ACT Veterans and Seniors Newsletter
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News Items
Dear Readers
Thank you to those of you who took the time to provide feedback on the ACT Veterans and Seniors Newsletter. We wanted to know if you were happy with our service and we asked you how we can improve it. You confirmed that the newsletter is a valued resource and provides useful information to seniors living in the ACT.
On the basis of this feedback we will be keeping the content of the newsletter focused on upcoming events and new information. The newsletter will be issued once every two months from now on, to ensure there is sufficient worthwhile news and information in each edition.
The Office for Veterans and Seniors also maintains the ACT Seniors Directory. While the newsletter will be delivered every two months, this directory can be accessed at any time. To find out about what’s available for seniors living in Canberra, the Directory is available at:
At the Office for Veterans and Seniors, it is our goal to keep you informed about and included in the Canberra community, and we are committed to that service. However, if you have any concerns about changes to the newsletter or would like to discuss any aspect of the work of the Office for Veterans and Seniors, please do not hesitate to contact us on 6207 8830 or 6205 2598 or e-mail .
Kind regards
Office for Veterans and Seniors
Additional Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Licences
The ACT Government recently announced that five additional wheelchair accessible taxi (WAT) licences are being released to the Canberra market in June 2017.
This release increases the number of WAT vehicles licensed to operate in the ACT, from 26 to 31. In announcing the release Minister for Regulatory Services, Gordon Ramsay MLA noted that stakeholders have indicated a need for more accessible taxis. Releasing five additional WAT licenses assists in meeting the on-demand transport requirements of Canberrans, no matter where they live or what their accessibility needs are.
You can learn more about the WAT taxi release through the ACT Government’s media release and there is more about reforms to the on-demand transport industry atAccess Canberra.
Additional Financial Support Now Available for Victims of Crime in the ACT
From 1 July 2016 a new Victims of Crime Financial Assistance Scheme became available. This government funded scheme provides financial assistance to eligible victims of crime in the ACT. The purpose of the scheme is to:
- assist victims of crime to recover from acts of violence;
- contribute to the safety of victims of crime and the prevention of future acts of violence;
- acknowledge the harmful effects of acts of violence; and
- complement other services provided for victims of crime.
Under the new administratively-based scheme the Victims of Crime Commissioner is the decision maker for applications.
The ACT Government has implemented generous transitional arrangements which will see the entitlements of applicants under the previous scheme preserved. Applications relating to acts of violence before 1 July 2016 will continue to be made under the old scheme, with the new scheme applying to acts of violence committed from 1 July 2016.
The new scheme covers a range of expenses that victims may incur as a result of their injury from a crime such as medical and dental, measures for personal security and loss of actual earnings.
More Information: Call Financial Assistance Team, Human Rights Commission on 6205 2066, visit Victim Support or email: .
COTA ACT Road Safety Program “Street Smart Seniors” Book Now!
COTA ACT’s Road Safety Program (previously funded through the NRMA Road Safety Trust) has received further funding and support from the ACT Government.
The program has been updated and refined and we are now taking bookings for 2017 and 2018.
This free information session is all about enhancing road safety for older Canberrans and is available to any seniors’ group in the ACT.
We discuss driver safety, pedestrian safety and offer useful information such as concessions, alternative transport options and what to consider if you are thinking of retiring from driving.
The sessions are facilitated by trained peer educators who are supported by COTA. The sessions are free of charge, one hour in duration, include handouts – and we come to you!
We can also tailor the talk to the particular circumstances and interests of your group.
So if you would like to book a session for your group or to have a chat about the program – please call Ingrid Pepper (Community Education Manager) on 6282 3777 or email .
Bookings essential:call 6255 0722 or email
How Much do You Know About Dementia?
Alzheimer's Australia ACT will belaunching a health promotion campaign funded through ACTHealth, aimed at people aged 40 - 65 years of age.
Before this campaign is released, we need to ascertain whether people in Canberra have an awareness of dementia risk reduction or are aware of the everyday steps we can take to reduce our risk of dementia.The below link will take you to our survey. Your input is invaluable!
Four Corners program on Retirement Villages: Industry Response
A Four Corners Program aired on 26 July 2017, raised concerns in relation to inadequate regulation and unfair fee structures in the retirement living sector.
The peak body for Australia’s retirement villages, the Retirement Living Council has provided a response to the concerns raised, disputing the validity of the assertions made in the Four Corners Program. The response is available at :
Travel on the NSW Opal Network for ACT Seniors Card Holders
Did you know that ACT Seniors Card holders are eligible for concession travel on the NSW Opal network if they apply to OPAL for the Gold Senior/ Pensioner Opal card?However, there are a few things you should check before applying:
- Do you have a valid Seniors/MyWay card?
MyWay cards remain valid for two years from the date of the last 'transaction' (a 'transaction' could be either travel, recharge or when the card has been originally activated). If your card has expired you will need to get a replacement card. - How many numbers does your Seniors Card have?
