2009- today.InstitutionalCoordinatorfor TEIofEpirus"UnitInnovation andEntrepreneurship". The proposalwas ratedexcellentand wasthe highestamong all theproposalsof the 33higher education institutionsin Greece.
Selected research projects
1. 2010 – today: “Field research on the Enterprise Systems usage practices of SMEs inGreece and abroad: Analysis at a business process level“. Researcher of TEI of Epirus.
2. 15/06/2008-30/11/2008. “Functionhub of YouthEntrepreneurship Observatory”at TEIof Epirus.
3. 2000-2006: Operational program: “Innovative initiatives” of ERDF 2000-2006. Technical adviser - researcher of the “Agri-environmental Group of Western Greece”.
4. 2000 – 2001: “Research of consumption of piscatorial products in Greece”. Researcher ofUniversityofPatras. Department of Economic Sciences
5. 1998 – 2000: “EconomicandtechnicalanalysisforimprovingtheeffectivenessofeffortcontrolintheCFP”.Researcher ofUniversityofPatras. Department of Economic Sciences.
6. 1997-1998: “Structuralpolicyeffectsinremoteruralareaslaggingbehindindevelopment”. Researcher ofUniversityofPatras. Department of Economic Sciences.
Other projects
1. 25/11/2005-31/08/2007: “Business dexterity in the region of Epirus”. TEI of Epirus. Responsible forthe Department of Finance and Auditing.
2.01/09/06-31/03/07. “Professional absorptionof graduatesof the Department of Finance andAuditing". Researcher of TEI of Epirus.
3. 01/02/2007-31/03/2007. “Skills andqualitative characteristicsof scientific personneland graduatesof the Department ofFinance andAuditing”. Researcher of TEI of Epirus.
4. 1989-1991 & 1995-1996. «Erasmus - Socrates» TEI of Messolongi, Université de Toulouse le Mirail, Université de Lausanne, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris: Cooperative researchconcerningconsumerbehaviorand financial expenditure.
Publications / Selected publications
Frangos Chr.C., Const.C. Frangos, I. Sotiropoulos, V. Orfanos, K. Toudas, and E. Gkika. (2012). “The Effects of the Greek Economic Crisis on Eating Habits and Psychological Attitudes of Young People: A Sample Survey among GreekUniversity Students”. World Congress on Engineering – topic of Financial Engineering, London, U.K., Vol I, ISBN: 978-988-19251-3-8, ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online), Proceedings p. 485-489. (award from the International Association of Engineers - IAENG).
Refereed Journals
Petrova E., G. Georgakopoulos, I. Sotiropoulos andK. Vasileiou. (2012).“Relationship between Cost of Equity Capital And Voluntary Corporate Disclosures”. In “International Journal of Economics and Finance”, Vol. 4. No 3, p. 83 - 96. doi:10.5539/ijef.v4n3p83, ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728.
Vasileiou K., I. Sotiropoulos andG. Georgakopoulos.(2012).“Characteristic Elements of “Mediterranean Diet”: The Consumption of Vegetables and Legumes in Greece (1950-2005)”. In “Journal of Management and Sustainability”, Vol. 2. No 1, p. 94 - 105. doi:10.5539/jms.v2n1p94, ISSN 1925-4725 E-ISSN 1925-4733.
Frangos Chr. C., Const.C. Frangos and I.Sotiropoulos. (2011). “Problematic Internet Use Among GreekUniversity Students: An Ordinal Logistic Regression with Risk Factors of Negative Psychological Beliefs, Pornographic Sites, and Online Games”. In “Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking”, 14(1-2): p. 51-58. doi:10.1089/cyber.2009.0306.
Galanou E.,G. Georgakopoulos, I. Sotiropoulos, and D. Vasilopoulos. (2011). “The effect of reward system on job satisfaction in an organizational chart of four hierarchical levels: a qualitative study”. In “International Journal of Human Sciences”. 8:1. pp. 484-519. ISSN: 1303-5134.
