Introduction to scientific methodology research
1. Information about the program
1.1 Higher education institution / Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca1.2 Faculty / of Economics and Business Administration
1.3 Department / Economics
1.4 Field of study / Accounting, Economics and International Business, Finance, Management
1.5 Study cycle / Bachelor
1.6 Specialization/Program of study / CIGE, EAIE, FBE, MGE
2. Information about the discipline
2.1 Discipline title / Introduction to scientific methodology research2.2 The holder of the course activities / Associate Professor Mihaela ROVINARU ,PH.D
2.3 The holder of the seminar activities / Associate Professor Mihaela ROVINARU ,PH.D
2.4 Year of study / II / 2.5 Semester / III / 2.6 Type of assessment / summative / 2.7 Discipline regime / OP
3. Total time estimated (hours per semester of teaching)
3.1 Number of hours per week / 3 / From which: 3.2 course / 2 / 3.3 seminar/laboratory / 13.4 Total hours of curriculum / 42 / From which: 3.5 course / 28 / 3.6 seminar/laboratory / 14
Time distribution / Hours
Study after textbook, course support, bibliography and notes / 8
Additional documentation in library, on specialized electronic platforms and on the field. / 8
Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports. / 10
Tutoring / 2
Examinations / 3
Others activities......
3.7 Total hours for individual study / 33
3.8 Total hours per semester / 75
3.9 Number of credits / 3
4. Preconditions (if necessary)
4.1 Of curriculum /- The courseassumes knowledgeofbasic elementsof thehistory of economics,microandmacroeconomics,law andeconomiclaw, management, ethics andintellectual property.
4.2 Of skills /
- Not the case.The course ismainlycreditedtothe firstprofessionalcompetence, C1.
5. Conditions (if necessary)
5.1. For conducting the course /- Projector.
5.2. For conducting seminar/laboratory /
- Not the case.
6. Specific skills acquired
Professional skills /- Familiarity of the students with the stages and strategies of the scientific economic research, with the rational analysis of the economic processes and phenomena, increasing competiveness and the quality of the scientific projects and activities.
- Learningandskillsdevelopment for writingessays, reports, documentsfor analysis.
- Learningandskillsdevelopment for writing diploma, master and doctorate thesis.
- Knowledge ofthe bibliographicsystemsand of the methods of accessingdata fromnational and internationalnetworks.
Transversal skills /
- Applyingthe doctrine andprofessional ethicsinthe execution ofinterdisciplinaryeconomic analysis.
- Revealing thefunctionalroleof the economic scientificresearch with the purpose ofcompleting the study programme and the development of the bachelor, master and doctoral thesis.
7. Course objectives(arising from grid of specific skills acquired)
7.1 General objective of the discipline /- The development ofscientific research skills through interdisciplinaryconnectionwiththeoretical and practicaldisciplines.
7.2 Specific objectives /
- Knowledge of the notional and conceptual system of the economics.
- Harmonization of scientific research with international and European requirements.
- Knowledge of the regulationsandeconomicrequirements of themodernscientific research.
8. Contents
8.1 Course / Teaching methods / Observations- Conceptual boundaries and preliminary benchmarks. The role of the economic research methodology in the business activity.
study of these contents to be done in the established order.
It is recommended that the study should be based upon a minimal bibliography indicated for each content.
It is recommended the participation to discussions based upon the theoretical aspects namely the papers presentedateach session..
- Formation, evolution and development of the economic system.
- Stagesand dynamics ofscientific research.Conductingresearchworkin economics. Optionsand directionsofcontemporaryscientificresearch.
- Reports, case studies, analysis, economic and financialexpertise. European requirements and models.
- Operational scientific techniques and strategies. The role of bachelor, master and doctoral thesis.
- The development of scientific text. Incorporation elements of scientific text.
- Intellectual property and copy right. European and international regulations. European Union and Romanian legislation in the field of intellectual property.
- Foundation and presentation of scientific works and reports.Rationalescientific discourseineconomic research.
- Chelcea, Septimiu, Cum redactăm o lucrare de licenţă, o teză de doctorat, un articol ştiinţific în domeniul ştiinţelor socioumane, Bucureşti, , 2007.
- Constantinescu, N.N., Probleme ale metodologiei de cercetare în ştiinţa economică, Bucureşti, Ed. Economică, 1998.
- Ferréol, Gilles, Flageul, Noël, Metode şi tehnici de exprimare scrisă şi orală, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2007.
- Florescu, Stela Margartea, Managementul cercetării ştiinţifice, Bucureşti, Ed. ASE, 2006.
- Henning, Jean-Luc, Apologia plagiatului, Bucureşti, Ed. Art, 2009.
