Thomas F. Braziunas

Distance Learning Program

North Seattle Community College

Seattle, Washington 98103

Home address: 1731 14th Avenue Telephones: Office (206) 527-3619

Seattle, Washington 98122 Home (206) 323-5319

e-mail: Fax (206) 527-3748

College website:

Academic Background

B.A., 1973, Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago

M.S., 1975, Paleontology, State University of New York at Stony Brook

------, 1976, Secondary School Teacher Program, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Ph.D., 1990, Geological Sciences, University of Washington

Professional Experience

Distance Learning Manager -- North Seattle Community College (NSCC) 1997 - present

Responsibilities / Accomplishments:

  • Faculty Training & Support: Instruct faculty through workshop series and individual collaboration on best pedagogical practices in distance teaching and in the design, management, and delivery of high-quality, interactive, effective distance learning courses.
  • Student Support: Support students toward the successful completion of distance learning courses (by providing online resources and learning strategies for distance coursework, accurate information and assistance via telephone, email, website, and/or in-person).
  • Logistical/Technical Support for Online Courses: Provide training in HTML coding, WebCT, e-education, and FrontPage Software; assist in Basic & Fortran programming.
  • Development and Logistical Support for Interactive Television (ITV) Courses:Coordinate with media, instructional and administrative staff to implement interactive communications (ITV) technology for classes shared at several campuses.
  • Assessment of Student Success: Administer, compile and assess survey statistics on student demographics and distance course evaluations to assure quality and effectiveness of offerings.
  • Assessment of College Success: Contributed toward doubling in distance learning enrollments since Fall 1997; prepared distance learning documentation to supplement NSCC accreditation.
  • Website Design: Designed the Virtual College ( website to promote curriculum and provide accurate course schedule / description information.
  • Memberships: Distance Learning Council of Washington State; Curriculum & Academic Standards (CAS) Distance Learning Task Force (co-chair); Strategic Planning Committee; College Technology Committee; Teaching & Learning Center Professional Development Advisory Board; formed DO-IT (Dialogue for Online Instruction & Technology) Group.

Geology Instructor -- South Seattle and North Seattle Community Colleges 1994 - 1998

Responsibilities / Accomplishments (Load: 2-4 courses/quarter):

  • Instructor for Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Dinosaurs, Geography, Oceanography.
  • Design and instruction of Seattle District’s first online laboratory science course (GEOL 101).
  • Development and execution of weekend field trips to Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainier; Eastern Washington; Sucia and Orcas Islands, San Juan Islands; Olympic Mountains; Dungeness Spit; Mt. Erie, Whidbey Island; Seattle Aquarium; Burke Museum; and Univ. Wash. Geology Dept.

 Collaboration with E.S.L. (English as Second Language) program to advise and instruct groups

of E.S.L. students in specific science courses.

 Collaboration with College Success Services on design and instruction of science courses for

physically handicapped students (e.g., blind or deaf).

 Curated and updated department’s fine collection of rocks, minerals, and fossils.

Research Assistant Professor -- University of Washington, Geological Sciences 1993 - 1998

Responsibilities / Accomplishments:

  • Laboratory analysis of 18O/16O samples from Greenland (GISP2) ice core.
  • Spectral analysis/causal interpretation of high-resolution climatic (ice core, tree-ring) series.
  • Global isotopic carbon cycle modeling related to glacial/interglacial climatic transitions.
  • Ice core sampling at the National Ice Core Laboratory, Denver, CO.
  • Investigated atmospheric production of carbon-14, solar variability and climate.
  • Modeled latitudinal variations in atmospheric carbon-14 related to ocean CO2 sources / sinks.
  • Calibration of carbon-14 ages of marine and terrestrial samples back to 30,000 years B.P.

Lecturer in Global Environmental Change Workshops -- University of 1992-1994

Washington, Sea Grant and SET (Science Enhancements for Teachers) Programs

Responsibilities / Accomplishments:

  • Provided current information and interpretation of scientific research for K-12 teachers.
  • Topics included: global environmental issues, atmospheric CO2, the carbon cycle, dinosaur biology, recent asteroid impacts on Jupiter and techniques of carbon-14 dating

Post-doctoral Research Fellow -- Joint Institute for Study of the Atmosphere 1990 - 1993

and Ocean, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington

Responsibilities / Accomplishments:

  • Computer modeling of solar variability and oceanic & atmospheric circulation
  • Interpretation of chemical variations in the atmosphere as indicators of past climate.
  • Solar, geomagnetic, and oceanic signals in annual to millennial variations of isotopic CO2.
  • Transient isotopic carbon modeling for abrupt (Younger Dryas type) and gradual climate rates.