Van Hulzen Paul.,L. Alfonso, G. Georgakopoulos andI.Sotiropoulos. (2011). “Amortisation Versus Impairment of Goodwill and Accounting Quality”. In “International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research” 4 (3): 93-118. Print ISSN: 1791-5120 Online ISSN: 1791-3373.
Verleun M., G. Georgakopoulos, I. Sotiropoulos andK. Vasileiou. (2011).“The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Accounting Quality: A Comprehensive Examination”. In “International Journal of Economics and Finance”, Vol. 3. No 5, p. 49 - 64. doi:10.5539/ijef.v3n5p49, ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728.Wenqian Zhou, G. Georgakopoulos, I. Sotiropoulos andK. Vasileiou. (2011).“The Impact of Executive Payment on Firm Performance of theFinancial Enterprises in China”. In “Asian Social Science”, Vol. 7. No 8, p. 65 - 80. doi:10.5539/ass.v7n8p65, ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025.
Fragkos K.C., C.C. Frangos, I. Sotiropoulos, A.N. Giovanis, I. Tilikidou and I. Manolopoulos. (2011). "Prevalence and risk factors of eating disorders in Greek undergraduate students”. 19th European Congress of Psychiatry. In”European Psychiatry”, Vol. 26, Supplement 1, Elsevier.p. 717,
SotiropoulosI., (2011). “Mediterranean Diet and Cereals’ Consumption in Greece (1957-2005)”. In “International Business Research”, Vol. 4. No 4, p. 15 - 23. doi:10.5539/ibr.v4n4p15, ISSN 1913-9004 E-ISSN 1913-9012.
Kramer St. T., G. Georgakopoulos, I.Sotiropoulos andK. Vasileiou. (2011). “Audit Firm Rotation, Audit Firm Tenure and Earnings Conservatism”. In “International Journal of Business and Management”, Vol. 6. No 8, p. 44 - 57. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v6n8p44, ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119.
Sotiropoulos I., G. Georgakopoulos and K. Pendaraki (2010). “Seasonality in Consumption: an Economic Analysis of the Alimentary Patterns in Greece (1957 -2005)”. In “International Journal of Marketing Studies”, Vol. 2. No 2, p. 102 - 106. ISSN 1918-719X E-ISSN 1918-7203.
Sotiropoulos I., Const. Frangos and Christos Frangos. (2010). “On a Broader Description of Alimentary Consumption Patterns: The Case of Greece (1957-2005)“. In “Journal of Mathematics Research”, Vol. 2. No 2, p. 65 - 72.
Lan Wan Hua,G.Georgakopoulos, I.Sotiropoulos and A. Galanou. (2010). “Main Principles and Practices of Auditing Independence in China; a Multifaceted Discussion”. In “AsianSocialScience”, Vol. 6. No 7, p. 3 - 11. ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025.
SotiropoulosI., G. Georgakopoulos and C. Kyritsis. (2010). “«Globalisation» of the Alimentary Consumption Patterns in Greece (1957 to 2005); an Economic Analysis”. In “International Journal of Economics and Finance”, Vol. 2. No 1, p. 120 – 130.
Gogos C., C. Kyritsis and I. Sotiropoulos. (2010). “Fair distribution of stock exchange securities among customers. Abackofficeoptimizationapplication”. Paper presented at the 7thConference of theHellenic Finance and Accounting Association, H.F.A.A., 12-13/12/2008. In “The Journal of Financial Decision Making”, Vol. 6. No 1.
Frangos Chr., Const. Frangos andI. Sotiropoulos.(2010). “Factors predicting the use of internet at work for non-work purposes for a random sample of company workers in Greece”. 19th European Congress of Psychiatry. In ”European Psychiatry”, Vol 25 - N° S1, Elsevier, p. 881. Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(10)70872-5.
Kyritsis C., I. Sotiropoulos, C. Gogos and E. Kypriotelis. (2009). “Note on the effect of the 11 years global climate cycle on the prices of the capital markets”. Paper (c. the proceedins of the International Conference on “Applied Business & Economics”: 4-6/10/2007) in “Archives of Economic History”, Volume XIX, No 2, University of Piraeus.
