Monthly Board Meeting Minutes 6/7/2016
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Montgomery Township
Baseball and Softball Association
P.O. Box 732
Montgomeryville, PA 18936
Board Meeting
June 7, 2016
8:00 PM – Montgomery Township Community Center
Executive Board Attendance:Brian Ferko,TrevorO'Brien, Mike Simpson, Tony Lauerman, Rick Ray, Eric Pelletier, Tim Lyons
Commissioner/Director Attendance:Rob Smilowitz, Alex Olimpo, John Romeo John Monaghan, Sal Astolfi.
Member Attendance: Jim Bailey, Tracy DiLorenzo, Jason Page
Call to Order –807 PM Trevor O’Brien called to order, seconded Eric Pelletier
Approval of May Minutes –motion to approve minutes byTony Lauerman, seconded byEP. May 2016 minutes approved unanimously.
President Report
- Umpires
- For the most part things have been ok. Please remind coaches and families that these folks are human. Coaches are responsible for the parents conduct of the players on the team.
- Payment process for Fall Ball and Next Season
- Parent/Family Feedback
- Good feedback for the most part for the way things were combined this season. Overall the players have integrated fairly well.
- Pitching machine has been great addition to the league. The power cord worked out quite well.
- Need Snack Stand coverage for the playoffs. Home Team for first half, Away Team for second half of game.
- HRD – express the need to attend the event.
- Thank to everyone for getting through the season.
- Next year – players will need to pay before receiving uniform.
Vice President Admin Report
- Picture Day Recap event ran smoothly – teams on time – Sports Authority was efficient and friendly, SNAP was organized and did a great job with the players and teams. TO suggested having ipads at the event next time to enter online information at the event. SNAP will provide plaques for the sponsors. Parents commented to SNAP personnel about times being difficult with game schedule. May be better to schedule before games start in the spring.
- Home Run Derby – June 18th – rain date June 19th. 745 register first teams. Set up at 6 AM on Saturday. Preliminary schedule is done –will be posted publicly tomorrow June 8. Will create a sign up genius to fill the volunteer spots. Need better volunteers for each of the stations to help provide the rules for the event.
- Participation trophies will be given as they have been before. Awards for all events 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Top three batters will be moving forward.
- Players in minors playing in majors will be assessed at their correct age group.
- Year End Awards
- Equipment orders up to date – monitoring this need as we move forward.
- DJ Farrar next big event after HRD.
- Discounted Phillies tickets will be available at HRD for purchase.
- Volunteers background checks – still a few outstanding.
- SA offered up – after selection to team need to pay rec and travel team. Commit to our travel teams.
Vice President Baseball Report
- All star games are scheduled – all-star shirts available from KampusKlothes
- If want to set up the PA system for all-star games – need to set this up.
- Travel – 12B, 11A, 11B, 10A made the playoffs. Communicate pitching needs to not put REC aside. Want to be ahead of the communication between the travel and rec teams.
- Want the REC to take priority.
- Rec playoffs are being set up.
- Trophies for 1st and 2nd minors and majors.
- Memorial Day Tournament – 11B won the tournament. Congrats to them.
- June 23-24 – 10U tournament.
- DJ Farrar Tournament – some good surprises to be revealed at tournament.
- Skills contest Wednesday
- Games start Thursday
- 12A games at Windlestrae; 12B at Rose Twig
- 9U tournament July 14
Vice President Softball Report
- Season Recap
- Tball/pony done this coming weekend
- Playoffs
- Minors started this week.
- Thoughts for Minors division next year
- Want to stay in house due to issues with North Penn.
Vice President Finance Report
Treasurer Report 32000 in the account. 30000 in cash right now – same place we were last year. Managing expenses well
Snack Stand Report revenue for April/May 10200 revenue – net profit 3800 through end of May
Vice President Fields Report
New liner at W3
Restocked all bins – Rose Twig restocked
CM scoreboard – checking with electrician on that.
Scoreboard at W1 been left on a number of times. Please turn this off.
August 2016– supplier coming to rebuild mound and batters boxes at CM field (W2). Bringing in township maintenance staff to observe how to rebuild the mound.
Tournaments – temp fence along path on W1. Township will replace this. Any specific grass cutting schedule we need before tournaments.
Old Business
Pitching restrictions – Suburban versus travel.
Rec coaches should respect the travel restrictions on pitching.
Discussion had about moving rec playoffs to after the Suburban Travel playoffs.
New Business
Umpires needed for rookie games.
Next Meeting Tuesday July 5, 20168 PM Township Building
Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM Brian Ferkomoved to adjourn. Eric PelletierSeconded.