Application for Extension to Scope of Existing Certification
Reason for extension of scope:
Increased land area
Additional organic standard - COR
New processes / products
Organic Number:
Renewal Expiry Date:
Business/Company Name:
Surname:First Names:
Telephone No:Mobile:
Fax No: E-mail:
Postal Address:
Physical Property Location (if different to above address):
Please identify any new off site storage or sublicensee operations to be used, include physical property locations as a result of the extension to scope
New Product(s) Anticipated To Be Grown / Farmed / Processed
Are the Products produced intended to be sold directly for Export or indirectly as an ingredient into an export market product. This may be via a packhouse, wholesaler or dairy company. Or is your produce for the Domestic Market only. (If ExportState countries e.g. USA, EU, Taiwan, Korea and Japan etc).
Is your produce destined for Regulated export markets Yes
Under which standard(s) is/are this new/existing product(s) included?
Canada Organic Regime – CAN/CGSB-32.310-2006 & CAN/CGSB-32.311-2006
Which COR Category(ies) will the extension of scope include?
(either mark applicable one or delete non-applicable categories)
crop production;
livestock production;
grain production;
maple syrup production;
specialized production ( bee-keeping, etc);
food processing;
subsequent packaging (labelling modification following an operation of breaking down or regrouping on products already certified);
Total Area Of Property (Primary Producers only): ha
Includes organic and non organic hectares.
Total Area For Organic Registration (Primary Producers only):ha
Ensure this Area is highlighted on the map.
Land Valuation Nos:
Extension To Scope Audit Fee:Additional $500 for COR certification(GST exclusive)
(to be completed by AsureQuality)
I/we agree to carry out my operations in accordance with AsureQuality Limited’s Organic Standard or nominated standard and accept, in the event of infringements, implementation of measures as referred to in Section 7.5 of the AsureQuality NZ Organic Standard. The Standard Terms and Conditions of certification have been acknowledged. I/we agree to participate in the Unannounced Audit Programme as a condition of registration with AsureQuality Ltd. Agreed:
Signed (Customer): ______Date:______
For AsureQuality: ______Date: ______
If the extension of scope is for Canada also complete the following:
I confirm that I wish to gain registration under Canadian Organic Regime and will maintain compliance to CAN/CGSB-32.310-2006 & CAN/CGSB-32.31-2006 and inform AsureQuality of any issues that may arise which could affect this registration.
Signed (Customer): ______Date:______
Please return this form with Management Plan to:
AsureQuality Limited, Organic Certification, Private Bag 14946, Panmure, Auckland
Or email to:
V3Oct 2011