Male FemaleDate of Birth (d/mm/yr)Position
/ La / Dominant
b / X / Influential
c / X / Steady
d / Compliant
/ L /M
/ L1 / Behaving compassionately towards others / 13 / Taking control when a situation calls for it
Persuading others to your point of view / Being the centre of attention
Showing modesty in describing your achievements / Helping other people when you can
Producing original ideas / Avoiding unnecessary risks
2 / Receiving attention from other people / 14 / Taking care to get things exactly right
Working together with others to achieve an aim / Refusing to accept defeat
Standing up for your rights / Making a difference to other people
Showing affection in personal relationships / Giving others the benefit of the doubt
3. / Knowing when to admit defeat / 15 / Volunteering to help others
Trying out new experiences / Enjoying your work
Remaining loyal to your friends / Reaching a compromise solution when you can
Being thought entertaining by others / Approaching problems in a dynamic and original way
4. / Listening to new ideas with an open mind / 16 / Expecting things to turn out for the best
Being ready to make a sacrifice for others / Sympathizing with others' problems
Showing determination in achieving a goal / Dealing calmly with difficult situations
Maintaining a cheerful outlook / Demanding high standards
5 / Having other people enjoy your company / 17 / Maintaining a standard of self-discipline
Taking pains to achieve precise detail / Being ready to forgive others
Standing up for your views and opinions / Making sure others understand your point of view
Remaining calm and even-tempered / Seeing a task through to the end
6 / Keeping a competitive edge over others / 18 / Setting a standard for others to look up to
Taking time to think about other people's needs / Being kind and thoughtful
Maintaining a happy and optimistic view of life / Knowing when to accept defeat
Keeping on good terms with as many people as possible / Having a forceful personality
7 / Explaining things precisely when required / 19 / Having respect for other people
Following the rules at all times / Being ready to try new approaches to a problem
Being in control of your life / Being confident in the company of others
Deriving enjoyment from everything you do / Always taking others' points of view into account
8 / Being ready to take risks when required / 20 / Being prepared to confront others when necessary
Communicating in an inspiring way / Adapting well to new situations
Accepting your lot in life / Having a calm and relaxed approach to life
Preserving the status quo / Generating a light-hearted atmosphere
9 / Enjoying the company of other people / 21 / Trusting other people
Accepting faults in others / Being satisfied with your place in life
Being sure of your own abilities / Maintaining a positive approach
Avoiding confrontational situations / Trying to avoid conflict
10 / Taking full advantage of opportunities / 22 / Being liked by other people
Being receptive to new ideas / Maintaining a wide general knowledge
Being friendly and cordial whenever possible / Approaching problems with vigor and zest
Behaving in a moderate, restrained way / Accepting faults in other people
11 / Expressing ideas to other people / 23 / Being regarded as good company
Maintaining a self-disciplined approach / Ensuring that your work is accurate
Following convention where possible / Speaking out on matters that are important to you
Making decisions and standing by them / Employing restraint and self-control
12 / Presenting a polished and professional image / 24 / Completing tasks as quickly as possible
Not being afraid to cause offence / Adopting a neighborly attitude
Avoiding hurting other people's feelings / Having a wide circle of friends
Being happy in your work / Approaching problems in a systematic way