Baines et al.: Fundamentals of Marketing
Chapter 8: Marketing Communications Principles
Worksheet 8.1
Chapter Reference
Chapter 8: Marketing Communications Principles
Have you ever given any thought to why you chose the particular university that you are studying at? This worksheet will help you to understand how you received marketing communications from the university and how opinion leaders and opinion formers may have influenced your decision. Finally, you’ll be asked to think about how you would arrange the marketing communications using the DRIP model.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this worksheet you should be able to:
· identify opinion leaders and opinion formers;
· use the DRIP model to understand how marketing communications can be used to differentiate between product offerings, reinforce decisions, and inform, and persuade consumers.
When you were deciding which University to apply for, there were undoubtedly many different individuals who influenced your decision – whether you realized it or not. Write down who your opinion leaders were (those about the same age as you who gave you advice) and who your opinion formers were (those who are not part of the same age group)
Opinion leaderOpinion former
Now use the DRIP model to think about the marketing communications of your university. What would you emphasize that would differentiate your university from the competing universities, how would you reinforce the decision of students to attend your University, how would you inform potential students about your university, and how would you persuade prospective students that your university is their best choice? Why do you think this?
Communication / How?Differentiate
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