Pater C., G. Georgakopoulos, I. Sotiropoulos andK. Galanou. (2009). “IFRS Adoption and Implementation In Companies: Utopia or Reality?”. In “Archives of Economic History”, 11 , (1), p. 147 - 180.
Sotiropoulos I., G. Georgakopoulos and I-D. Salavrakos. (2009). “Alimentary expenditure of the different socio-vocationalclasses of the population in Greece. (1957-2005): A description of the dietary patterns”. In “International Business Research”, Vol. 2. No 3, p. 17 - 27.
Sotiropoulos I., I-D. Salavrakos and E. Mygdakos. (2009). “Consumption, country of origin effect and age: An economic analysis of food consumption in Greece during the 1963-2005 period“. In “Journal ofFood, Agriculture, & Environment”, Vol. 7 (2), p. 25 – 32.
Georgakopoulos G., I. Thomson, A. Coulson, I.Sotiropoulos and P. Kaldis (2007). “Exploring Social, Financial, and Ecological Risks of the Scottish Salmon Industry. An Empirical Evidence for the Business Decision Making to Go Organics”. In “The Southeuropean Review of Business, Finance and Accounting” (ISSN: 1109 - 6926), Vol. 4 (1). p. 5 - 42.
SotiropoulosI., E. Mygdakos and C. Gogos (2006). “Alimentary patterns and patterns of health in Greece: (1950-1999)”. In “Journal of Economic Sciences”, no 9 p. 15-28.
Refereed papers published in conference proceedings
Frangos Chr.C., Const.C. Frangos, I. Sotiropoulos. (2012). “A Meta-analysis of the Reliabilty of Young's Internet Addiction Test”. World Congress on Engineering – topic of Computational Statistics and Data Engineering, London, U.K., Vol I, ISBN: 978-988-19251-3-8, ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online), Proceedings p.p. 368-371.
Frangos Chr.C., Const.C. Frangos, I. Sotiropoulos, I. Manolopoulos, and A. Valvi. (2011). “A logistic regression model of factors predicting demand of bank loans by customers in Greece”. 17th IBIMA (International Business Information Management Conference, Milan - Italy 14-15/11/2011). In “Journal of Marketing Research and Case studies”, USA., Vol I, ISBN: 978-988-19251-3-8, ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print), ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online), Proceedings p. 485-489.
Georgakopoulos G., I.Sotiropoulos,A. Galanou and K. Vasileiou. (2010). “The Mediterranean alimentary patterns in Greece”. 4th Pan-Hellenic conference on the Standardisation, the Standards and the Quality. Union of Hellenic Scientists for Protypation and Standardization (ENEPROT), 19-20/11/2010, AristotleUniversity of Thessalonica.
Sotiropoulos I., G.Georgakopoulos, C. Gogosand C. Kyritsis (2010). “Urban and Rural alimentary patterns in Greece (1957-2005)”. 4th Pan-Hellenic conference on the Standardisation, the Standards and the Quality. Union of Hellenic Scientists for Protypation and Standardization (ENEPROT), 19-20/11/2010, AristotleUniversity of Thessalonica.
SotiropoulosI., G.Georgakopoulos, N. Arnis and C. Kyritsis.(2010). ”TheindustrialisationofthealimentarypatternsinGreece (1957-2005)”. 4th Pan-Hellenic conference on the Standardisation, the Standards and the Quality. Union of Hellenic Scientists for Protypation and Standardization (ENEPROT), 19-20/11/2010, AristotleUniversity of Thessalonica.
Sotiropoulos I., Const. Frangos, Chr. Frangos and G. Georgakopoulos. (2010). “Alimentary patterns and patterns of health in Greece (1957-2005). An application of the method «characterization of patterns»”. 4th Pan-Hellenic conference on the Standardisation, the Standards and the Quality. Union of Hellenic Scientists for Protypation and Standardization (ENEPROT), 19-20/11/2010, AristotleUniversity of Thessalonica.
Sotiropoulos I., G.Georgakopoulos, V. Filios and C. Gogos. (2010). “Seasonality in Consumption: An Economic Analysis of the Alimentary Patterns in Greece (1957 -2005)” 1st International Conference on Supply Chains, 1-2/10/2010, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki.
