UCSD Medical Center
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Women & Infant Services / POLICY/PROCEDURE TITLE:Breastfeeding: Newborns (fullterm)
[ ] Medical Center Policy (MCP) [ ] Nursing Practice Stds.
[ ] JCAHO [ x ] Patient Care Stds.
[ ] QA [ ] Other
[ ] Title 22 / [ ] ADMINISTRATIVE [ x ] CLINICAL PAGE 1 OF 6
Effective date: 6/78 Revision date: 6/95, 6/98, 8/00, 10/01, 10/04, 3/05, 3/09
Reviewed date:
Unit/Department of Origin: FMCC
Other Approval:
1. To promote a philosophy of maternal infant care that advocates breastfeeding and supports the normal physiological functions involved in the establishment of this maternal infant process.
2. To assist families choosing to breastfeed with initiating and developing a successful and satisfying experience.
3. This policy is based on recommendations from the most recent breastfeeding policy statements published by the Office on Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the World Health Organization, the American Dietetic Association, and the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, and the UNICEF/WHO evidence-based “Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
Nurses, Lactation Educators/Consultants MDs and NNPs from L&D, FMCC, ISCC and Birth Center
1. UCSD Medical Center staff will actively support breastfeeding as the preferred method of providing nutrition to infants. A multidisciplinary, culturally appropriate team comprising physician and nursing staff, lactation consultants and specialists, nutrition staff, and other appropriate staff shall be established and maintained to identify and eliminate institutional barriers to breastfeeding. On a yearly basis, this group will compile and evaluate data relevant to breastfeeding support services and formulate, along with administrators, a plan of action to implement needed changes.
2. A written breastfeeding policy will be in place and communicated to all health care staff. The UCSD Medical Center policy will be reviewed and updated routinely (biannually) using current research as an evidence-based guide.
3. All pregnant women and their support people, as appropriate, will be provided with information on breastfeeding and counseled on the benefits of breastfeeding, contraindications to breastfeeding, and risk of formula feeding.
4. The woman’s desire to breastfeed will be documented in her medical record.
5. Mothers will be encouraged to exclusively breastfeed unless medically contraindicated. The method of feeding will be documented in the medical record of every infant. Exclusive breastfeeding is defined as providing breast milk as the sole source of nutrition. Exclusively breastfed babies receive no other liquids or solids.
6. At birth or soon thereafter all newborns, if baby and mother are stable, will be placed skin-to-skin with the mother. Skin-to-skin contact involves placing the naked (with diaper and hat) baby prone on the mother’s bare chest. Mother/infant couples will be given the opportunity to initiate breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth. Post cesarean birth babies will be encouraged to breastfeed as soon as possible. The administration of vitamin K and prophylactic antibiotics to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum should be delayed for the first hour after birth to allow uninterrupted mother infant contact and breastfeeding.
7. Breastfeeding mother-infant couples will be encouraged to remain together throughout their hospital stay, including at night (rooming- in). Skin-to-skin contact will be encouraged as much as possible.
8. Breastfeeding assessment, teaching, and documentation will be done on each shift and whenever possible with each staff contact with the mother. After each feeding, staff will document information about the feeding in the infant’s medical record. This documentation may include the latch, position, and any problems encountered. For feedings not directly observed, maternal report may be used. Every shift, a direct observation of the baby’s position and latch-on during feeding will be performed and documented.
9. Mothers will be encouraged to utilize available breastfeeding resources including classes, written materials, and video presentations, as appropriate. If clinically indicated, the clinician or nurse will make a referral to a lactation consultant or specialist.
10. Breastfeeding mothers will be instructed about breastfeeding and the skills reviewed before discharge:
· proper positioning and latch on
· nutritive suckling and swallowing
· milk production and release
· frequency of feeding/feeding cues
· expression of breast milk and use of a pump if indicated
· how to assess if infant is adequately nourished
· reasons for contacting the clinician.
11. Parents will be taught that breastfeeding infants, including cesarean-birth babies, should be put to breast at least 8 to 12 times each 24 hours. Infant feeding cues (such as increased alertness or activity, mouthing, or rooting,) will be used as indicators of the baby’s readiness for feeding. Breastfeeding babies will be breastfed at night.
