April 21, 2015

Spring AGM Meeting Minutes

7:00pm @ New Sarepta Agriplex

Start @ 7:10pm

Chaired by: Andy Kellert
Minutes by: Kate Clifford

Opening Remarks & Welcome

Andy welcomed everyone; and reminded all to ensure to sign attendance sheet for meeting bond credit.

Reviewed the purpose of the SPRING AGM

- to share with membership association past season review, immediate goals and planning toward next year.

- review membership motions and update bylaws and/or rules & regulations.

- board elections, to give membership equal opportunity to join the board and assist in the future directions and running of the association.

Attendance Sheet: 62 Families

Abraham, Andrus, Baldwin, Beaton/Horner, Best, Bjerre/Roy, Boland, Bowler, Brandt/Weronski, Brennan/Duiker, Brown, Burdinsky, Charette, Comire/Fell, Craig, Davidson, Demchuck. Dewitt, Dowson, Edgerly, Fedorchuk, Galenza, Hetman, Hinkle, Ingbrigston, Irvine/Carter, Jones, Kellert, King, Kohut, Laberge, Langille, Lauer, Merchand, McIntosh, McLean/Pirot, Nessler, Newman, Nickoleff, Noble, C&K Nordin, S&M Nordin, Nordstrom, Patriquin, Paul, Perry, Polei, Powers, Prafke, R&J Preston, G&J Preston, Riquelme, Rouncville, Smith, Spence, Stang, Sych, Tylosky, Wenzel/Fortune, Wickenheiser/Cornell, Widney/Gross, Winland

Review Agenda / corrections: Change from Hay Lakes to New Sarepta, Add June 20th for Derby Clean-Up
Accept & Adopt Agenda: Jodi Preston

Seconded: Ryan Prafke

Old Business

1. Review Minutes of last AGM: Fall AGM Sept. 16, 2014

· Correction, Errors or Omissions: None

· Accept/Adopt Fall AGM Minutes: Dawn Davidson

· Seconded: Rachel Gregor-Stang

New Business

1. Presidents Report – Andy Kellert

· Past year Executives are thanked and given recognition by association for all their hard work over the past season.

· Year in review

a. Concerns

o Can forsee concerns with limited referee’s next season, especially at the senior levels. Is not wise to have same ref’s reffing every home game at the the higher levels. With possible limited senior ref’s this could mean higher costs as outside ref’s will need to be hired and mileage being paid above the game fees. Please contact Darryl or Cindy if anyone is interested or you know of anyone interested in joining out ref ranks.

o Ice availability & teams hosting tournaments was more difficult with 10 teams this past year. If association continues to grow will need to speak to Ag society on obtaining more ice next season, like Saturday mornings. We have tried to allow all our teams to host tournaments to help offset team expenses. Last year was difficult scheduling and had tournament run into Feb which conflicted with provincial play and made difficult for teams with league TBA games get not scheduled. The executive will need to review this over the summer to work with team better on these issues.

b. Accomplishments/Highlights

o The association office/team meeting room was completed last summer and was used by all teams this year, which was great to see. Renovation/construction of new equipment room is in progress and will be ready for Sept. 2015.

§ At this time Andy called up Jesse Abraham and thanked him for his volunteered time and his company’s donation of materials in constructing the new equipment room to date. Jesse stepped up at the last Spring AGM and offered to help. In appreciation of this the executive presented a plaque recognizing himself and his company for the hard work which will be mounted in the room. Also a certificate giving his family 2 years free registration within the association was presented.

o Midget program was revived this last season. In partnership with Tofield we were able to see midget hockey again in our arena. Special thanks to Rachel and Mike (Tofield Pres.) for working with myself and putting in the leg work over last summer to get the team formed and running.

o Development of NSMHA rules & regulations. Little bit of disappointment here as hopped to have done last Sept as feel very important for association. Some important pieces have been completed but much more to do. It is a major undertaking but promises to keep working with executives during the summer, and hoping Sept 2015

o Expanded player registration by 40%. Our player registration grew from 93 the previous year to 130 this last. Good direction with teams at every level. We had 10 IP/Prenovice, 2 Novice & 2 Peewee kids join our assoc under the $99 first time registration and hope to see them all return next year

o Better control over wasted ice/late ice returns. At the last Spring AGM the concern was how much ice & funds were wasted and not returned properly by teams. This year specific rules were discussed at the Managers/Coach meeting and included in the manager binder’s. Managers are commended for doing a great job this year as happy to report only $1,038.45 in late returns this year versus $3,527.73 from last year.

