the members who participated in the All American day at Flemington.
It was great to see so many members representing us.
The recognition keeps coming with the organising committee presenting us with club of the show award, which wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Eric, Kerryn, John Roberts and the committee members.
Our club is growing rapidly with several new members joining in the past few weeks.
Keep our classics rolling, Gary Tyley.
v Monthly Meeting, Mountain View Hotel, Bridge Rd. Richmond
Minutes - Meeting opened at 8.05pm on the 14th April.
Present - Gary, Kerryn, John R, Jim, Keith and Michelle, Bruce and Angie, Phil, Steve and Ben.
Apologies - Eric and Kevin.
We have been inundated with new members recently and also with a lot of interest in our Club.
The All American Day Sunday 6th April.
We had the best roll up of members for the day, and also won the Best Club Display voted by the AOMC, very proud of the trophy. Gary will bring along the trophy to the meetings to hand to another member each month.
Brocky's Big Day Out 13th April.
A very quiet day, not as organised as other years, also there was apparently a lot of friction in the Brock Club.
Gary thanks those who attended.
Future activities -
Need for Feed - Pakenham Racecourse on 26th and 27th April.
Keilor Car Show - Sunday 4th May.
Federation Square - 25th May.
Southbank - Kerryn to contact and organize a day for June, July or August, a great venue to promote 'Born in the USA.'
Winter Function -
Nick Marios of Ballarat is going to organize a Club day to cruise to Ballarat and Visit Ron McLean of All American Auto Parts and check out his amazing cars.
Changing Venue -Northern Suburbs?
Kerryn to check out future venues, discussed are Manningham, Henry Barkly, Grandview.
Lago Restaurant -
Gary and Kerryn joined up with the Thunderbirds and also met and did some liaison work with the Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds, it was a very good night.
Meeting Closed 8.35pm.
v Future Events
v Keilor Car Show - Sunday 4th May.
At the historic Keilor hotel, Old Calder highway, Keilor [Melways – 14J6]
Gates open for display cars between 0730 + 0830, spectators at 0900, show closes at 1330hrs, entry fee is $15:00 for a display vehicle including all passengers.
Spectators admission is $5:00, kids under 16 free, $300:00 cash prize for peoples choice award, food and refreshments available, plus held in conjunction with the Keilor Rotary market, the event is also sponsored by Rotary, to support the north west farmers drought relief effort.
v LMCCV has been provided display space at Federation Square:
Sunday 25th May 2008
LMCC has been provided display space at Federation Square, the display is in the forecourt area in Flinders St (closest to the Russell St corner).
v Club News and Updates
Eric had great club event with the Rolls Royce and fellow members, for a drive around in the Barossa Valley wine district, with some fringe benefits perhaps.
As the cooler to ‘freezing’ months creep up on us, the clubs’ events dwindle a bit, but there certainly are some persistent and hardy members out there that love a chat and a drink or two.
The Need For Feed event at the Pakenham racecourse was a medium turn out for both exhibitors of cars / trucks / utes’ / tractors and spectators as well, again the chill may have had a factor in that, I think it was probably the plethora of footy games on the go all the long weekend.
We had 8 members turn up and 7 cars including the [in]-famous ‘dealem’ and Eric’s green machine, plus Ryan’s as mentioned later on, the spectators certainly enjoy a good paint job or two, as well as doing a Kennedy impersonation.
So if in need of a photo shoot or even a video spread, with or with out the Rodder’s Life people turning up, Gary and Kerryn will certainly be happy to have someone to relate to and or put up the display tent, thanks again folks.
The club has a few new members lately, they are;
Bruce and Angie Wakefield
Nick Marios
Stephen Marshall
Ryan Lednar
Ryan Lednar’s Lincoln was purchased in 1991 at a Shannons auction, the advertisement read as follows;
“The ultimate US cruiser, a very special car with custom Mark III front. Finished in Onyx black duco, matching black interior and contrasting white power operated soft top.
Comes with all power options including tilt steer. This is the preferred presidential limousine of the 1960’s.”
Ryan’s Dad bought the car as part of his collection, unfortunately he passed away in 2003. The car sat in the garage for the next 4 years, Ryan was too scared of it’s size and power. About 3 months after my 18th Birthday, Ryan’s uncle got in the car with him and said DRIVE. From that day on whenever the sun is up and the sky is clear, the car comes out.
Cruising around with the roof down and with ‘P’ plates, certainly does attract a lot of attention.
Ryan works part time just to basically pay for the fuel when he takes her out, but heck it’s worth it. Ryan loves every minute of it and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. ‘She’s my “Land Yacht”, that holds very dear memories’.
Ryan has quite a car, it’s really quite long for a whole heap of reasons, see if you can spot them from the photo;
v Our Web Site
If you have car parts or cars that you would like to sell, please let Eric Hill know so we can advertise them on the web site, with as much detail as possible for potential buyers.
v Executive Committee
Gary Tyley President, Lincoln Mercury Car Club . Victoria
0394310462 - 0412045556
John Hull Vice President, Lincoln Mercury Car Club . Victoria
Eric Hill Treasurer, Lincoln Mercury Car Club . Victoria
Kerryn Doorbar
Secretary, Lincoln Mercury Car Club . Victoria
v P.S.
If there is news or items of interest that club members would want to have published in the newsletter and or the web site, please feel free to send me [John Roberts], the details of your content, my email address is;
LMCCV Newsletter 28/04/2008