12. Time limits for breastfeeding on each side will be avoided. Infants can be offered both breasts at each feeding but may be interested in feeding only on one side at a feeding during the early days.
13. No supplemental water, glucose water, or formula will be given unless medically indicated or by the mother’s documented and informed request. Prior to non-medically indicated supplementation, mothers will be informed of the risks of supplementing. The supplement should be fed to the baby by SNS or cup. (See W&IS P&P: Breastfeeding: Supplementation/Alternative Feeding Methods for Newborns) Bottles will not be placed in a breastfeeding infant’s bassinet.
14. UCSD Medical Center does not give group instruction in the use of formula. Those parents who, after appropriate counseling, choose to formula feed their infants will be provided individual instruction.
15. Pacifiers will not be given to well full-term breastfeeding infants. The pacifier guidelines at UCSD Medical Center state that preterm infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care or Special Care Unit or infants with specific medical conditions may be given pacifiers for non-nutritive sucking. Newborns undergoing painful procedures (circumcision, for example) may be given a pacifier as a method of pain management during the procedure. The infant will not return to the mother with the pacifier. UCSD Medical Center encourages “pain-free newborn care,” which may include breastfeeding during the heel stick procedure for the newborn metabolic screening tests.
16. Routine blood glucose monitoring of full term healthy appropriate for gestational age (AGA) infants is not indicated. Assessment for clinical signs of hypoglycemia and dehydration will be ongoing.
17. Drugs to specifically suppress lactation will not be given to any postpartum mother. It is recommended that mothers wait 6 weeks postpartum to receive Depo-Provera, unless the OB team feels it is indicated earlier.
18. Routine use of nipple creams, ointments, or other topical preparations will be avoided unless such therapy has been indicated for a dermatological problem. Mothers with sore nipples will be observed for latch-on techniques and will be instructed to apply expressed colostrum or breast milk to the areola after each feeding.
19. Soft pliable nipple shields may be initiated by nursing to cover a mother’s nipple to treat latch-on problems or manage sore or cracked nipples or when mother has flat or inverted nipples. Nipple shield use will be followed by a lactation consultation.
20. Before 24 hours of life, if the infant has not latched on or fed effectively, the mother will be instructed to begin breast massage and hand expression of colostrum into the baby’s mouth during feeding attempts. Skin-to-skin contact will be encouraged. (Parents will be instructed to watch closely for feeding cues and whenever these are observed to awaken and feed the infant.) If the baby continues to feed poorly, pumping with skilled hand expression or a double set-up electric breast pump will be initiated and maintained approximately every 3 hours or a minimum of eight times per day. Any expressed colostrum or mother’s milk will be fed to the baby by an alternative method. The mother will be reminded that she may not obtain much milk or even any milk the first few times she pumps her breasts. Until the mother’s milk is available, a collaborative decision should be made among the mother, nurse, and clinician regarding the need to supplement the baby. Each day clinicians will be consulted regarding the volume and type of the supplement. Pacifiers will be avoided. In cases of problem feeding, the lactation consultant or specialist will be consulted.
21. Infants that are not latching on or feeding well should not be discharged home. If, after assessment with Lactation and the medical team a safe home discharge plan is agreed upon, this may allow early discharge.
22. All babies should be seen for follow-up within the first few days after discharge. This visit should be with a pediatrician or other qualified health care practitioner for a formal evaluation of breastfeeding performance, a weight check, assessment of jaundice and age appropriate elimination.
23. Mothers who are separated from their sick or premature infants will be seen by lactation consultant before maternal discharge, enrolled in the SPIN program if infant is less than 1500 grams and given a discharge pumping plan, assurance of proper pumping equipment, cooler for milk transport, and appropriate education.
· instructed on how to use skilled hand expression or the double set up electric breast pump;
instructions will include expression at least eight times per day or approximately every 3 hours for 15 minutes (or until milk flow stops, whichever is greater) around the clock and the importance of not missing a pumping session during the night.
· encouraged to breastfeed on demand as soon as the infant’s condition permits.
· taught proper storage and labeling of human milk; and assisted in learning skilled hand expression or obtaining a double set up electric breast pump prior to going home.