c. Future goals

o NSMHA rules & regulations

o Derby grounds renovations have been talked about the last few years and are much overdue. Concession needs a new floor, tin roof & paint. The tower needs some structural repairs and paint and the bleacher all need paint A work day is going to be planned in June and will count toward assoc volunteer commitment hours for the next season.

o Need to update some of the association goaltender equipment as it is older and needs to be upgraded and/or fixed. Some older equipment will be for sale, if anyone is interested please contact the equipment managers.

o New player development bench cabinet was planned for this last season but we ran out of time to build. Hope to have in place for start of next season.

o Continue to look at ways to increase membership. Still not happy with some of the boundaries that we share with surrounding associations, feel that this is still an item to be worked on in the future as sure that there are families that would join if able to play here. Suggest that Association look at starting a pond hockey program for families that can’t commit the time or financially to the minor program; this could then eventually lead to them joining the minor programs here. Like to see Association pursue more sports grants and such that may help us to provide better programs and keep fees as low as possible for families.

· 2014/2015 Suggestion Forms

a. Thanks to all those that submitted forms this year and encourage membership to submit these at anytime of the year. The forms will be discussed & considered by executive over the summer. Some examples of what was received include:

o Increased practices or look at doing more split ice times

§ Current practice schedule was voted in at an AGM a few years back and unable to change for the coming season as fees would need to increase. The spilt ice times is definite possibility as costs remain the same

o Clinics & not interrupting practices

§ Again hard to do, but possible some shared practices may help offset this

o Extending tournament days novice & up to start on Fridays and end on Sundays

§ Can look at but with # of teams and limited weekend to host maybe tough

o No practices on family day,

§ Schedule is made at start of year and all teams receive. Best to be discussed by teams with their managers and give up ice as per ice return policy if team agrees not to skate on certain holidays

§ Like to know if we should do the break between Xmas and New Years like we did last year – Asked to show by raise of hands if should do again next year.

YES: 52 NO: 3 Abstained: 7

o Develop a Yearend Survey

§ A few survey’s were sent out the previous 2 years but we had very little response so wasn’t thought about this year until this suggestion came in. The executive has made an easy to respond to online survey that was emailed out to you all on April 13th. Please complete this survey as it will help guide the executive for the coming season. So far received about 25 or so and we will be closing the survey May 1, 2015.

· Volunteer Sign-up sheets (at front) – Jen Charette

a. June 13-15 – Parade Concession

b. June 20 – Demo Derby grounds revitalization. Will be in touch

c. Sept. 13 – Demo Derby

o Commitment Hours, always lots of available slots and are hoping families can use the upcoming opportunities get the commitment hours done before the next season even starts. Approximately 4 families haven’t done any hours and another 2-3 have not fulfilled their entire10 hours required. Hope to do an equipment room painting day and try and hold an ice clean up day in May to give these families one last opportunity to get commitment hours in.

o Good overall turn out. Hours after June 1st count towards next season 2015/2016

2. Treasurer Report – Kim Gross

· Association Finances

a. Current accounts balances (handout). Awards night is missing off the budget. Numbers will still change a bit

o 2 GIC’s were originally held, at a value $40,000.00. $15,000.00 was cashed in for ice expenses etc. and $25,000.00 is still left in the GIC account.

b. Budget for 2014/2015 was less of a deficit than expected due to cost controls and very good fundraising.

c. Review Proposed Budget 2015/2016 (handout) –Projected budget is presented & approval needed for coming season

o Approval for 2015/2016 Budget is

§ Accepted by: Angie Patriquin

§ Seconded by: Mariluz Ingbrigston

d. Association Audit of 2014/2015 books – to be done for Fall AGM. Have contacted Laureen Hutchison to complete again this year and she has agreed to review.

e. Team Bank Accounts (June 1, 2015 deadline) Reminder to all. Accounts need to be zero. Changed from previous year. 500 every year and association puts 100 back in for next season.