- Isoc, Dorin, Managementul proiectelor de cercetare. Proiecte cu finanţare publică internaţională. Capitalizarea şi gestiunea proprietăţii intelectuale. Ghid practic, Cluj-Naopca, ed. Risoprint, 2007.
- Lumperdean, Ioan, Matiş, Dumitru, Mustaţă, Răzvan, Ghid privind elaborarea şi prezentarea lucrările de licenţă şi disertaţie,
- Matiş, Dumitru, Mustaţă, Răzvan, , Ghidul pentru elaborarea şi prezentarea referatelor de doctorat,
- Popescu, Constantin, Ciucur, Dumitru, Răboacă, Gheorghe, Iovan, Daniela, Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice economice, Bucureşti, Ed. ASE, 2006.
- Rădulescu, Şt. Mihaela, Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice. Elaborarea lucrărilor de licenţă, masterat, doctorat, Bucureşti, Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2006.
- Saunders, Mark, N.K., Lewis, Philip, Thornhill, Adrian, Research Methods for Business Students, Pearson Education Limited, 2000.
- Şerbănescu, Andra, Cum se scrie un text, Iaşi, Ed. Polirom,, 2007.
- Todoran, Horea, Bora, Tudor, Prezentări multimedia ştiinţifice în MS Power Point. Teorie, concepte, realizare, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Fundaţiei pentru Studii Europene, 2007.
- Zaiţ, Dumitru, Spalanzani, Alin, Cercetarea în economie şi management. Repere epistemologice şi metodologice, Bucureşti, Ed. Economică, 2006.
8. 2 Seminar/laboratory / Teaching methods / Observations
- Establish thematic universe of the scientific papers.
- Scientific documentation.
- Knowledge of the data basis.
- Public proposal debate.
- Avramescu, A., Cândea, V., Introducere în documentarea ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, Ed. Academiei, 1960.
- Berceanu, B. Radu, Panaitescu, Iulian, Prezentarea lucrărilor ştiinţifice. Metodologia activităţii autorului, Bucureşti, Ed. Ştiinţifică, 1968.
- Chelcea S, Metodologia cercetării sociologice. Metode cantitative şi calitative. ediţia 3-a, Ed. Economica, Bucureşti, 2007.
- Grawitz, Madeleine, Méthodes des sciences sociales, Paris, Ed. Dalloz, 1993.
- Lumperdean, Ioan, Introducere în istoria economiei de piaţă, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2002.
- Nechita Vasile, Cum elaborăm lucrarea de licenţă şi disertaţia de masterat. Ghid practic, Satu Mare, 2007.
- Rad, Ilie, Cum se scrie un text ştiinţific, Iaşi, Ed. Polirom, 2008.
- Schumpeter, Joseph A., History of Economic Analysis, New York, 1954.
- Schuwer, Philippe, Tratat practic de editare, Timişoara, Ed. Amarcord, 1999.
- Şerbănescu, Andra, Cum gândesc şi cum vorbesc ceilalţi. Prin labirintul culturilor , Iaşi, Ed. Polirom, 2007
9. Corroboration / validation of the discipline content according to the expectations of the epistemic community representatives, of the ones of the professional associations and also of the representative employers of the corresponding program.
The discipline provides the conceptual and methodological universe for students in order to develop and sustain bachelor and dissertation thesis and in viewof those whowant to engageindoctoral studies, in what concerns advanced scientific research regarding the knowledge of the methodological literature in what concerns the de development of studies, reports, papers and scientific competence for the public and private sector from Romania and European Union. It is the way to knowledge and familiarity with scientific research answering the phrase: "I have never seensomeone who isperfectin the artand techniqueof researchother thanengaging inresearch." (Jerome Bruner, About Knowledge, 1962). It opens the way to individual and team scientific research, for the formation and implication of human capital in institutionalized scientific work.10. Evaluation
Type of activity / 10.1 Evaluation criteria / 10.2 Methods of assessment / 10.3 Share in final grade10.4 Lecture / The content and the form of the essay, the way of identifying and exploit the bibliographical support, the way of presenting the scientific paper, the way of assuming the role within a team task, answers to the questions proposed. / Interactivity within the teaching activities.
Interactivity through answers and questions, case studies, development of scientific projects. / 20%.
Grades from 1 to 10.
10.5 Seminar/laboratory / Active participation during seminars. / Answers to the questions related to scientific research.
Project development, support, argumentation and presentation during seminars.. / 50%
10.6 Minimum standard of performance
- The development of a scientific project.
Date of completion Signature of the course holder,
06.03.2017 Associated Professor Mihaela Rovinaru, PhD.
Signature of seminar holder,
Associated Professor Mihaela Rovinaru, PhD.
Signature of the Head of the Department,
Senior lecturer Elena-Dana BAKO, PhD
Approval date by department
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.