Date: June 28, 2010 / Team Leader: Bekzod Shamsiev
Country Director: Motoo Konishi
Sector Manager/Director: Peter D. Thomson/Dina Umali-Deininger / Sectors: Irrigation and drainage (100%)
Themes: Rural services and infrastructure (85%); Rural policies and institutions (15%)
Project ID: P119690 / Environmental category: Partial Assessment
Lending Instrument: Emergency Recovery Loan / Joint IFC:
Joint Level:
Project Financing Data
[] Loan [] Credit [X] Grant [] Guarantee / [] Other:
For Grants:
Total Operation Cost (EUR.): 7,416,750
Financing Plan (EUR m)
Source / Local / Foreign / Total
Borrower / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
EU Food Crisis Rapid Response Facility / 7.42 / 0.00 / 7.42
Total: / 0.00 / 7.42 / 7.42
Amount of financing to be provided by
Source / Amount (EUR m)
EU Food Crisis Rapid Response Facility / 7.42
SPF / 0.00
Borrower/Recipient / 0.00
External Funds, not Bank Managed / 0.00
Financing Gap / 0.00
Total Project Cost / 7.42
Ministry of Finance
Ak. Rajabova Str.3
Tel: (992-372) 21-14-17
Responsible Agency:
Project Management Unit at the Ministry of Water and Land Reclamation
5/1 Shamsi Street
Tel: 992-372-36-62-08Fax: 992-372-36-62-08

Estimated disbursements (Bank FY/EUR m)
FY / 11 / 12
Annual / 5.20 / 2.22
Cumulative / 5.20 / 7.42
Project implementation period: Start July 15, 2010 End: November 30, 2011
Expected effectiveness date: July 15, 2010
Expected closing date: December 31, 2011
Does the project require any exceptions from Bank policies?
Ref. Section Appraisal of Project Activities
Have these been approved by Bank management? / []Yes [X] No
[]Yes [] No
Does the project include any critical risks rated “substantial” or “high”?
Ref. Section Project Risks and Mitigating Measures / []Yes [] No
Project development objective Ref. Section Bank Response
The project objective is to generate temporal employment and rehabilitate irrigation and drainage infrastructure in selected districts in the Khatlon Oblast as a means to increase household food security.
Project description [one-sentence summary of each component] Ref. Section Bank Response
The project will consist of three main components:
Component 1: Public Works to Renovate Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure (EUR6,577,037) to finance minor renovation of on-farm irrigation canals and off-farm drainage infrastructure. These public works will be targeted to areas with high food insecurity and good agricultural potential in order to make the best contribution to sustainable economic development and rural livelihoods. In addition to the public works, renovation and rehabilitation will involve the rental and/or import of auxiliary equipment (excavators, bulldozers, etc.); and the procurement of low-cost, locally available tools such as shovels, wheelbarrows, picks, and other tools.
Component 2: Technical Assistance (EUR444,444). This component will result in a detailed set of recommendations, based on international experience, of (i) how to design the policies and institutions necessary for water basin management in Tajikistan; and (ii) how to effect the associated transformation from the current system to the new one. A small additional technical assistance input will be implemented to provide recommendations on how the lessons learned in the project can be used for the design and implementation of future public works projects to be financed and managed by government in order to provide temporary employment.
Component 3: Implementation Support, Monitoring & Evaluation (EUR395,269). The Project Management Unit (PMU) will be the main project implementation agency, providing overall coordination and monitoring of implementation progress under the project, and will be responsible for financial management and procurement. A communications strategy will be mounted prior to project commencement to inform rural households and local government authorities of the objectives of the project, the support to be provided and the eligibility criteria for support, and the measures to be taken to prevent corruption. This component will also allocate funds to ensure appropriate EU Visibility. This allocation will finance communication and public awareness activities to profile EU support through press releases, TV and radio broadcasts.
Which safeguard policies are triggered, if any? Ref. Section Appraisal of Project Activities
Project category. In accordance with the Bank's safeguard policies and procedures, including OP/BP/GP 4.01 Environmental Assessment, the project relates to the Bank's B Category. Because the proposed rehabilitation activities are quite similar, a generic Environmental Management Plan was prepared which would then be adjusted to the concrete conditions of each sub-project.
The project will be implemented by the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources (MIRWR) in close collaboration with the regional government offices in Khatlon. The project will support mostly on farm and drainage infrastructure rehabilitation activities, as mentioned above. The civil works consist mostly of earth moving, concrete works, rehabilitation of existing canal structures, all of which are fairly small scale works. The great majority of these activities will be done manually. Furthermore, as the selected subprojects are located on the existing irrigation areas, none of them will have impacts on protected areas, critical habitats or culturally or socially sensitive areas.
Although the project area covers international waterways, the proposed investments under the project are only for renovation of irrigation canals, and improvements of drainage infrastructure along with the purchasing agricultural machinery, which are not expected to change the volume of extraction/discharge water or quality of water of these rivers, but rather it will lead to more effective irrigation and drainage of the water. At the same time, per stipulations of the Bank OP/BP 7.50, the project triggers Operational Policies on International Waterways. Since the proposed works will involve rehabilitation and improvement of existing irrigation and drainage systems and no new schemes will be developed, the project team had sought and obtained the waiver from the Bank's notification requirement.