

Access resourcesfoundattheUnitedNationsDevelopmentProgrammewebsiteMap of HDI to find country examples.

Definetheterms / Examples ofcountries by category
HumanDevelopment Index
The Human Development Index (HDI) summarizes data for a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable, and a decent standard of living.
The health dimension is measured by life expectancy, the education component by mean (average) of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and more and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age. The standard of living dimension is measured by gross national income per capita [GNI per capita). / WhatfactorsareincludedindeterminingeitherhighorlowlevelsofHDI?
Howis itdifferentthanjustlookingatGDPorlevelsofindustrialization?
EconomicDevelopmentTerms / Countriesinthiscategory
HighlyDevelopedCountry [HDC]
Thetermisusedtodescribecountriesthathaveahighlevelofdevelopmentaccordingtokeycriteria.These were called developed countries. Whichcriteria,andwhichcountriesareclassifiedasbeingdeveloped,isanissueopentofiercedebate.Countrieswithhighgrossdomesticproduct(GDP)percapitausually aredescribedasdevelopedcountries.Anothereconomiccriterionisindustrialization;countriesinwhichthetertiary (service)andquaternary (intellectual activities)sectorsofdominate jobs.HDCcountriesare usuallythosewithaveryhighHDIranking. Countries classified as more developed [HDC] exhibit: high GDP, trade surplus, literacy, people in service industries, average income, purchasing power, or life expectancy; and lowof birth rates, death rates, population density, and # of foreign investors. / In my own words:
Four countries in this category in four different regions:
NewlyIndustrialized countries (NIC)
CountrieswithalowerGDPrelativetothedevelopedworldbutwithahigherlevelofGDPgrowth fall into this category. In some classification systems these are also called emerging economies or nations. Newlyindustrializedcountriesarecharacterizedbyagrowingindustryand/orinternationaltrade.Newlyindustrializedcountrieshaverelatively(thoughnotentirely)stablegovernments. NIC countriesare oftenthosewith high or mediumHDIrankings. Countries classified as developing(NIC) exhibit: risingGDP, trade surpluses, literacy, manufacturing, average income, purchasing power, life expectancy; declining birth/death rates, population density, and # of foreign investors / In my own words:
Four countries in this category in four different regions:
LessDeveloped Countries (LDC)
Lessdevelopedcountriesarecharacterizedby a lowerGDPrelativetoothercountries andlittleindustry. Sometimes they have acomparativelyhighdependenceonforeignaidorprovideasourceforforeigninvestmentthatusetheirresources.TheyoftenaremajorborrowersfromorganizationssuchastheWorldBank. Less developed [LDC] countries exhibit characteristics opposite of the HDC regions/countries: low: GDP, trade deficit, rates of literacy, average income, life expectancy; and high levels of birth/death rates, population density, foreign investors and numbers of people in agriculture or extracting resources (primary economic activity). LDC countriesare oftenthosewith lowHDIranking. / In my own words:
Four countries in this category in four different regions:

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