Proactive Intervention Plan and Individual Pupil Risk Assessment
A plan for assessing and managing foreseeable risks for a child or young person who is presenting with challenging behaviours.
This plan should be read alongside the one page pupil profile and must be shared with parents/carers and all staff involved with the pupil.
Name of Child/Young Person: / D.O.B: / Year group:Name of parents/carers: / Key adults (include class teacher, TA etc):
Agencies/ Support services involved:
Known triggers for the behaviour including historical, environmental, mental or psychological (e.g. anxiety, anger) as well as physiological factors which contribute to the behaviour (e.g. ADHD, ASD): / Known motivators:
Date initial assessment completed:
(This plan should be regularly reviewed regularly and updated in light of new information
Please tick if the plan has beencompleted in consultation with a SW Specialist Teacher for Inclusion.
Proactive Plan
The pro-active and reactive strategies that staff can attempt to use with the child/young person as a means of avoiding, diffusing, and redirecting or managing violence.
Expressive continuum / Child/Young Persons Behavioural ChangesWhat does the child/young person look like, do and say? / Agreed Intervention Strategies / Review date/s / Agreed additional strategies to try following review
Calm control / What works to keep behaviour calm?
What doesn’t work?
Anxious behaviours – Minor changes / What works to prevent further escalation and support a return to ‘calm control’?
What doesn’t work?
Expressive continuum / Child/Young Persons Behavioural Changes
What does the child/young person look like, do and say? / Agreed Intervention Strategies / Review date/s / Agreed additional strategies to try following review
Defensive behaviours- Major motor and verbal changes / What works to prevent further escalation and return to earlier stages?
What doesn’t work?
Critical moment/
violence / What works to support risky behaviour when pro-active interventions have been exhausted?
What doesn’t work?
Post incident procedures
How can relationships be repaired and the child returned to a safe learning environment?
Plans and strategies agreed by (please date):
Parent/carer Child (if appropriate)
Class teacher Support staff (please initial when seen)
…………………………………………………...... ……………………………………………………......
Headteacher SENCO/Inclusion manager
SW Specialist Teacher for Inclusion
Individual Pupil Risk Assessment - Identification and Assessment of Risk
Describe the foreseeable risks (i.e. what specific behaviours have occurred.)In which situations does the risk occur? / How likely it is that the risk will arise? (i.e. how often has it happened before)
Is the risk potential or actual?
If the risk arises who is affected by the risk? Who is likely to be injured or hurt? / What kinds of injuries or harm are likely to occur?
How serious are the adverse outcomes? / Any additional comments/information
Calculating Risk: Matrix
Risk = likelihood of occurrence x severity of outcome
In order to rate the risk, first rate the likelihood of each risk occurring: 1 = low
2 = quite likely
3 = very likely
and then plot this against the possible severity of the outcome:1 = minor injury’ (no first aid)
2 = significant injury (requires first aid on site and to be recorded)
3 = very severe (life limiting, external first aid, hospital)
Severity of outcome
1 = Minor injury / 2 = Significant injury / 3 = Very severe1 = Low
2 = Medium/ quite likely
3 = High/ very likely
Actions to be taken to support the Risk Management Strategy
Date action agreed / Actions to be taken to support risk management / Date action implementedSWSTIPS/2016