Application for financial support in the framework of “Bielefeld Young Researchers’ Fund”
Funding linePostdocs
Please tick appropriate box:
Research subsidies, promotion of mobility
Entry into third-party funded research
Career bridge Doctorate- Postdoc
Brief applicant profile:
Surname, first name, title:
Number of children:
Contact details:
Date of doctorate:
Grade of doctorate:
Current financing
scholarship, running until: ______
budget code, running until: ______
third-party funded project, running until: ______
support from parents
support fromspouse
occasional jobs
other: ______
Start of the funding:
Information on prizes and awards:
Information onvisits abroad:
Specific personal circumstances:
[In order to assess your scientific achievements appropriately, you have the opportunity in this sectionto point out specific circumstances which have led to a delay in your scientific work such as for example a period of absence due to illness, handicaps, childcare, caregiver leave, military and civilian service]
Research project title:
Description of research project:
[maximum of 1 page/400words: briefand universally understandable description of the research project and the research objectives]
Description of the applied for measure:
[maximum of 1 page/300 words: Please structure your description of the project as follows:
- include a description of your personal future planning
- describe the importancefor your future scientific career of the applied for measure of Bielefeld Young Researches’ Fund
- provide a description of your scientific independence and show a distinction to the working group
- include a time-schedule]
Description of the intended third-party funded application:
only fill in when applying for measure b) “Entry into third-party funded research”or c) “Career bridges”!
[maximum of 1 page/300 words: Please structure your measure description as follows:
- information on the third-party funded application (third-party sponsor; support programmes, etc.)
- applicant of the intended third-party funded application
- deadline of the third-party funded application
- relevance of the applied for measure at the Bielefeld Young Researches’ Fund in relation to success in securing third-party funding]
/ Details of individual costs in €
Material costs:
Travel expenses:
Assistant costs:
- number of assistants:
- duration of employment in months:
- number of hours per week per assistant:
Childcare or carer expenses:
Expenses for further education measures:
Postdoctoral scholarship:
[only eligible for funding in measure c) “Career bridges”]
- number of scholarship months:
- starting date:
Total amount of funding requested:
Cost budget(please refer to information provided on page 2 of the instruction sheet with reference to eligible funds)
Please note the maximum amount of funding available for the individual support measures:
Measure a) Research subsidies, promotion of mobility €5,000
Measure b) “Entry into third-party funded research“ €15,000
Measure c) “Career bridges“: €26,000
Statement of the faculty/institute/department
The applicant is supported by the faculty/institute as follows:
[Please provide some detailed information on support provided by the faculty/institute, for example additional funding, provision of a workplace, equipment, institutional integration, …]
The applicant works independently in the referred to research project
It is confirmed herewith that the applicant will independently carry out the project funded by Bielefeld Young Researchers’ Fund. This means that they
- will independently publish the results provided in the framework of this research project
- will independently dispose of the funds provided in the framework of the Bielefeld Young Researchers’ Fund.
- are first time applicants for third-party funds resulting from support provided by the Bielefeld Young Researchers’ Fund
Signature of a representative from the department/faculty/institute
Name [in block letters]Stamp
This application has been duly noted by the management of the faculty/institute.
Name [in block letters]Stamp
Date Signature of faculty/institute management
Signature of applicant:
Date Signature
1)A curriculum vitae in tabular form (maximum of 2 pages)
2)List of publications as well as information on participation in scientific exchange while and since completing doctorate (participation in conferences and conventions, presentation of own research results, project experience, etc.)
3)Copy of PhD certificate or a confirmation from the faculty regarding the commencement of the PhD.
4)In the case of childcare: request for consideration of the doubled burden due to parenthood
All documents must be submitted as ONE PDF-document!