CS 2213- Syllabus

C & Unix

Course Catalog Description: Using the UNIX environment; shells and customization; UNIX tools. The C/C++ Language: syntax and idioms; low-level features, tools and libraries; I/O and file manipulation, pointers and data structures, compilation. Combining C and UNIX. programming. Pipes and sockets. The Perl language: syntax and idioms, formats. Using Perl for systems programming. Prerequisite: A full-year of programming. 3 credits.

Class meetings:MW 4:00 – 5:15pm in McNulty Hall Math/CS Lab

Office Hours:MW 11 – 12 in McNulty Hall 118D

Phone: (973) 761-5167 (x5167 from on-campus) – not preferred

Email: (Bert G. Wachsmuth) - preferred

Web Page: (click on CSAS 2213)

Grading Procedure

Counting towards your final grade will be two exams, graded computer assignments, and one or more project(s). Homework will be assigned but not usually collected - but it is strongly recommended that you do complete these assignments. Your final grade will be calculated as follows:

two exams:200 points total

computer assignments:200 points total

project(s):100 points total

Attendance and Honor Code

You are expected and strongly encouraged to attend every class and lab session. No make-ups of exams are given except in special circumstances. You must complete all computer assignments in the allocated time period; Should you turn in a late assignment, you will be deducted 10% for the first overdue day, and 20% for each subsequent overdue day.

You are expected to complete all exams, projects, and the computer assignments solely on your own unless it is specifically indicated that you may work together.

Computer Assignments

There will be several computer assignments that you have to complete on your own and some to be completed in teams. Assignments will be posted to our web page and must be submitted as specified for each assignment. I will accept each assignment only once - you can not resubmit it via email or otherwise. The assignments will vary in degree of difficulty, and it is expected that you seek timely help if necessary

Tools of the Trade

Computer Accounts: Standard Seton Hall computer account and Sciris account (Linux)

Laptop:You need about 4GB free space on your Laptop to setup a Linux VM

Programming Languages:GNU C and C++, Perl, Java, scripting languages (all provided)

World-Wide-Web:You are expected to setup your own homepage on Sciris