Role of the Valedictorian:
  1. Compose and deliver the valedictory address on behalf of the graduating students from all programs at our June 30, 2018 graduating ceremonies.
  2. Epitomize the qualities for which graduates strive.
  3. Represent the entire school community (not just himself/herself or immediate circle of friends when crafting and delivering the speech)

Basic criteria required to apply.
  1. Must have a minimum of 80% in all courses;
  2. Must have maintained a 90% attendance record;
  3. The student must have made a significant contribution to the school during their program;
  4. The student must have made considerable contributions to their community, please list volunteer experience in space provided at end of application.
  5. The student must have demonstrated the following qualities (respect, responsibility, honesty, empathy, fairness, initiative, courage, integrity, perseverance, optimism) throughout their time at ABM College.
  6. The student must be a positive and worthy representative of the College.

Other important characteristics of the valedictorian of ABM College
Strong leadership skills
Team player
Excellent writing and speaking skills / Flexible
Sensitive to others
Able to accept constructive criticism
Able to meet deadlines
Selection process for the valedictorian of ABM College:
  1. Students from any ABM Program may apply.
  2. Selection of three candidates will be made on or before Friday, May 11, 2018.The three candidates will present a speech to the selection committee on Monday, May 14, 2018.. The speech will be entitled: Education is Power and will contain maximum of 150 words. You must bring copies of this speech for the selection committee, when you present. This will not be your speech for the graduation; it is only for the selection process for choosing the valedictorian. You will work with the HCA Coordinator to write your speech for the graduation.

This application form and the candidate’s resume must be submitted by Tuesday, May 08, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. To Karen Whalen HCA Program Coordinator, (1). In person at HCA Faculty Office, room H 206or (2). Send by email to
Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. (3) If sending via electronic application, this will be directly sent to: .

First Name:______Last Name______

Course: ______Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

E-mail: ______

Student # (office use only)______

PART B: Instructor Recommendation. (Students must have a recommendation from their instructor).

I can attest to this student’s character. I believe this student exemplifies the qualities for which all graduates strive. This student would be an outstanding representative of the graduating class.

Instructors First Name / Instructors Last Name / Instructor Signature

PART C: Short-Answer Questions

Describe what you believe has been your greatest academic experience while a student at ABM College and why you should be chosen for our 2018 Valedictorian (100 words limit)


List your Volunteer experience;


Print Name: ______

Contact Phone number: ______

Email Address: ______

Signature of applicant: ______

Date Submitted: ______