Reviewer For:

 Climate Dynamics, Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal

of Interdisciplinary History, Nature, Quaternary Research, Radiocarbon, Science and Tellus.

Other Activities & Affiliations

  • Memberships: Phi Beta Kappa, American Geophysical Union, American Quaternary Association, Northwest Geology Society
  • Volunteer Math Teacher, The Option Program at Seward Public School (T.O.P.S.)
  • Volunteer Museum Curator, The Burke Memorial Museum, University of Washington
  • Accordianist & Swing Dancer


1972 -- A.T. Anderson, T.F. Braziunas, J. Jacoby, and J.V. Smith, Thermal and mechanical history

of breccias 14306, 14063, 14270, and 14321, Proc. Third Lunar Sci. Conf. 1: 819-835.

1975 -- T.F. Braziunas, A geological duration chart, Geol. Bull. 3: 342-343.

1985 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Compilation of isotopic dates from Antarctica,

Radiocarbon 27: 117-304.

1986 -- M. Stuiver, G.W. Pearson, and T.F. Braziunas, Radiocarbon age calibration of marine

samples back to 9000 cal yr BP, Radiocarbon 28: 980-1021.

1986 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, climatic change

and related tree-ring 13C, Dept. of Energy technical report, 46 pp.

1987 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Tree cellulose 13C/12C isotope ratios and climatic change,

Nature 327: 58-60.

1988 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, The solar component of the atmospheric 14C record, In

Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the Last 10,000 Years, eds. F.R. Stephenson

and A.W. Wolfendale, p. 245-266, Dordrecht, Kluwer.

1989 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Atmospheric 14C and century-scale solar oscillations,

Nature 338: 405-408.

1990 -- T.F. Braziunas, Nature and origin of variations in late-glacial and Holocene atmospheric

14C determined by means of global carbon cycle modeling, Ph.D. dissertation, University

of Washington, 342 pp.

1991 -- M. Stuiver, T.F. Braziunas, B. Becker, and B. Kromer, Climatic, solar, oceanic, and

geomagnetic influences on late-glacial and Holocene atmospheric 14C/12C change,

Quaternary Research 35: 1-24.

1991 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Isotopic and solar records, In Global Changes of the

Past, ed. R.S. Bradley, p.225-244, UCAR/Office for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies,

Boulder, Co.

1991 -- R. Bradley, T. Braziunas, J. Cole, J. Eddy, M. Hughes, J. Jouzel, W. Karlen, K. Kelts,

E. Mosley-Thompson, A. Ogilvie, J. Overpeck, J. Pilcher, N. Rutter, M. Stuiver and T.

Wigley, Global change: The last 2000 years, In Global Changes of the Past, ed. R.S.

Bradley, p.225-244, UCAR/Office for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies, Boulder, Co.

1991 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Carbon isotope labels as mirrors of global change,

14th International Radiocarbon Conference, Abstract, Radiocarbon 33: 248.

1991 -- T.F. Braziunas, I.Y. Fung and M. Stuiver, Oceanic and solar forcing of natural

geographic variations in atmospheric 14C, 14th International Radiocarbon Conference,

Abstract, Radiocarbon 33: 180.

1992 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Evidence of solar activity variations, In Climate Since

A.D. 1500, eds. R.S. Bradley and P.D. Jones, p. 593-605, Unwin Hyman, London.

1993 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Modeling atmospheric 14C influences and radiocarbon

ages of marine samples to 10,000 BC, Radiocarbon 35: 137-189.

1993 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Sun, ocean, climate and atmospheric 14CO2:

An evaluation of causal and spectral relationships, The Holocene 3: 289-302.

1994 -- T.F. Braziunas, Book review: Global Climates Since the Last Glacial Maximum,

Quaternary Research 42: 363.

1995 -- T.F. Braziunas, I.Y. Fung and M. Stuiver, The pre-industrial atmospheric 14CO2

latitudinal gradient as related to exchanges among atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial

reservoirs, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 9: 565-584.

1995 -- M. Stuiver, P.M. Grootes and T.F. Braziunas, The GISP2 18O climate record of the past

16500 years and the role of the sun, ocean, and volcanoes, Quaternary Research 44: 341-54.

1997 – M. Stuiver, T.F. Braziunas, P.M. Grootes, and G.A. Zielinski, Is there evidence for solarforcing of climate in the GISP2 oxygen isotope record? Quaternary Research 48: 259-266.

1998 -- M. Stuiver and T.F. Braziunas, Anthropogenic and solar components of hemispheric 14C.

Geophysical Research Letters 25: 329- 332.

