Equine Behavior History
Please answer the following questions and send this form (email/fax) back to me. I shall then call to arrange an appointment. Specific questions about the problem behavior(s) will be asked during your visit/telephone call.
General Information
Please circle the statement that best describes how you feel about your cat’s problem(s).
1. I am inquiring about the services, but the problem is not serious.
2. I would like to change the problem, but it is not serious.
3. The problem is serious and I would like to change it, but if it remains unchanged, I will live with the consequences.
4. The problem is very serious and I would like to change it, but if it remains unchanged I will keep my horse.
5. The problem is very serious and I would like to change it; if it remains unchanged I will have my horse euthanized or give him/her up.
Recorder: / ______
Client's name: / ______/ Name of Horse: / ______
Address: / ______/ Breed: / ______
______/ Age: / ______
Zip Code / ______/ Sex: ______/ Color: ______
Home phone: / ______
Work/Day phone: / ______
Email Address / ______
Who is your regular veterinarian:
Dr. / ______Clinic Name: / ______
Address: / ______
Phone: / ______
Fax: / ______
Behavior Problem
What is the main behavior problem or complaint?
Are there additional problems? If so, please list.
When did problem begin?
- When does horse misbehave? How often and under what circumstances?
- Has there been a change in the frequency of appearance of the problem?
- What has been done so far to correct the problem?
B. Horse's environment:
- Type of housing (stall, pasture, run-out shed)?
- Diet?
- Exercise (hrs per wk ridden, hrs per wk in paddock, type of bit used, martingale)?
- Other horses in environment and relations between horses (friendly, aggressive, neutral)?
- Other animals in environment?
C. Early history:
- Why was horse obtained? Is it still used for this purpose?
- Source of animal?
- Age at weaning?
- Age when obtained by present owner?
- Were there previous owners?
- Do related horses have similar problems?
D. Education:
- Age at halter training?
- Method of training to saddle or harness, age when training began?
- Other types of training methods?
driving / jumping / dressage / games / trail riding / cutting
E. Other behavior problems:
- Shying, how often and at what? Any other phobias?
- Head shy?
- Resentful of grooming?
- Aggression towards humans or animals (dogs, cats, cows, etc.)?
- Aggression toward other horses (threatens, strikes, bites, kicks, chases)?
- Misbehavior under saddle (circle appropriate behavior):
moves while rider mounts, / backs in harness, / bucks, / rears,
wants to lead or will only follow other horses, / runs away,
slow to leave and quick to return to barn, / hard to keep on right or left
7. Barn vices (circle appropriate one):
cribs, / chews wood, / paws, / kicks stall8. Sexual behavior: excessive, inadequate, abnormal?
9. Maternal behavior: excessive, inadequate, abnormal?
F. Physical history
- Present medical problems?
- Past medical problems?
- Drug history?
- Results of diagnostic tests?
End of Questionnaire—Thank you!