Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University
Preferred Application and Operations Guide
for Foreign Students
Atfirst please enter toaddress.
View-1 will appear on your screen.If you applied before through the system (UBS) (if you applied before YÖS etc.),enter your User Name and Password and then click “Entrance Button”, if your application is new click to “Sign Up Button” and Prospective Student Recordswill appear on your screen (Şekil-2).
At the Prospective Student Records screen (View-2) fill all the required areas. The definitions are below;
Uyruğu: Nationality
TC Kimlik NO: YU Number
Pasaport NO: Passport Number
Adı: Name
Soyadı: Surname
Cinsiyeti: Gender
Medeni Hali: Marital Status
Anne Adı: Mother Name
Baba Adı: Father Name
Doğum Yeri: Birth Place
Doğum Tarihi: Birthday
Kan Gurubu: Blood Group
ePosta Adresi: e-mail address
Ülke: Country
Şehir: City
Sabit Tel: Home Phone Number
Cep Tel: Mobile Phone
Adres: Address
Make sure that you entered the correct information.
After entering the information, click the “Sign up Button”. By clicking it a “User Name” and “Password” will be sent to your e-mail address.Be care of that the mail can be sent to your Spam box.
If you get user name before please do not try to get a new one. If you forgot your user name or password send a mail to .
After you get your user name and password enter the system through.
On the screen enter your “User Name” and “Password” and then click the “Entrance Button” (View-3).
By entering the system a screen will seen as in the View-4.
Click the “Preferences Button” and open the “Application Panel”.
View-5 is the panel where you make your preferences;
1. Sınav (Exam): Choose your exam.
2. Sonuç Tarihi (Exam Date): Write here your exam date. If you apply with a high school degree, please write your graduation date here.
3. Sonuç (Result): Enter you exam score here. If you apply with your high school degree, write your graduation grade.
4. Tercihler (Preferences): Choose the desired programs that you want. For this, click each programs check box.
5. Belge Ekle (Upload Document): At here you upload your document.By clicking “Upload Document” buttonthe documents can be uploaded here (View-6).
Click the “Upload Button” and choose the name of the document that you will upload.A panel will open for choosing your document on at your computer. (The document must be in jpeg, png, gif formats and at maximum 3 megabyte big). Choose your document at your computer, write information about our document and click the “Send” button (View-7).
Your uploaded document will be seen on the panel. Be sure that the document’s “Use at Application Check Box” is signed there for we will use it at your application. If you need to see your document, click “Show Button”.
Document which are required to be uploaded during the application process:
a) Passport pages including nationality and names should be uploaded.
b) ID Card of citizens of The Republic Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and those citizens who have double nationalitywith one of the nationalities is The Republic of Turkey should be uploaded.
c)Exam Scores Document should be uploaded.
(e.g. :
i)Turkish or English translation of the Document representing the GPA if the application is supported via high school Diploma;
ii)A-Level Certificate if the application is supported via GCE;
iii)The Degree Certification Document if the application is supported via a degree ininternational science Olympiads)
d)The Original Copy of High School Diploma should be uploaded.
e)Translation of the Diploma / Equivalency Certificate of graduated high school with those ones in The Republic of Turkey (except those applicants who have graduated from a high school of The Republic of Turkey or Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) should be uploaded.
f)Turkish or English translation of Transcript, which represents all courses with grades during the high school education, should be uploaded (if the application is supported via high school diploma or if the applicant is a citizen of The Republic of Turkey or has double nationality with one of the nationalities is The Republic of Turkey).
g)Other documents that support your situation (e.g. document which represents the GCE score of the applicant will be available by the end of August).
Please check out your documents and then click “Save” button.You can print your application via clicking “Printing Preferences Button”. This is just information for you; you don’t need to post it to us.
For the YÖS result click “YÖS Result Form”. Be sure of having Adobe Reader at your computer (View-8).