Georgakopoulos G., I. Sotiropoulos, Const. Frangos and Chr. Frangos. (2010). “The Economic “Environment” for Demand and Supply of Alimentary Products”. 1st International Conference on Supply Chains, 1-2/10/2010, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki.
Sotiropoulos I., Const. Frangos, Chr. Frangosand G. Georgakopoulos.(2010).“Family Patterns and Demand for AlimentaryProducts in Greece: (1957-2005)”. 1st International Conference on Supply Chains, 1-2/10/2010, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki.
Sotiropoulos I., G. Georgakopoulos, Const. Frangos and Chr. Frangos. (2010). “Mediterranean diet and consumption of cereals: Economic analysis in the case of Greece“. 11th Conference of ETAGRO, 26-27/11/2010, Agronomic University of Athens.
MygdakosΕ, A. Rezitis, I.Sotiropoulos and Μ. Ζozoula. (2009). “Comparison between conventional and organic way of vegetables production: Economic and technical effectiveness”. 6th Conference of Agricultural Mechanics, proceedings p. 407 - 414.
Frangos Christos, Const. Frangos and I.Sotiropoulos.(2009).“Psychosocial characteristics of heavy and non heavy internet users based on a simple survey among University students from Greece: A multivariate analysis of variance”. 2nd International Conference on “Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies in the Economic and Administrative Sciences”,ΤΕΙof Athens, proceedings p. 126-131.
SotiropoulosI., C. Kyritsis and G. Georgakopoulos.(2009).“Globalisation and alimentary consumption: economic analysis based on social and economic criteria in the case of Greece (1957-2005)”.2nd International Conference on “Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies in the Economic and Administrative Sciences”,ΤΕΙof Athens, proceedings p. 414-420.
SotiropoulosI., and Const. Frangos.(2009). “A new approach to the description of alimentary consumption patterns: The case of Greece”.2nd International Conference on “Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies in the Economic and Administrative Sciences”,ΤΕΙof Athens, proceedings p. 421-427.
Kahrimani M. and I.Sotiropoulos.(2008). “The ecotourism in Greece: tendencies, prospects, potentials”.3rd International Conference of Organic Livestock-farming. TEI of Patras, TEI of Epirus and TEI of Mesolongi, proceedings p. 203 – 212.
TsiavosI. andI. Sotiropoulos.(2008). “Marketing plan of agro-touristic destination”. 3rd International Conference of Organic Livestock-farming. TEI of Patras, TEI of Epirus and TEI of Mesolongi, proceedings p. 247 – 258.
SotiropoulosI. (2008). “Alternative forms of tourism, organic livestock-farming and economic development“. 3rd International Conference of Organic livestock-farming. TEI of Patras, TEI of Epirus and TEI of Mesolongi, proceedings p. 259 – 274.
Michailidou D.and I.Sotiropoulos.(2008). “Control and certification of organic products”. 3rd International Conference of Organic Livestock-farming. TEI of Patras, TEI of Epirus and TEI of Mesolongi, proceedings p. 145 – 153.
Pagida A. and I. Sotiropoulos.(2008). “Requirements andprocessesfor safeguarding andregistration of newnames Designation of Origin (PDO) and Geographical Indications(PGI) in dairy andmeat products”. 3rd International Conference of Organic Livestock-farming. TEI of Patras, TEI of Epirus and TEI of Mesolongi, proceedings p. 165 – 172.
MygdakosΕ., I. Sotiropoulos and I-D.Salavrakos. (2008). “Consumption and age: Economic analysis of alimentary consumption in Greece according to ages (1963-2005)“. 10th Conference of ETAGRO, 27-29/11/2008, “Macedonia” University, proceedings p. 717-728.
SotiropoulosI., G. Georgakopoulos and C. Kyritsis.(2008). “Globalisation of the alimentary patterns in Greece (1957-2005). Economic analysis”. 10th Conference ETAGRO, 27-29/11/2008, “Macedonia” University, proceedings p. 705 – 716.
