Activity Ideas for Teachers
- Line Up or Corners
- Directions: Put up foursigns: “Me gusta mucho”, “Me gusta”, “No me gusta”, “No me gusta nada”.
- The teacher will say a vocabulary word and then students move to the side of the room that corresponds to whether or not the word is something that they like or do not like. The teacher will ask for a volunteer to say the sentence for where they are. For example, “No me gustajugarvideojuegos.” This will be repeated for a variety of vocabulary words.
- Optional: Instead of saying just the vocabulary word, ask the question “¿Te gusta ____?” and have a student at each location answer the question with “Sí, me gusta(mucho) ___.” Or “No, No me gusta (nada) ____”.
- Circle Game
- Materials: Large Space, floor marker of some kind (painters’/masking tape, Post-its, etc.)
- Directions: Have the students form a large circle and tape their spot on the floor. The teacher stands in the center of the circle momentarily. The teacher calls out a “(no) me gusta ____” statement. If the statement is true for the student, the student must move to a new spot. If the statement is not true for a student, he or she remains in their spot. If there is not a space available of a student to move to then they must trade places with the person in the middle of the circle. With the first statement the teacher moves on to a tape spot and stays there for the remainder of the activity so that one student is left without a spot and must stand in the center. The student left in the center must repeat the original statement and give an opposite. Ex: The teacher calls out “Me gustabailar” after which all students who like to dance rush to a new spot. The person without a spot is now in the center of the circle and says “Me gustabailar, pero no me gustacantar”. The teacher then calls out a new statement. The student in the center moves to a new spot whether the statement is true for them or not.
- Charades
- Materials: vocab list/flashcards/ word slips/ etc. of verbs
- Have students choose a vocabulary word and act it out. Other students will guess the action by raising their hand and then forming a sentence saying, “Le gusta…” the action or word.
- The Survey Says – Tech version
- Prep: Create a survey with multiple styles of “¿Te gusta?”questions. (¿Qué te gusta hacer?, ¿Te gusta ___?, ¿Qué te gusta más _ o_?)
- Materials: web access, Student devices, projector
- Directions: have students take the survey and project the real time results
- The Survey Says – Post-it version
- Materials: signs with activities written on them or images of people performing the actions, post-it notes, writing utensils
- Directions: hang the signs/images around the room. Have students write whether they like the activity or not on the post-it and stick the post-it on the wall near the sign. Tally the results.
- Optional: Hang activities in pairs. Have students write which they like more or if they like neither.
- Interview desk
- Materials: a Dry erase marker per student, dry erase white boards or laminated sheets of blank paper, paper towels or other erasers for each student.
- Wipe off desktops- At our school, students can write on their desks with dry erase markers. Test your desks first. If you cannot, then hand out a second dry erase board to each student.
- Directions:
- Move desks into a circle.
- Pass out supplies
- Have students write the names of three types of questions on the dry erase board. Their board should look just like this:
- Yes or no
- Either/Or
- Open ended
- On their desks, have them write a “tegusta” question for each of the above. Example:
- ¿Te gustacocinar?
- ¿Qué te gusta más practicar deportes o tocar la guitar?
- ¿Qué te gusta hacer los fines de semana?
- All students hold up their white board. The teacher starts by calling on a student and asking one of the three types of questions. The student responds orally then erases that type of question from their white board. The student then calls on another student (S2). Student 1 asks one of the questions written on their desk. S2 responds. S1 erases the question from their desk,S2 erases the type of question from their white board. S2 calls on a third student and the activity continues. Once a type of question is erased from a student’s board, no one else can ask them that type of question. Once a question is erased from the desk, the student cannot ask that question again. The goal is to have all students asking and answering the three types of questions.
- Optional: for larger classes, you may want to break them into small groups once they understand how to do the activity. This will save time and keep them engaged in the activity.