If your card has only five numbers (the older cards) or does not have a MyWay card on the reverse side, you will need to get a replacement card - When did you apply for/receive your Seniors/MyWay card?
It takes up to 7 business days for the Transport Canberra and NSW Opal Card databases to sync details.
If you have any questions about applying for a card, please contact COTA ACT on 6282 3777 or read more on our website:
To apply to OPAL, read more on their website at call 136 725
Life’s Reflections
The Life’s Reflections Photographic Competition is currently open for entryClosing 25 July 2017
Life’s Reflections is an amateur photographic competition and exhibition run by the ACT Office for Veterans and Seniors, on behalf of the ACT Government.
The competition promotes positive ageing, healthy and active lifestyles and intergenerational relationships through photography.
We’re encouraging Canberrans to get behind the lens and take photographs that highlight the diversity, positivity and invaluable role of seniors in our community. “What do you love?” is this year’s theme and we want you to show us.
All that’s required is to send a 2MB Jpeg image along with the completed entry form (available on the website link as given below) to . For more information about Life’s Reflections, please visit:
Upcoming Events
BIG Book Fair
Date:11-13 August 2017
Time: 10 am to 4 pm daily
Where:Woden Seniors, 12 Corinna St, Woden
Cost: Entry by gold coin donation.
Woden Seniors' well known and much loved BIG Book Fair is on again this year. It will be bigger than ever before with a huge range of good quality fiction, non- fiction, children's books, recent magazines, puzzles, postcards, vinyl records, DVDs, CDs and games. The President's table will feature a wide selection of old and collectable books. Parents and grandparents looking for children’s books will be delighted by the range. So will young adults. This year there is a special section for young adults. All books and other items have been cleaned, sorted and categorised, making it very easy to find the treasure you are searching for. So bring the family along for a fun time finding those special books. Why not have a coffee too and a homemade cake from the Coffee Shop. On Sunday afternoon remaining books will be at rock bottom prices.
More Info: For further information phone 62822573 or visit or
Arthritis ACT Dietician Clinic
Did you know that a weight loss of 5% or more can result in modest improvements in pain and function for people living with arthritis?
Are you consuming enough anti-inflammatory nutrients? Come and talk with one of our dietitians who can help you optimize your diet as part of your Arthritis management.
A 1 hour consultation costs $85 ($120 for non-members) and $62.95 ($90 for non-members) for a 30 minute follow-up appointment.
A new service being offered by the Dietician Clinic is computer dietary analysis. Keep a 5 day food diary and our dietitians will analyse your diet and provide a printed report summarizing the adequacy of your diet and written suggestions on how you can improve. Cost is $35 ($50 for non-members). Should you subsequently book a face-to-face appointment this cost will be deducted from your first visit.
Private Health Insurance rebates are available for eligible clients. You may also be eligible for a Chronic Disease Management plan which attracts a Medicare rebate (ask your GP).
If you would like to make an appointment with one of our dietitians, call the Arthritis ACT office on 6288 4244.
Getting On Top Of Pain
For this event, the RSI and Overuse Injury and Association of the ACT and Pain Support ACT have lined up some of Canberra’s most knowledgeable speakers on pain and pain management.
Our keynote speaker is Pain Medicine Specialist Dr Romil Jain, Director of Canberra Hospital’s Pain Management Unit, who will tell us about Chronic Pain: What You and Your Team Can Do.
Tom McHugh, a psychologist at Capital Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic, will talk about Chronic Pain, Depression and Anxiety.
Randolph Sparks, a clinical psychologist and lecturer at ANU, will draw on his many years of experience treating chronic pain patients to speak on Getting Your Life Back.
To end the day, Claudia Creswell from Healthcare Consumers ACT will address these topics: Getting Medicare to Work for You and Building a Great Partnership with Your Healthcare Team.
The seminar will be held at the Belconnen Labor Club from 10 AM to 3 PM on Friday, July 21. Morning tea will be provided and attendees will be able to buy lunch at the Club or bring their.
Tickets cost $10 and seats are limited. To book your place you can go to
2017-18 Youth InterACT Grants
The ACT Government has opened the 2017-18 Youth InterACT Grants program to applications from the young people of Canberra.
These grants are part of the ACT Government’s Youth InterACT initiative and will celebrate and empower young people in the ACT. The primary aim of the Grants Program is to support young Canberrans to actively contribute and connect with other groups in the community.
Grants of up to $1500 are available for young people aged 12 to 25 years or organisations who support young people in the Canberra community.
The grants encourage young people to develop, implement and facilitate youth-focused projects within their community. As such, we want to hear from young people with ideas for projects, events or activities that focus on social inclusion.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to demonstrate how their projects, events or activities will increase young people’s social inclusion in Canberra.
Applications for the Youth InterACT grants are open now and close on Sunday 3 September 2017.