24. Before leaving the hospital breastfeeding mothers should be able to:
· position the baby correctly at the breast with no pain during the feeding
· latch the baby to breast properly
· state when the baby is swallowing milk
· state that the baby should be nursed approximately 8 to 12 times every 24 hours until satiety
· state age-appropriate elimination patterns (at least six urinations per day and three to four stools per day by the fourth day of life)
· list indications for calling a clinician
· manual expression of milk from their breasts
25. Prior to going home, mothers will be given the names and telephone numbers of community resources to contact for help with breastfeeding, in the form of the San Diego Breastfeeding Coalition Resource Guide.
26. UCSD Medical Center does not accept free formula or free breast milk substitutes. Discharge bags are sometimes given, but are non-commercial.
27. UCSD Medical Center health professionals will attend educational sessions on lactation management and breastfeeding promotion to ensure that correct, current, and consistent information is provided to all mothers wishing to breastfeed.
28. Breastfeeding is contraindicated in the following situations:
· HIV-positive mother
· Mother using illicit drugs (for example, cocaine, heroin) unless specifically approved by the
infant’s health care provider on a case by case basis
· A mother taking certain medications. Although most prescribed and over-the-counter drugs are
safe for the breastfeeding infant, some medications may make it necessary to interrupt breastfeeding. These include radioactive isotopes, antimetabolites, cancer chemotherapy, and a small number of other medications. The references used at “UCSD Medical Center” are Medications and Mothers’ Milk by Thomas Hale, Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession by R. A. Lawrence and R. M. Lawrence,17 and the American Academy of Pediatrics Statement on the Transfer of Drugs into Human Milk.
· Mother has active, untreated tuberculosis
· Infant has galactosemia
· Mother has active herpetic lesions on her breast(s) —breastfeeding can be recommended on the
unaffected breast (the Infectious Disease Service will be consulted for problematic infectious disease issues)
· Mother with varicella that is determined to be infectious to the infant
· Mother has HTLV1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type 1)
1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: HHS Blueprint for Action on Breastfeeding. 1–31.
Washington, DC, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health, 2000.
2. The American Academy of Pediatrics, Work Group on Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding and the use of
human milk. Pediatrics 100:1035–1039, 1997.
3. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Committees on Health Care for Underserved
Women and Obstetric Practice, Queenan, JT (ed): Breastfeeding: Maternal and Infant Aspects.
Washington, DC, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. ACOG Educational Bulletin,
2000, 1–15.
4. The American Academy of Family Physicians. Family Physicians Supporting Breastfeeding:
Breastfeeding Position Paper 2002. The American Academy of Family Physicians. Compendium of AAFP
positions on selected health issues at http://www.aafp.org/policy/x1641.xml. Kansas City, MO, The
American Academy of Family Physicians, 2002.
5. World Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund: Protecting, promoting and supporting
breastfeeding: The special role of maternity services (A joint WHO/UNICEF statement). Int J Gynecol
Obstet31:171–183, 1990.
6. Position of the American Dietetic Association: Breaking the barriers to breastfeeding. J Am Diet
Assoc101:1213–1220, 2001.
7. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Board of Directors. ABM Mission Statement. www.bfmed.org.
8. WHO/UNICEF Joint Statement. Meeting on Infant and Young Child Feeding. J Nurse-Midwifery25:31–
38, 1980.
9. World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund: Innocenti Declaration on the
Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding. New York UNICEF, 1990.
10. Protocol Committee Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, Cordes R, Howard CR: Clinical Protocol #3:
Hospital Guidelines for the Use of Supplementary Feedings in the Healthy Term Breastfed Newborn.
www.bfmed.org. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, 2002.
11. Howard CR, Howard FM, Lanphear B, et al: Randomized clinical trial of pacifier use and bottle-
feeding or cupfeeding and their effect on breastfeeding. Pediatrics 111:511–518, 2003.
12. Howard CR, de Blieck EA, ten Hoopen CB, et al: Physiologic stability of newborns during cup- and
bottlefeeding. Pediatrics104:1–7, 1999.
13. Marinelli KA, Burke GS, Dodd VL: A comparison of the safety of cup feedings and bottle feedings in