3. Registrar Report - Cindy Lauer

· Final #’s from 2014/2015 season (players/families)

a. 130 kids on 10 teams

· Predicted teams & #’s for 2015/2016 season:

a. IP/Pre Novice: 17 – 1-2 team

b. Novice 19 – 2 teams

c. Atom 25 – 2 teams

d. Peewee: 24 – 2 teams

e. Bantam 21 – 1-2 team

f. Midget: 13 – 1 team

g. Total = 119 on 9-11 teams

· Launch of Online 2015/2016 Registration – opening date May 1st. Problems or issues please contact Cindy Lauer. Commitment, AG Society and meeting cheques to be mailed or delivered to Cindy Lauer. Old cheques will be shredded

a. In Person Registration dates & times Open House at Rink June 10th 6-8pm.

b. June 15th early registration discount ends and registration fees go up

· Next Season Registration fees. Proposed 2015/2016 registration fees were included with yearend awards books for review. Amounts were announced and discussed. Next year’s increase in ice fees and new socks included. Fees from surrounding areas were reviewed; and on average we were lower and new amounts should be comparable. Motion called to accept fees as presented:

a. Approved by : Annette Winland

b. Seconded: Kara Bowler

c. Membership vote: YES: 62 NO: 0 ABSTAINED: 0

4. Vice Presidents Report – Jeff Laberge

· New game socks. Information provided to membership. Checked 2 different suppliers & best quality is Bauer and Reebok. Association does not want pairs that wear out easily. Need to decide on the best type and colour. Bauer is $15.00 - $18.00/pair so maybe we can do 2 pairs but are still looking into this option

· Samples provided and shown. Can’t customize as the costs increase too much and delivery takes too long and requires a minimum order.

· 1 Sock: 25 2 Socks: 40 Black & White accepted

5. Motions - Andy Kellert


6. Elections – Andy Kellert

Introduce Executive Assigned Position for 2015/2016 Season

§ Due to two individuals stepping away from the executive mid term the current executive has elected the following to serve in those positions for the remainder of the term.

o Coach Development – Was Cory Bowler and will now be Matt Nordstrom who has accepted for the 2015/2016 season

o 1660 Representative – Was Matt Nordstrom and will now be Shawn Lauer who has accepted for the 2015/2016 season

Executive positions up for election (2 year terms):

Everyone is reminded on how election process works and why these positions are up for election. Membership is encouraged to participate in their association. Past members can be re-elected if they so choose but the floor is open to all nominees and encouraged to have new members and ideas join.

Voting Process:

- Call for Nominations (3 calls)

- Nominees asked if will let name stand

- Close Nominations

- If more than 1 person nominated, nominees will be asked to leave the room and vote by way of a show of hands

Board (voting)

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President: Currently Andy Kellert

First call: Jeff Laberge nominated by Tom Noble, seconded by Jessica Polei, Jeff will let name stand

Second call: 0

Third & final call: 0

Jeff Laberge in by acclimation

As Jeff has accepted the President’s position then we need to elect someone to VP for 1 year term.

Vice President: Currently Jeff Laberge, 1 year term up for nomination

First call: Rachel Gregor-Stang nominated by Trish Galenza, seconded Shelly Boland, Rachel will let name stand

Second Call: Derrick Spence nominated by Audra Newman, seconded by Vanessa Laberge, Derrick will let name stand

Third &final call: 0

Both nominees leave the room, Membership votes by show of hands & Derrick Spence in by majority vote

Secretary: Currently Kate Clifford

First call: Shelly Boland nominated by Derrick Spence, Shelly declines

Ashley Rouncville nominated by Jen Charette, seconded by Wes Nessler, Ashley will let name stand

Second call: 0

Third &final call: 0

Ashley Rouncville in by acclimation

Player Development: Currently Shawn Lauer

First call: Wes Nessler nominated by Darren Demchuk, seconded by Ashley Rouncville, Wes will let name stand

Second: Tom Noble nominated by Annette Winland, Tom declines

Third &final call: 0

Wes Nessler in by acclimation

Atom & Below Director: Currently Tom Noble

First call: Darren Demchuk nominated by Ashley Rouncville, seconded by Michelle Edgerly. Darren will let name stand

Second call: 0

Third &final call: 0

Darren Demchuk in by acclimation

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Associates/Representative (non-voting)

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Ice Allocator: Currently: Jeremy Buote

First call: Andy Kellert nominated by Shawn Lauer, Andy declines

Trish Galenza nominated by Derrick Spence, seconded by Annette Winland, Trish will let name stand