For guidelines and to apply, visit
HCCA SURVEY- Canberra Hospital Inpatient Guide
The Health Care Consumers Association ACT are currently working with Canberra Hospital to review their Inpatient Guide. The Inpatient Guide is a booklet, provided in hard copy and also available on the ACT Health website, that provides information for consumers, carers and family about what to expect when you are staying overnight in Canberra Hospital.
This survey is designed to capture your thoughts on what matters to you in regards to information you are provided with as an inpatient at Canberra Hospital. We would welcome your contribution and completion of the 5 questions.
Persian Music Concert by Sarv Ensemble
Date: 12 August 2017
Time: 8pm to 10:30 pm
Where:Canberra Theatre Centre – Play House
Tickets:Available online
Or Call: (02) 6275 2700 - Concession rates available for seniors
Persian Australian Community Association of the ACT is pleased to invite you to a world class performance by Sarv Ensemble consisting of 7 amazingly talented male and female musicians led by Maestro Majid Derakhshani and the extraordinary voice of Maliheh Moradi in Canberra.
Sarv will perform a variety of classic, folk and contemporary music from Persia.
Please follow the link
Cooking workshops for people with MS
Over three months, Multiple Sclerosis Ltd (MS) will be holding three cooking sessions for people living with MS and carers/friends/family.
Please pass the invitation on to any clients living with MS who are interested in cooking and looking for a new way to build connections and community.
Saturday 26 August 2017Saturday 16 September 2017 / 10.30am–12.30pm / Griffith Neighbourhood Hall
Stuart St, Griffith ACT
(Next to Griffith Shops)
- Sessions are free
- Attend one or all
- Dietary requirements will be accommodated
- RSVP essential, 3 days before workshop
RSVP and Contact: Heidi, Community Development Worker,
Wills, Power of Attorney and Trusts
Are you caring for someone who is ageing, lives with disability or has with an ongoing mental or physical illness? Not sure how to make a will or what a Power of Attorney does? Then come along to this Carers ACT information session, which explores some of the issues that need to be considered when making a will, and explains Power of Attorney (the people authorised to make important decisions on your behalf when you need it most on personal care, financial/property matters, health careand medical research matters).
Date – Wed 19 July 2017
Time: 12pm – 1.15pm
Where- Griffith Community Centre, 53 Stuart Street, Griffith
Cost – Free
To register: through EventBrite link (REGISTER HERE) or th 'Wills’ in the subject line or call 6296 9982
Living a Healthy Life with Long Term Conditions
Do you have a chronic health conditionlasting six months or longer?
This free course is being conducted by ACT Health in partnership with SHOUT Inc. Carers and friends of people with chronic conditions are encouraged to attend the course. The course runs for six consecutive weeks, 2.5 hours per week.
The course includes topics such as symptom management, including pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, shortness of breath and dealing with negative emotions. Other sessions includecommunicating with health providers, physical activity, healthy eating, and action planning, problem solving and peer support.
The course leaders include a health professional and a person with a long-term condition who has completed leader training.
Course Schedule July to August 2017
Belconnen Library
Wednesday - 19 July 2017
Wednesday - 26 July 2017
Wednesday - 2 August 2017
Wednesday - 9 August 2017
Wednesday - 16 August 2017
Wednesday - 23 August 2017
Registration: Registrations can be made on 62059000 or ACT Library website
Phillip Community Health Centre
Thursday - July 20 2017
Thursday -July 27 2017
Thursday - August 3 2017
Thursday- August 10 2017
Thursday - August 17 2017
Thursday- August 24 2017
Registration: To register for a FREE course please contact Community Health Intake on (02) 6207 9977 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 3:30pm Wednesdays (excluding public holidays).
Are You Looking For a Personal Trainer at an Affordable Price?
Are you interested in enhancing your health and fitness one-on-one with a student personal trainer?
CIT Fit & Well are offering ‘student personal training packages’ at an affordable price, in a fully equipped modern facility. Package includes a CIT Fit & Well membership and 12 student personal training sessions with a student trainer completing their fitness qualification. All students are supervised by highly-qualified fitness practitioners in a professional gym environment.
More information: Please contact CIT Fit & Well on (02) 6207 4309.
Research Opportunity- Dementia Prevention
Lifestyle change program for people 65 years and over with memory or other cognitive problems.
Date: 6 month program (Sept 2017- April 2018)
Where: Mostly at home- some travel within Canberra required
Cost: Free
More Info:There are limited spaces available. If you would like to take part or would like further information contact Mitchell McMaster: 02 6125 6351
Title – Finding the Chopin Style. Part II, The Later Years 1841-1849
A new recital by Kotaro Nagano, winner of 2nd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition 2014, explores Chopin’s late (1841-1845) and last (1845-1849) styles. His music is reflective, elegiac and has an intensity as the unmistakable ‘Chopin sound’ becomes tinged with a metaphysical weariness – a yearning for the sunshine of love. Angst and loneliness brought about by personal and artistic crises had made Chopin re-assess his art.This second part in Kotaro's series exploring the Chopin style is a fundraising concert for the 3rd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition, 10-17 September 2017, Canberra.