TO:Administrative Commission March 27, 2009
FROM:Lisa Shirley
SUBJECT:Report from March 26, 2009Meeting
YES / NOGwladys Keating / x
MickeyThigpen / x
DavidSmith / x
Emilie Wagner / x
AlanWright / x
ChrisLawson / x
Gene Francis / x
Laura Hull / x
P.A.L.S / YES / NO
BobBruce / x
JeffDeaton / x
GeorgeHoyt / x
Schedule of PALs for reporting at monthly Session Meetings.
January – Chris Lawson
February – George Hoyt
March – Jeff Deaton
April – Mickey Thigpen
May – Bob Bruce
June –
July – Chris Lawson
August – George Hoyt
September – Jeff Deaton
October –
November – Bob Bruce
December –
Lisa Shirley, Lori Haupt, Brandon Williams, Michael Hayes,and Rick Peacockwere also in attendance for this meeting. A quorum was present for this meeting.
Welcome/Prayer – The meeting opened with prayer at 1:00 p.m. The Commission then considered the following items:
Review of Weekly Bulletin – Standing Item
Pastor’s Pick – Standing Item
April 5 – Reynolda SOYConference/May 9 Reynolda OutreachCore Values
April 12Student Small Group Ministry
April 19 –College Ministry and Study Hall NeedsImmersion Baptism scheduled for May 31
April 26 – Capital CampaignCareNets
May 2 – Reynolda Outreach/Larry ReavisGreeters for next quarter (April – June)
* New Items
May 17 Celebration – Standing Item – Jan Rice, Steve Wilder and Treva Thigpen will be working together
to help plan activities for this celebration.
* Front lot – parking - Friday-Saturday, March 27-28, 6:00 p.m.-until – Summit Auction – Mickey
* Reynolda House requests using our parking lot Sunday afternoon, March 29, beginning at 2:00 p.m. They
are having a community open house - Approved
* Student Ministries requests use of the Chapel on Saturday, May 2nd 9:00 -11:30 am for a Parenting
Workshop on Discipline with guest speaker Dr Bill Satterwhite. Calendar is clear. Would need seating
for90 and one 6-foot table in the back corner. They will tear it down to coffee house set-up. - Approved
* Chi Rho Concert poster – request to post - Approved
* William Eavenson has requested use of the Johnston building on Saturday, April 18th from 11a-3p for
a lunch with the members of Chi Rho and their families. They are expecting around 75 people and want
to use the big room to have their lunch and time of fellowship. They do not need the usage of any other
church facilities. However, they will need tables and chairs for 75 and plan to do their own set up
and cleanup.The lunch will be catered from an outside source. (Same day as Shame Off
You Conference – but Johnston Building is not being used). - Approved
Long-Range Planning - 2009
-Easter Sunrise Service at 6:00 a.m. – followed by breakfast, a 9:00 service, and an11:00 a.m. service with
1.Construction Issues – Standing Item
- Computer System – Standing item
2.Budget – Standing Item
3.Church Processes – Standing Item
4.Leadership Lifter – Standing Item
5.Request for Office Space - Tabled
6.Church Directory
Shelby Systems has the ability to produce a pictorial directory but E-Directory, and Pose and Print, would have to be purchased and there is a $299 yearly fee involved. Instant Directory is on online directory which only charges a one-time $60 fee. George will continue to investigate other options.
Residential Shred, LLC, offers free shredding services to churches. Locked bins will be placed in the Harper House and in Tina Whitman’s office. Documents to be shredded are placed in the bins and when they are full Residential Shred comes and shreds the documents. These are for church documents only.
8.Church Bus
Rick Peacock has Vehicle Checklist, Driver’s Vehicle Report, and Church Bus Pre-Trip Inspection forms ready for groups who will be using the church bus. These forms will help document bus usage and any repairs needed or damage received.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Shirley
March 26, 2009