Downtown Bedford, Inc. Community Yard Sale Application
Participant Information
Thank you for applying to participate in the Downtown Bedford, Inc. Community Yard Sale at the Fort Bedford Park. Below, please find information regarding the sale and application.
- The Yard Sale will take place on Saturday, May 27, 2017 at the Fort Bedford Park from 8 am to 1 pm. All participants must be in their space, set up ready to go by 7:30 am. All participant cars must be out of the sale area by 7:30 am.
- Participants will complete this application and a waiver, and return them with a $10 nonrefundable registration fee to DBI by Monday, May 12th at 5 pm. The Bedford Borough has lifted their requirements for individuals to obtain Yard Sale Permits for this event.
- Participants are reserving a 10’ X 10’ space only and will receive a map of the sale area with their assigned space number prior to the event by email. Participants are required to bring all tables, etc. necessary to sell their goods. Participants are responsible for all set up and tear down, and must remove all unsold goods from the Park area at the end of the sale. EZ-Up tents are permitted as long as they are secured with adequate supports and weights to ensure safety at the space. Participants will be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from failure to secure the tent or belongings.
- Participants may sell new, used or antique items—all items should be family friendly. Please make sure prices are clearly marked.
- The Yard Sale will be advertised through print and radio ads, as well as social media. Please go to the Downtown Bedford Inc. Facebook page and share our posts with your friends.
- No pets are permitted in the Sale area.
- Specialty and direct sales vendors are accepted.
- This is a rain or shine event and no refunds will be given for inclement weather.
- The Borough of Bedford and Downtown Bedford, Inc. shall not be responsible for any damage by fire, theft, breakage or act of God, should any occur.
Please note that there will be food available to purchase, so no food is permitted to be sold at the participant booths.
I have read, understand and agree to the above Participant Information for the Downtown Bedford, Inc. Yard Sale and have completed the Downtown Bedford, Inc. Yard Sale Waiver.
Signature of participant Date
Printed name of participant
Please return completed applications and payments directly to the Downtown Bedford, Inc. office or by mail.
Downtown Bedford, Inc.
P. O. Box 286
124 S. Juliana Street
Bedford, PA 15522
For questions or more information, please call 814-623-0048