MAT 102 – Intermediate Algebra


Semester Spring 2017

Catalog Course Description:This course includes the study of linear systems and applications; quadratic expressions, equations, functions and graphs; and rational and radical expressions and functions.

Prerequisite(s): MAT 101, RDG 032 or Appropriate Assessment Score

Credit Hours:3.0 Credit Hours

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Office: Patrick Harley



Campus Mailbox: 4th Floor, LET, Math Office

Personal Website:

Departmental Assistant: Mitzi Trigg – – 803-738-7689

Department Chair: Rick Bailey – – 803-738-7689

Program Coordinator: Rose Jenkins – – 803-822-3351

Class Schedule[s]: Mat 102 B55, MW 7:35-9:00

Textbook(s):Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, by George Woodbury Addison Wesley, Custom Edition for MTC

Equipment: Graphing calculator, TI-84 or TI-84+

General Education Core Competency Statement:Programs may use this course to meet the general education core competency of mathematics.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Solve systems of linear equations involving two or three variables and use the techniques developed to solve problems.
  2. Solve various types of equations and inequalities (including but not limited to linear, absolute value, and quadratic).
  3. Use interval notation to write the solution of an inequality.
  4. Use function notation to evaluate various types of functions (including but not limited to polynomial, quadratic, and radical).
  5. Solve problems by identifying what information is available and relevant to the problem.
  6. Solve problems by selecting or developing appropriate procedures and relationships.
  7. Solve problems by correctly applying the methods selected to the information available.
  8. Solve problems by verifying the validity and appropriateness of the solution.

On Campus Course Attendance:

ABSENCE -Failure to be present for a scheduled meeting of the class or arriving for the class more than ten minutes after the scheduled time for the class to begin.

TARDY --- Arrival to class after the instructor has called the roll and before ten minutes past the time scheduled for the class to begin.

  1. Absences are counted from the first day of classes.
  2. Two absences are allowed for a class that twice per week.
  3. Threetardies are considered as one absence. The student must meet with the instructor at the end of the class to which he has been late to have the absence changed to a tardy.
  4. There are no "excused" absences; all absences are counted, regardless of the reason for the absence.
  5. A student missing class time by leaving early will also be counted absent.

Withdrawal: Should the maximum allowable absences be exceeded prior to midterm, a "W" will be submitted to the registrar to be recorded on the student's transcript. Should the maximum allowable absences be exceeded after midterm, a "W" will be submitted to the registrar if the student was passing the course at the time of withdrawal OR a "WF" will be submitted if the student was failing the course at the time of withdrawal.

Course Grading:The course grading will consist of 5 tests, and one HW grade.. In addition, there will be a cumulative final exam. One test may be dropped,. Thus, there will be 6 grades, equally weighted, at the conclusion of the course. The average of these grades will determine your grade following the scale below.

Grading Scale:

90-100ASuperior Work

80-89BGood Work

70-79CAverage Work

60-69DBelow Average Work

0FUnsatisfactory Work

Classroom Rules/Other:[The general routine of the class will move in three stages: (1) Instructor reviews some homework, (2) instructor lectures on new material, (3) students work problems.

There will be no makeup tests given for this course, unless there is a written doctor's excuse for the absence on the day of the test, and the instructor deems the illness to be serious enough to have warranted missing the test. Death or illness in the family is always a terrible thing, but does not qualify under the rule established here.

In the event of class disruption by a student - the MTC code considers such behavior, on the part of a student, an Honor Violation. According to college policy, the instructor is obligated to: (1) first warn the student that they are committing a violation, (2) ask the student to leave (calling in Campus Security if necessary). I am required, by contract, to remove all disruptive students from the class, and will follow this policy.

MTC policy forbids use of cell phones during class time, or disruption by a student who leaves class to make phone calls. I am required by contract to enforce this policy. If a cell phone is visible during the lecture, the student will be asked to leave class immediately.

Course Topic Outline/Course Calendar with Assignments

Current Week / Topics Covered / Section
Week 1 / A Transition
Linear Equations and Absolute Value Equations / 8.1
Linear Inequalities and Absolute Value Inequalities / 8.2
Graphing Linear Equations and Functions; Graphing Absolute Value Functions / 8.3
Week 2 / Review of Factoring; Quadratic Equations (omit Rational Equations) / 8.4
Week 3 / Rational Expressions and Equations
Rational Expressions and Functions / 7.1
Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions / 7.2
Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions That Have the Same Denominator / 7.3
Week 4 / Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions That Have Different Denominators / 7.4
Complex Fractions / 7.5
Week 5 / Rational Equations / 7.6
Application of Rational Equations / 7.7
Week 6 / Systems of Equations
Systems of Linear Equations; Solving Systems by Graphing / 4.1
Solving Systems of Equations by Using the Substitution Method / 4.2
Week 7 / Solving Systems of Equations by Using the Addition Method / 4.3
Applications of Systems of Equations / 4.4
Week 8 / Systems of Linear Inequalities / 4.5
Radical Expressions and Equations
Square Roots; Radical Notation / 9.1
Week 9 / Rational Exponents / 9.2
Simplifying, Adding, and Subtracting Radical Expressions / 9.3
Week 10 / Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions / 9.4
Radical Equations and Application of Radical Equations / 9.5
Week 11 / The Complex Numbers / 9.6
Quadratic Equations
Solving Quadratic Equations by Extracting Square Roots; Completing the Square / 10.1
Week 12 / The Quadratic Formula / 10.2
Equations that are Quadratic in Form / 10.3
Week 13 / Graphing Quadratic Equations / 10.4
Applications Using Quadratic Equations / 10.5
Week 14 / Functions
Quadratic Functions / 11.3
Departmental Exam

Note: Student Learning Outcome data will be collected on tests and/or other assessments during the fall semester of even numbered years.

PLEASE NOTE: Should change become necessary, the instructor reserves the right to adjust the requirements, pace, or scheduling of this course. Any change will be announced in class before it becomes effective.