1998 -- Stuiver M., P.J. Reimer and T.F.Braziunas, High-precision radiocarbon age calibration for

terrestrial and marine samples. Radiocarbon 40: 1127-1151

2000 -- M. Stuiver, P.D. Quay and T.F. Braziunas, Isotope and carbon cycle inferences, In The

Carbon Cycle, eds. T.M.L. Wigley and D.S. Schimel, p. 153-160. Cambridge Univ. Press.

2001 -- F.G. McCormac, A.G. Hogg, P.J. Reimer, T.F.G. Higham, T. F. Braziunas, M.G.L.

Baillie, J.R. Pilcher, J.G. Palmer, L. Xiong, D. M. Brown and S.T. Hoper. Centennial Scale

Cyclicity of the 14C Interhemispheric Offset in Tree Rings. Abstracts of the AGU spring

conference. EOS (in press).

2001 – P.J. Reimer, F.G. McCormac, R.W. Reimer, T.F. Braziunas, A.G. Hogg, and T.F.G.

Higham. Investigation of the variable interhemispheric 14C offset using an ocean

atmosphere box diffusion model. (In preparation)
Tom Braziunas -- Personal References

Dr. Mark Palek, Associate Dean, Applied Academics Division, South Seattle Community

College, 6000 - 16th Avenue SW, Seattle, Washington 98106 phone: 206-764-7959

fax: 206-764-5807 email:

Dr. Elizabeth Hildebrant, Associate Dean, Applied Academics, South Seattle Community

College, 6000 - 16th Avenue SW, Seattle, Washington 98106 206-768-6400

fax: 206-764-5807 email:

Mr. Michael McCrath, Instructor and former Associate Dean, Liberal Studies, South Seattle

Community College, 6000 - 16th Avenue SW, Seattle, Washington 98106 206-768-6442

fax: 206-764-5807 email:

Dr. Minze Stuiver, Geological Sciences and Quaternary Research Center, Box 351360

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 phone: 206-543-6327

fax: 206-543-3836 email:

Mr. Dennis Colgan, Distance Learning Coordinator, South Seattle Community College,

6000 - 16th Avenue SW, Seattle, Washington 98106 206-764-7930

Dr. Richard H. Gammon (former Director of the Pacific Science Center Museum in Seattle),

Department of Chemistry BG-10, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195

206-543-1609 (fax: 206-685-8665)

Dr. Paul D. Quay, School of Oceanography, Box 357940, University of Washington, Seattle,

Washington 98195 206-685-8061 (fax: 206-685-3351)

Mr. Jerry M. Brockey, President, South Seattle Community College, 6000 - 16th Avenue SW,

Seattle, Washington 98106 206-764-5311

Dr. Edward S. Sarachik, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean GJ-40,

Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

98195 206-543-6720 (fax: 206-685-3397)

Dr. Steven R. Emerson, School of Oceanography WB-10, University of Washington, Seattle,

Washington 98195 206-543-0428 (fax: 206-685-3351)

Dr. Inez Y. Fung, School of Earth & Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700,

Victoria, B.C. V8W 2Y2 Canada 604-721-6120 (fax: 604-721-6200)

Dr. Thomas Dunne, Geological Sciences AK-40, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

98195 206-543-7195 (fax: 206-543-3836)

Dr. John A. Eddy, Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network, Saginaw

Valley State University, 2250 Pierce Road, University Center, Michigan 48710 517-791-7371

Dr. John M. Wallace, Director, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean GJ-40,

Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

98195 206-543-7390 (fax: 206-685-3397)

 natural and anthropogenic climatic influence on terrestrial (forest and peatbog) CO2 emissions.

 assisted with laboratory analysis (e.g., cellulose extraction); conducted tours of lab facilities.

 supervisors: Dr. V. Stan Mallory (paleontology) and Sievert A. Rohwer (ornithology).

Student Research Technician -- University of Chicago, Evolutionary Biology Dept. 1972-1973

ù photographed and created casts of fossil mammal teeth.

Student Research Technician -- University of Chicago, Chemistry Department 1970

ù prepared samples, ran instrumentation, sundry duties in mass spectrometry laboratory.

Conference and Workshop Participation

ù UCAR 1989 Global Change Institute on Explaining Records of Past Global Changes

ù Paleoastrophysics Workshop, 14th International Radiocarbon Conference, Tucson 1991

Recent Funding (under Minze Stuiver, P.I.)

 NSF: Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2

 NSF: Radiocarbon Timescale

Other Funding Procured:

 Title III Coop Faculty Summer Study Award for “Development of a Distance-learning

Laboratory Science Course in Physical Geology”

 NOAA Climate and Global Change Program Proposal: Carbon and Solar Imprints on Natural

Climate Change and the Greenhouse Effect

 Graduate School Interdisciplinary Initiative Grant: Program for University of Washington

Research on the Carbon Cycles and Climate Change