Message to Families of Mental Patients

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GOD IS THE ANSWER. JESUS HEALS all Mental & Physical Illness.

This is what I write about and know from experience.

Many mental patients are just misunderstood by those around them, including their families, and even themselves. They are often creative, sensitive and different than many others. They are leaders, not followers. Individualists, often. They are created this way by God because many of them are really called to be prophets of God.

Prophets do not follow the crowd; they lead. They are used by God to speak truth to power and expose lies and open the eyes of others who are being manipulated and used. But this calling can be contaminated by the influences in our culture. Many people who are called to this have had their talents and calling hijacked by the very forces they are being called to stand against and expose.

Musicians in particular have this issue. The whole music business is run by people into witchcraft, who use music to mind control the whole population for their own purposes.

Musicians are offered fame and fortune to serve this agenda and many are used this way. In the process they get corrupted and suffer mental problems, and get involved with drugs, addictions, sins. What they need is to understand who they are and what their calling really is.

Their families also need to understand so they can support them in the right choices and not try to make them conform to their own expectations and agendas or try to push them into treatments that make it worse, rather than better.

My FREE book was written for them:

WHAT KIND OF MUSICIAN ARE YOU GOING TO BE? GOD’S CALL TO MUSCIANS. Musicians are called to be Prophets, Intercessors & Healers. On Lyrics, Drugs, Mental Illness & Worship.



Rehab is NOT the correct choice for someone with drug or alcohol problems, for example. All the secular rehab programs do is put people on psych meds, which is more drug addiction, and makes them worse. It doesn’t solve anything and that is why people commonly relapse. They don’t get cured.

In fact they are being set up to relapse, since the psych drugs put demonic spirits into them, which is the same thing the other drugs do. The mental illnesses are caused by demonic spirits. A result of any drugs.

Demons don’t cast out demons. Only God casts them out, in Jesus’ name.

The answer to drug problems is Jesus. He heals and delivers.

If someone is acting completely crazy and suicidal or homicidal, you should NOT take them to a psych hospital. Either pray for them yourself, by rebuking demonic spirits in Jesus’ name or take them to a Pentecostal church for prayer.

Mental illness is caused by demonic oppression, not chemical imbalances. Drugs are NOT the answer. Prayer IS. But people need to have spiritual authority to do this kind of prayer. They need to be clean themselves. Any drugs are openings for demonic spirits. You can’t rebuke demons if you have demons on you. All drugs are openings for demons. This includes, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, pot, lsd, etc & all psych meds. Also one needs to fast to have authority.

If you send someone voluntarily or involuntarily to a psych ward, you are not helping them. You are endangering their life. It is the crime of reckless endangerment. The drugs are toxic and deadly. People commonly die from them both from the side effects and being driven to suicide.

Psych wards are concentration camps; they are NOT hospitals. It is a complete misnomer. They are prisons. Ask yourself the obvious question. If they were really helping people, would they have to hold people involuntarily to treat them against their will? Of course not.

I had a hamster who used to get swollen eyes and needed me to gently wash his eyes with cotton. When I did this, he would sit calmly in my hand and let me help. He knew I was helping him. If I was harming him, he would have bitten me!

Same with people. When mental patients who are on drugs lash out and hurt doctors or others who are claiming to help them, it is because they know they are NOT being helped but harmed by the drugs, which are torture! The drugs don’t feel like help – the side effects are torture. Do you think they don’t have the sense of a hamster?

Any person who has been on the drugs can tell you this. Very few actually feel better on drugs. The drugs are deadly and cause brain, kidney, liver damage, thyroid problems, obesity, diabet-, foggy thinking, tremors, akithesia, which is agitation that makes people want to crawl out of their skin, and more. This is hardly help. It is torture. The drugs are not medicines, they are poisons.

It is all Orwellian double-speak – lies. The people running mental health know that if they call what they do “treatment” people will think it must be medicine, it must be good. But it is a front for genocide.

The whole mental health system is connected to Nazi Germany and their concentration camps, historically. So it is not an analogy; it is literally a continuation of nazi genocide.

The Nazis killed metal patients with psych drugs in the secret t4 euthenasia program.

Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist in Ithaca, NY, who has written many books warning about toxic psych drugs, was the first to expose this. http://www.breggin.com

Bernhard Shrieber wrote a book The Men Behind Hitler-a German Warning to the World. He warns about psychiatrists. They were the ones who ran the concentration camps & decided who lived & died, and did experiments on people.

The social engineers in the US & UK who supported and still support eugenics & euthanasia, run the mental health system. Shreiber documents that it is the same people. They are using the mental health system as a front for their genocidal agendas of abortion/sterilization and killing of what they believe are inferior groups of people. This includes blacks, Jews, Christians, the poor, mentally ill & others. They supported Hitler.

After WWII, the Nazis changed the name of their Institute for Racial Hygiene (Genocide) to Mental Hygiene, which is the name for MENTAL HEALTH! The NY Dept of Mental Hygiene is the office of mental health.

See my articles:

The Mental Health System is a FRONT for Nazi genocide


Excerpts & comments from The Men Behind Hitler- a German Warning to the World by Bernhard Shrieber.


God sent ME into the psych system to be a witness against this genocide also, and against atheistic psychiatry which for 50 years has been FALSELY calling Christians and anyone with spiritual experiences, Schizophrenic.

God had me write a book, FREE on my website. It also tells how to heal mental & physical illness through prayer & Worship.

