Creating a New Government Worksheet

Group Members__________________________________________________________

1. What type of government will your new colony have? (monarchy, democracy, dictatorship) _____________________________________________________________

2. Why did you choose this form of government? ________________________________


3. How will your government be run? (1 person in charge, a group of people in charge)


4. How will the government officials be selected? (voting, appointed by someone)


5. Who gets to decide who the governing officials are? ___________________________


6. What laws will your colony have? _________________________________________



7. Who makes the laws? ____________________________________________________


8. How will you ensure the laws are followed? (punishment for not following laws)


9. Who will enforce the laws? _______________________________________________


10. What are you going to do to be sure the people in your colony will be glad they live there? _________________________________________________________________


11. Why should people move to your colony? __________________________________