SotiropoulosI., E. Mygdakos and A. Rezitis. (2006). “Urban and rural alimentary patterns in Greece from 1957 to 1999: An economic analysis of their characteristics and their evolution”. 19thStatistical Conference, “Statistical Institute of Greece”, proceedings p. 465-472.
SotiropoulosI. (2006). “Alimentary patterns in Greece: a descriptive suggestion of their natural, technical and biological characteristics, using simple indices, qualitative formulas, ratios, tables and charts”. 19thStatistical Conference, “Statistical Institute of Greece”, proceedings p. 457-463.
SotiropoulosI. (2006). “An economic analysis of the seasonality patterns of alimentary consumption in Greece: 1957 – 1999”. 9th Conference of ETAGRO, 2-4/11/2006, Agronomic University of Athens, proceedings p. 266 – 278.
Mygdakos E. and I. Sotiropoulos. (2006). “An economic analysis of the alimentary consumption of the different family formations in Greece: 1957 - 1999”. 9th Conference of ETAGRO, 2-4/11/2006, Agronomic University of Athens, proceedings p. 279 – 288.
SotiropoulosI. and E. Mygdakos. (2005). “Alimentary consumption of the different age-related layers of population in Greece: 1963 – 1999”. 18thStatistical Conference, “Statistical Institute of Greece”, proceedings p. 357-364.
SotiropoulosI.and V. Patronis. (2004). “Business plan and financing of organic livestock units”. 1st International Conference of Organic Livestock-farming, TEI of Mesologhi, proceedings p. 185-200.
Patronis V., K. Mavreas and I. Sotiropoulos. (2004). “New food consumption patterns, new cooperative patterns and entrepreneurship. The case of the Agri-environmental Group of Western Greece”. International Conference: “Vertical markets and cooperative hierarchies: The role of cooperatives in the international agri-food Industry”. Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania.
SotiropoulosI. and E. Mygdakos. (2004). “The socio – economic dimensions of the new alimentary patterns in Greece”. 8th Conference ETAGRO, MacedoniaUniversity, proceedings p. 301-315.
SotiropoulosI. and M. Demousis. (2004). “The industrialisation of the demand and supply of meat products in Greece”. 1st International Conference of Organic Livestock-farming, TEI of Mesologhi, proceedings p. 32-49.
SotiropoulosI. and E. Mygdakos. (2004). “Alimentary self-consumption in Greece (1950-1999)”. 17thStatistical Conference, “Statistical Institute of Greece”, proceedings p.407-414.
SotiropoulosI. and M. Demousis. (2002). “Alimentary consumption in Greece during the postwar period 1950-1999”. 7th Conference of ETAGRO, Agronomic University of Athens, proceedings p. 457-469.
Refereed Book Chapters
SotiropoulosI. (2009). “An economic analysis of the seasonality patterns of alimentary consumption in Greece: 1957 – 1999”. Chapter (c. 9th Conference of ETAGRO) in special edition “Foods and consumer”, CharokopeioUniversity, ed. Ellinoekdotiki, Athens. p. 13-24.
Mygdakos E. and I. Sotiropoulos (2009). “An economic analysis of the alimentary consumption of the different family formations in Greece: 1957 - 1999”. Chapter (c. 9th Conference of ETAGRO) in special edition “Foods and consumer”, CharokopeioUniversity, ed. Ellinoekdotiki, Athens. p. 25-33.
SotiropoulosI. “Agritourism,Ecotourism andOrganicFarming: innovation, science andproduction”.Ed. Iwn,Athens, 2011, CodeBookinEudoxus: 12590430
SotiropoulosI. “Consumption inGreece postwar(1950- 2008).Description, analysis and explanationof the causesof evolution.Forthcoming(Ed. Iwn, Athens).
Forthcoming papers
Hoefsloot P., Georgakopoulos G., SotiropoulosI., Galanou E., and Vasileiou K. (2012).“Mapping the Accrual Anomaly in the Dutch Stock Market”. International Journal of Business and Social Science.
