/ Waverley Council Precincts /

Penkivil Precinct Minutes.
Chairperson: Kerrie Lee
Secretary: Gersha Shteyman
In Attendance: Community Liaison Officer Nicole Stevens, Officer Jane Heffernan (7.30pm – 7.55pm) Superintendent Mark Walton (7.30pm – 7.55pm), Councilor Ingrid Strewe (7.30pm – 8.15pm), Councilor George Copeland (7.50pm – 9.20pm)
Apologies: Alan Kennedy, Vivian Falk, Andrew Goldfinch, Sam Spitzer
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
The chairperson welcomed and thanked everyone for coming.
  1. Police Report.
It has been quiet in the area lately. Bike stealing on Bondi Road from a carport which wasn’t secured. 4th October 3pm, a vehicle caught fire by accident.
Bon Accord Avenue.
People are concerned about the security presence on Bon Accord Avenue during High Holydays. Some of Security has ID and some doesn’t. Residents feel that it is an unacceptable intrusion on their privacy.
People at the meeting asked where are the Security Guards supposed to be guarding, all of Bon Accord Avenue or just in the precinct of the Synagogue? One person asked if it was necessary for the High Holyday road closures.
Some residents at the meeting claimed that there had been an agreement with the Synagogue previously that the Security Guards were restricted to the area near the Synagogue and had to show ID. Superintendent Mark Walton asked to see that agreement and said that it may only be a case of reminding the Synagogue about that previous agreement.
Superintendent Walton said that there was nothing wrong with the Security Guards asking questions, that is the right of every citizen, but it also the right of the residents not to answer.
Superintendent Walton said that he would check with the Security Coordinator of the Synagogue because it may also be that some of the Security Guards are not paid in that capacity and do not have to carry the appropriate ID.
If there are any issues about the Security Guards in Bon Accord Avenue, these need to be reported to the police.
Parking Issues.
Police no longer handle parking issues. The Council looks after this. If there is a particular parking problem in an area at a particular time, residents should contact Council.
7.55pm Constable Heffernan and Supt Walton left the meeting.
  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting 11th October 2004.
Orders issued against premises in Flood St for improper use.
Council has met with Yeshiva – premises changed hands again. They were issued with fire safety notices for 36 & 36A – AdlerBuilding. Redevelopment proposal has been deferred.
Bed Tax Proposal.
This is a State Government Matter, not for Council.
Traffic Lights Paul Street.
RTA trialling these lights at the moment.
Motion. Penkivil Precinct requests that the RTA make the call signal on the Paul Street lights activate in a shorter period of time and give pedestrians more time to cross.
Motion proposed by Joan , seconded by Tess Stamwell and passed.
Parking Survey 2005.
A 2005 parking survey is supposed to go through. Council’s traffic engineer has left, waiting for a new appointee.
Motion. Penkivil Precinct requests that the triangle bounded by Bondi Road, Flood Street and Old South Head Road be resurveyed for residential parking as soon as possible.
Motion proposed by Diana Farwell, seconded by Len Duncan and passed unanimously.
Traffic sign on Paul St.
Sign has been moved. Motion from previous meeting successful.
Rezoning land on Ben Eden Street.
No DA for rezoning of land cnr Ben Eden Street and Bondi Road.
Motion. Penkivil Precinct opposes rezoning of this site above the current rezoning height restrictions.
Motion proposed by Nicholas Newton, seconded by Frank Ormsby and passed unanimously.
  1. Proposal for angle parking on Bennett Street and Ewell Street.
Both streets are overcrowded with cars. Other streets in the area have angle parking.
Motion. Penkivil Precinct requests an investigation into the possibility of angle parking in Bennett Street and Ewell Street.
Motion proposed by Eitan Franklin, seconded by Benny Jacobs and passed unanimously.
  1. General Business.
Pedestrian lights to change automatically for the Jewish Sabbath.
Approved by RTA but unsure of status.
Status of 15 Gowrie Avenue – application for increase in childcare places to 35.
This application has been deferred.
Motion. Penkivil Precinct proposes that any application for increase of childcare places at 13-15 Gowrie Avenue be opposed because of overintensification of use.
Motion proposed by Frank Ormsby, seconded by Diana Farwell and passed.
Motion. Penkivil Precinct proposes that any application for increase of childcare places at 13-15 Gowrie Avenue be notified to the Precinct DA Rep.
Motion proposed by Nicholas Newton, seconded by Joan and passed unanimously.
Motion. Penkivil Precinct supports increased childcare places in the area. It needs to be investigated whether this means increase in places in existing childcare or opening new centres so as not to cause overintensification.
Motion proposed by Eitan Franklin, seconded by Nicholas Newton and passed.
Proposal to move Post Office from Spring Street, Bondi Junction, to carpark in Westfield.
People were invited to sign a petition against this move.
Meeting closed at 9.20pm
Next meeting: Monday, 13 December.
This page maintained by Waverley Council Community Liaison Co-ordinator (Ext.8139)
last updated.