Manual for Transformational Healing-God’s Answer to Psychiatry. FREE at http://www.1prophetspeaks.com



also on my blog in chapters http://www.1prophetspeaks7.blogspot.com



I spent 7 years in psych hospitals, as a witness.

Who in their right mind would send their loved one to a concentration camp? Not too many. But people do this all the time because they have been snookered by the media and are under the illusion that it is actually some kind of help. It is not. You’re looking in the wrong place for help.

Look to God instead. He has the answers.

This message can help you understand your relative in a different light, understand that what may seem like a weakness is a strength, or a gift, if used the right way. But people need to learn how to use these gifts for their intended purpose. That necessitates knowledge of God and his purposes. He is the one who made each of us, and he is the one who knows what those purposes are, and reveals them to us.

The bible says God knew us in the womb.

I had the thought as a child:

“I was put on earth to do music and it’s holy.”

God put that idea in my spirit to give me an instinct about how to measure other ideas and influences and make decisions about what was right.

I had the opportunity years later to write jingles but declined. I intuitively knew it would pollute my channel by prostituting my gift.

Many children know things about themselves, like I did. But those around us can confuse us with their own agendas, and pull us off course. I got diverted. Most of us do, temporarily, some, permanently, it seems. But with God there is always hope.

Jesus said NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD. Matthew 19:26

We need to trust our intuition as a process. It is a way God has given us to hear from Him, be led by him and find truth. We need to encourage others to trust their intuition also.

One of the biggest problems mental patients have is that they are often told NOT to trust themselves. To listen to others. They should not necessarily listen to every thought in their head; it is often from lying spirits; as it is for everyone.

However, our intuition is from a deeper place. It is in our heart. It is a connection to our spirit. That is the place we can get a witness to what is true and correct to follow and we all need to seek that connection. It will lead us back to the truth of who we are and what we are called to do, and help us make the right choices and solve problems.

See article


I am also speaking as a witness on behalf of the millions of mental patients who can not speak for themselves, because they are destroyed by the psych drugs and ect and can not think clearly or speak in an articulate manner .

For those who do, I am a second witness, to confirm that the things they are saying about how bad the drugs are, and the things that happen in psych hospitals, are true. They are not lying. The doctors lie. They lie in court, constantly, to hold people involuntarily and use them as slaves to make money; committing insurance fraud.

Every patient who has ever been to court (all of them) will tell you that the doctors lied. It is true.

One doctor had the chutzpah of telling a judge that I had no objection to taking drugs, when I had given him a copy of a book I had written that explicitly SAID I was against the drugs for theological and other reasons. He knew he was lying. And there was nothing incoherent about my book: everyone who read it said I was a good writer; there was no evidence of disorganized thinking or any other psychiatric nonsense.

The people who write things in the charts all lie to cover up their own illegal activities. They drug people illegally all the time, then make things up to justify it. They can only drug someone without a court order if it is an emergency, according to state laws. So they falsely accuse patients of doing things to justify this. The hospital records are then used in court as evidence, even though the people who wrote the things are not usually there, to be cross examined.

This violates the normal rules of evidence in a criminal hearing, since the constitutional right to due process includes the right to cross examine any witness against a person.

The mental health laws have an exception to this requirement; by allowing medical records, they allow accusations of behaviors and events to be used as evidence, which gives the hospital an unfair advantage in court. This is one reason they usually win, and the patients lose in court. It is tilted in their favor.

My free mini book

Manual of Help for Lawyers to Win Hearings for Mental Patients




actually helps lawyers to be more effective in court on behalf of patients. It is not that hard, actually, but most of them do not realize what is really going on and are theologically ignorant. The real issues are theological, not biological. When they have enough information to address that, they can win. I speak from experience.

In particular, the main issue is this:

Psychiatry is based on an atheistic worldview.

They think that anyone who claims to hear God or demons talk to them is psychotic.

In any psychiatric interview, the dr’s 2nd question is always “do you hear voices?” Anyone who answers yes, gets called schizophrenic or schizo-affective. These are nonsense labels that do not really describe a real disease.

I had a dr. testify to a judge that his label “schizo-affective is just a label we use when we don’t know what else to call someone”. Basically admitting, there were no tangible symptoms, it was just nonsense.

What it IS is a label for someone so they can GET INSURANCE MONEY and HOLD SOMEONE INVOLUNTARILY by falsely claiming they are sick! (IN ORDER TO GET INSURANCE COMPENSATION, THEY HAVE TO HAVE A LABEL).

Some dr’s pick the label that has the highest amount of compensation.

Some therapists genuinely want to help someone but can’t get paid unless they have a label, even though they haven’t spoken to anyone long enough to really know what is wrong. They keep changing the diagnosis as they get more information.

The doctors define hearing voices as an auditory hallucination, a supposed symptom of psychosis. This means they think it is imaginary; that the voices are not real, that God or demons don’t exist. Some people hear voices and don’t know that it is God or demons, because they don’t know theology (Christian theology).

However, in truth, the spiritual realm exists, and God and demons both exist (the bible says this) and they DO speak to EVERYONE in our thoughts. People that say they hear them are actually less psychotic than people who don’t. Psychotic is defined as “not being in reality”. The reality is that the spiritual realm DOES exist. Atheist psychiatrists and other atheists are actually the ones who are psychotic, because they deny the truth that the spiritual realm does exist. It is as crazy as saying grass is not green.