Boekel D., Georgakopoulos G., Sotiropoulos I. and Vasileiou K. (2012). “The Impact of a Regulatory Change on the Fees Paid to the Auditor: A look at Dutch and German Evidence”. The Southeuropean Review of Business Finance and Accounting.
Citations / Refereed paper:
1. Frangos CC, CC. Frangos andI.Sotiropoulos.(2011). “Problematic Internet Use among Greek university students: an ordinal logistic regression with risk factors of negative psychological beliefs, pornographic sites, and online games”. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume: 14 Issue 1-2:51-58. doi:10.1089/cyber.2009.0306.
This paper was cited by:
1.1. Martin Zimerman. (2012). “Digital natives, searching behavior and the library”.New Library World, Vol. 113, No. 3/4: 174-201
1.2. P Sun, CA Johnson, P Palmer, TE Arpawong. (2012). “Concurrent and Predictive Relationships Between Compulsive Internet Use and Substance Use: Findings from Vocational High School Students in China and the USA”.Public Health, 9(3), 660-673; doi:10.3390/ijerph9030660
1.3. Nazir S. Hawi. (2012). “Internet addiction among adolescents in Lebanon. Computers in Human Behavior”. Computers in Human Behavior,Vol. 28, Issue 3: 1044–1053.
1.4. MA Coniglio, E Sidoti, S Pignato, G Giammanco. (2012). “A pilot study of Internet usage patterns in a group of Italian university students”. Italian Journal of Public Health. Volume 9, Number 2, p. 67 -72.
1.5. M Reda, M Rabie, N Mohsen, A Hassan. (2012). “Problematic Internet Users and Psychiatric Morbidity in a Sample of Egyptian Adolescents” Psychology, Vol.3, No.8, p. 626-631, doi:10.4236/psych. 2012.38096
1.6. Shahrzad Mazhari. (2012). “Association Between Problematic Internet Use and Impulse Control Disorders Among IranianUniversity Students”. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Vol. 15, No. 5: 270-273
1.7. M.A. Moreno, L. Jelenchick, Elizabeth Cox, H.Young, D.A. Christakis. (2011). “Problematic Internet Use Among US Youth: A Systematic Review”. Archives of PediatricsandAdolescent Medicine.165(9):797-805. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2011.58
1.8. F Zhang, T Zhu, A Li, Y Li, X Xu. (2011). “A survey of web behaviour and mental health”. International Conference: “Pervasive Computing and Applications”, ieeexplore.ieee.org, proceedings p. 189 – 195.
1.9. Hui Cao, Ying Sun, Yuhui Wan, Jiahu Hao and Fangbiao Tao. (2011). “Problematic Internet use in Chinese adolescents and its relation to psychosomatic symptoms and life satisfaction”. BMC Public Health, 11:802.
Refereed paper:
2. Verleun M., G. Georgakopoulos, I. Sotiropoulos andK. Vasileiou. (2011).“The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Accounting Quality: A Comprehensive Examination”. In “International Journal of Economics and Finance”, Vol. 3. No 5, p. 49 - 64. doi:10.5539/ijef.v3n5p49, ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728.
This paper was cited by:
2.1. Azadinamin A. (2012). “The Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers: Causes of Failure & Recommendations Going Forward”.Doctorate of Finance Candidate. SwissManagementCenter.
2.2. Clark K. (2012). “The Effects of Sarbanes Oxley on Current Financial Reporting Standard”. Senior Honors Thesis,LibertyUniversity. digitalcommons.liberty.edu
Refereed paper:3. Fragkos K.C., C.C. Frangos, I. Sotiropoulos, A.N. Giovanis, I. Tilikidou and I. Manolopoulos. (2011). “Prevalence and risk factors of eating disorders in Greek undergraduate students”. European Psychiatry, (19th European Congress of Psychiatry),Elsevier. Volume 26, Suppl. 1, p. 717,
This paper was cited by:
3.1. Arcelus J., Yates A., Whiteley R. (2012).”Romantic relationships, clinical and sub-clinical eating disorders: a review of the literature”. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. Volume 27, Issue 2. pages 147-161. doi: 10.1080/ 14681994.2012.696095
Refereed paper:
4. Galanou E.,G. Georgakopoulos, I. Sotiropoulos and D. Vasilopoulos. (2011). “The effect of reward system on job satisfaction in an organizational chart of four hierarchical levels: a qualitative study”. In International Journal of Human Sciences. 8:1. pp. 484-519. ISSN: 1303-5134.
