Student Experience Strategy

Strategic Plan - Student Experience Strand

Overview and summary of work and

INVITATION FOR COMMENT by 16 December 2011


The Context Strategic Objectives and the Initiatives and Actions for the Student Experience Strand are noted below

In order to make the Initiative and Actions more understandable by student we have translated them into “Soundbites”

Your comment on these initiatives is appreciated.


Major delivery levers

In the Student Experience material the 12 proposed Initiatives mesh together and interact. The outcomes sought are complex and there is no simple single departmental set of Actions that can deliver them, but rather a matrix of cross cutting activity. In order to achieve the step change we seek and build effectively on current strengths and respond to known challenges, we have identified the following major levers which will move matters forward on more than one initiative.

These are noted below – in alpha order but not priority

Your comment on these potential levers is appreciated. Do you think these are key areas where we can have a real impact on the student experience if we get them right?


More information on the matrix of Levers and Initiatives/Desired Outcomes is given in the matrix together with examples of how a particular lever might contribute to an outcome

Your comment on this matrix is appreciated. It is work in progress at present and sees to exemplify what we would do. We would hope that they could be used at Departmental levels and in objective setting to see how particular areas or people could describe their own contribution to the delivery

Section D

Evidencing change and impact

The measures which can evidence change and impact are not easily quantifiable although some hard measure such as increased league table and questionnaire scores are visible as are dropping/ increasing applicants or retention or student achievements. If we can evidence the following there should be positive consequences for the achievement of the student experience initiatives.

Your comment on these potential measures is appreciated.

Section A

Student Experience Strategy

Our strengths and achievements

  • Improved social learning spaces and cross campus connectivity
  • Improved communications with our students and our prospective students
  • Strong support from the QAA for our quality assurance of the student experience
  • Enhancedprofessionalisation of our support systems
  • Strong shared commitment and understanding of purpose
  • A vibrant multicultural and Internationalstudent and staff community

Opportunities and challenges

  • Delivering value for money to individual student investors in higher education
  • Drawing strength from our increasing diversity, global presence and international visibility
  • Making best use ofnew technologies to create a vibrant virtual environment
  • Developing peer support among our learners
  • Supporting our staff in their continued efforts to enhance the student experience
  • Maintaining our financial strength to invest in the student experience


A To guide and support each of our students in developing a confident understanding of their potential and their prospects

B To develop our systems and structures to better support student achievement and remove barriers to their success

C To develop an attractive and effective learning community online and across all of our campuses

D To extend our community to create vibrant networks valued by our alumni as a source of continuing opportunity and support


(and sound bites)

  1. To have available for allstaff and students a shared, coherent and compelling account of the expectations and experience of studentship at UoB

ieTHAT We all know what Bedfordshire Studentship means

  1. To have in operationa more integrated and effective infrastructure in supporting the individual learning experience

ieTHAT We are effective and things work here

  1. To have operated successfullya new approach to partnership with our students in developing environments and facilities that support an excellent student experience

ieTHAT Working with our students, we improve what we do

  1. To operate a seamless virtual environment to providing a learning and living space valued by students across our campuses

ieTHAT We have a Virtual University used by our students

  1. To have in operation enhanced systems for integrating student views into our enhancement of quality and the student experience

ie THAT We listen to the Student Voice

  1. To have an alumni network that provides supportive peer networks and an extended University community representing our graduates achievements

ieTHAT We have an active community of past students and staff

  1. To offer active and productiveinteraction for students between formal learning and the extended curriculum

ie THAT a Bedfordshire experience changes who you are

  1. To have implemented a programme of activities designed to raise student aspiration, confidence, and recognition of the values underpinning membership of the UoB community

ie THAT we make our students aim high and have confidence

  1. To have reviewed the key processes and systems of our interaction with students, andenhanced their efficiency and effectiveness for purpose

THAT our systems help students, smooth things and don't make blockages

  1. To have developed our systems and the underpinning capacity and capability to respond productively to the experiences of our students that challenge their continued commitment and ability to study and progress

ie THAT we help students stick with it when its gets tough

  1. To have a well-defined and embedded service cultureacross the institution that is appropriate to our mission, values and educational purpose

ie THAT staff care, are bothered and want to make a difference

  1. To have in place a range of channels for effective mutual communication with students that secure our shared values and expectations

ieTHAT we promote respect and our ASPIRE values

Section B

Our proposed levers for change

  • A Bedfordshire University Charter – Charter
  • The Cultural Attitude of emotionally intelligent and empathetic staff incl internal communications – Culture
  • Informative measures on student (and other) activity - Easy data
  • Befriending the employers – Employers
  • The Student Engagement system – including people, software and data – Engagement
  • Bringing back passion and fun – Enjoyment
  • The investment in those areas of University activity with greater impact on students - Investment
  • The Regulatory framework – Regulations
  • Business process analysis and improvement – Slick systems
  • The Student Representation system and UBSU impact and effectiveness – Student Voice UBSU
  • The Virtual University of Bedfordshire for students – Virtual Uni
  • The Bedfordshire effect – as a USP – USP Beds

Section C

See Annex of excel spreadsheet format

Section D

Listening to the student voice **

Student-centred attention

Peer support structures operating well

Having clarity of expectations

Giving Professional delivery

Spreading of good practice

Good flow of information and communications

Having Pride in Bedfordshire

Creating journey companions

Putting resources where they have impact

All with Commitment to ASPIRE

**Students have highlighted that the need for genuine listening "we listen to the people that listen to you" - staff listening to students and management listening to student facing staff respecting that second to the union, they are the closest to the core of what students think and feel

Measure of our success in delivering a worthwhile student experience will include:

(a)Our ability to satisfy our students

% improvements in our NSS scores; % of students in graduate employment; salary levels relative to professional averages

Retention measures

Complaints and measure of student behaviour

(b)Our profile and standing as an HEI

% first-choice applications and conversion to registration

% First/ 2.1 and distinctions/commendations

(c)Our capacity to change

Improvements in morale as evidenced by Staff surveys

Complaint levels and responsiveness measures

Staff turnover staff performance measures