eMINTS National Center
Topic: Introduction
Teacher Name: Dr. Peterson
Teacher Grade: 5th Grade
Standards (South Dakota State Standard):5.US.2.3 Compare and contrast social, economic, and philosophical differences between the North and the South.
What concepts do you want students to understand after completing this lesson?
The students will learn about the causes of the Civil War.
Essential Question:
What factors influence people to settle elsewhere?
Criteria for Success (How will you know students have gained the understanding of the concepts?):
Completing a Civil War Scavenger Hunt and completing a web and a one-page writing project.
Resources (What resources will you and your students use?):
KWL Chart, book - You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Civil War Soldier – A War You’d Rather Not Fight, Scavenger Hunt,
Learner Diversity (What diverse learner needs do you need to consider when selecting resources, grouping students or planning the culminating project? Are there any special considerations such as assistive technologies or second-language learning to take into account?)
I will pair ELL students, ADHD students, students with learning disabilities with another student that can help them out as they complete the scavenger hunt.
I will assign an easier final project to students with learning disabilities – i.e., a shorter book than the ABC book, not as many slides in the PowerPoint or Photo Story project.
Engage: (Anticipatory Set)
Capture the students’ attention, stimulate their thinking and help them access prior knowledge.
Today students we are going to begin a unit on the Civil War. Who knows what the words “Civil War” means? (write words on board)
Civil War means a war between people of the same country. (Show vocabulary word on slide)
(Show a map of the United States in 1861 – on slide) The Civil War in the US started in 1861. How many years ago was that? (Students do math problem on board 2010-1861 = 149 years ago.)
(Show KWL chart – on slide) What do you already know about the Civil War? Let’s list some things on this KWL chart. i.e., The Civil War was between the Northern States and the Southern States.
What would you like to learn about the Civil War? (Give some suggestions if there are no responses – life of a soldier, how many died, etc.
I am going to read you a book now about the Civil War called You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Civil War Soldier – A War You’d Rather Not Fight
In your next activity, a scavenger hunt, you will learn more about the Civil War and the battles, generals, and important people that were involved in the war.
Explore: (Research)
Give students time to think, plan, investigate and organize collected information.
How many of you know what a scavenger hunt is? (Show Scavenger Hunt you created)
Today students you will be completing a Civil War scavenger hunt using the Internet to learn the causes of the war. I will assign each of you a partner to work with. I will hand out the scavenger hunt paper to each of you and you will work with your partner to find the answers. Each group of two will work on one computer and you will take turns controlling the computer mouse. If you have questions, raise your hand and I will help you. When you are finished with the scavenger hunt, choose a book on the Civil War and read it while the other students are finishing their scavenger hunt.
After the scavenger hunt is completed a short video will be shown – “War Between the States.” This will be a review of what the students have learned about the Civil War.
Explain: (Writing)
Involve students in an analysis of their explorations. Use reflective activities to clarify and modify their understanding.
Today class you will be creating a web showing the causes of the Civil War. (Show on slide)
When you have completed the web you will write a one-page paper about the causes of the Civil War using the web you created.
Elaborate: (Project)
Give students the opportunity to expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and/or apply it to a real-world situation.
UNIT PROJECT: over the course of the seven lesson plans, the students will choose one project to complete on their own.
- ABC Book on the Civil War (instructions on slide)
- A Photo Story 3 project on the Civil War (instructions on slide)
- A PowerPoint project on the Civil War (instruction on slide)
Evaluate throughout the lesson. Present students with a scoring guide at the beginning. Scoring tools developed by teachers (sometimes with student involvement) target what students must know and do. Consistent use of scoring tools can improve learning.
The students will be evaluated on the completion of the scavenger hunt with all the correct answers. They will also be evaluated on the web they created and the one-page paper they will write. A rubric will be used to evaluate the paper.
A rubric will be used for each of the three projects that students have a choice to complete.
(rubric on slide)