This paper was cited by:
4.1. Širca N.T., Babnik K., Breznik K. (2012). “The Relationship between Human Resource Development System and Job Satisfaction”. International Conference, “Management, knowledge and learning”, proceedings p. 977-987
Refereed paper:
5.SotiropoulosI., G.Georgakopoulos and K.Kyritsis. (2010). “«Globalization» of the Alimentary Consumption Patterns in Greece (1957 to 2005); an Economic Analysis”. International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 2. No 1, 2010: 120-130
This paper was cited by:
5.1. Ollandezos M., Th. Constantinidis, K. Athanasakis, Ch. Lionis, and J. Kyriopoulos.(2011). “Trends of mortality in Greece 1980-2007: a focus on avoidable mortality”.Hippokratia 2011, 15, 4: 330-334
Refereed paper:
6. SotiropoulosI.and V. Patronis (2004). “Business plan and financing of organic livestock units”. 1st International Conference of Organic Livestock-farming, TEI of Mesologhi, proceedings p. 185-200.
This paper was cited by:
6.1. Mygdakos E., S.Patsiali andG. Mygdakos. (2007). “EconomicsoforganicgrowingcottonversusConventionalcottonunderGreekconditions“. InJournal ofFood, Agriculture, & Environment (ISSN: 1459 - 0255), Vol. 5(3&4)- 2007.
6.2. Mygdakos E., S.Patsiali, H. Augoulas and G. Mygdakos. (2007). “Experimental data ofthree years organiccultivationandconventional cottonin Greece: Latest economicalresults“.Proceedings ofthe 5thConference ofAgricultural Engineering, Larissa 18-20 October2007.
Refereed paper:
7. Patronis V., K. Mavreas andI. Sotiropoulos. (2004). “NewfoodConsumptionPatterns, NewCooperativePatternsandEntrepreneurship. TheCaseofthe «Agri-environmentalGroupofWesternGreece»”.International Conference: Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies: The Role of Cooperatives in the International Agri-food Industry. M.A.I.Ch., Chania, 3-7 September 2004. (
This paper was cited by:
7.1. E. Mygdakos, S.Patsiali andG. Mygdakos. (2007). “Economicsoforganicgrowing cottonversusConventionalcottonunderGreekconditions“. InJournalofFood, Agriculture, & Environment (ISSN: 1459 - 0255), Vol. 5(3&4)- 2007.
7.2. Mygdakos E., S.Patsiali, H. Augoulas and G. Mygdakos. (2007). “Experimental data ofthree years organiccultivationandconventional cottonin Greece: Latest economicalresults“.Proceedings ofthe 5thConference ofAgricultural Engineering, Larissa 18-20 October2007.
Refereed paper:
8. SotiropoulosI. and M. Demousis (2004). “The industrialisation of the demand and supply of meat products in Greece”. 1st International Conference of Organic Livestock-farming, TEI of Mesologhi, proceedings p. 32-49.
This paper was cited by:
8.1. E. Mygdakos, S.Patsiali, G. Mygdakos. (2007). “Economicsoforganicgrowing cottonversusConventionalcottonunderGreekconditions“. InJournalofFood, Agriculture, & Environment (ISSN: 1459 - 0255), Vol. 5(3&4)- 2007.
8.2. Mygdakos E., S.Patsiali, H. Augoulas and G. Mygdakos. (2007). “Experimental data ofthree years organiccultivationandconventional cottonin Greece: Latest economicalresults“.Proceedings ofthe 5thConference ofAgricultural Engineering, Larissa 18-20 October2007.
8.3. Mygdakos E., A.Rezitis and M.Zozula. (2008). “Comparativeanalysisof organicandconventional cultivationvegetables.Economicsand technicaleffectiveness“ in SustainableDevelopment, Agrocert,December 2008.