Paint This House In Prayer
Captain Whitney Morton, The Salvation Army
- Paint chips or color swatches – enough for each person to have 4
- Scissors and templates or 1” circle paper punch (or other shape if you choose)
- Large cardstock or poster board (to be covered in 1”circles of participants)
- Hot glue gun or similarly strong adhesive.
Set Up:The meeting described here take place in a chapel, making use of the holiness/altar for the paint chips and a side table for the punches/scissors, glue and poster board. Could easily be adapted for a fellowship hall with some of each required supply on as many tables as needed. In that setting, rather than creating one art piece to be displayed in the building, one piece could be made for each household and could be taken back home with them at the conclusion as a prayer reminder.
To get a better understanding of how to make the artwork described in this program guide, consider watching this very brief YouTube video ( The artist in this video is in no way associated with this program guide or with its author. The link is provided solely for educational purposes.
In every home there are those finishing touches, those things that make the house feel like a home. In some homes it’s the lamps, in some it’s the color of the furniture, in some it’s the rugs for the floor. This is what makes home feel like that safe place that upon walking through the door melts away all the toxic baggage from the day. Our goal in tonight’s worship experience is to make an element for this house of worship that does just that – that says whenever we walk through the door, “I’m safe here! This is a place where I can relax, I can be myself. This is a place where people pray for each other and love others. This is a house of refuge.” We’re are actually going to work together to create a piece of wall art for our corps entrance. You don’t have to have any artistic ability to participate just a willingness to pray for others. You can also be any age and participate in tonight’s worship because we want everyone who lives in your house to be able to participate! Although we will be talking about human trafficking, the goal of tonight is not to show pictures or use explicit terms, the goal is unified prayer, so never fear – the language will be kept suitable for all ages.
As we worship tonight through art, our prayer focus will be on vulnerabilities. We all have vulnerabilities – like it or not. And these vulnerabilities are often exploited by others and by Satan to make us feel worthless; to compromise our self-worth and to manipulate us into becoming someone God never intended us to be. As we pray through these different types of vulnerabilities, we will discuss how these vulnerabilities are sometimes exploited specifically in order to trap individuals in human trafficking. Human trafficking has the potential to impact the lives of anyone who is vulnerable – and as I’ve already shared, we are all vulnerable. It’s easy to feel like we can do nothing to erase the vulnerability in our own lives, let alone the lives of the roughly 26 million who are being trafficked around the world today. But here’s the thing – we have the very tool needed to combat human trafficking in the heart of each person here in this room. Every man, woman and child can pray. It’s true that we cannot be everywhere, and we cannot know everything. But God can! So when we join our hearts together in prayer, we pound the gates of heaven in joint pleas for grace and mercy, rescue and restoration, God hears and acts.
On this hopeful note, let’s get started!!
Up here on the alter we have a ton of paint chips/swatches. These are used when picking the colors for the various rooms in our homes but today they represent the prayers of our hearts. There are lots of different colors from which to choose. There’s also (scissors/punch shapes) that we’ll all use to make cut outs from the chips/swatches. Over on a side table we have a big piece of paper and hot glue guns. We are going to pray over 4 key vulnerabilities tonight, using the rooms of a house as our guide. When we’ve finished a brief explanation of a vulnerability, you’ll be invited to come and pick a paint chip, punch a color and then glue it to our group art project. As you do so, pray about that vulnerability in the lives of people you know. Pray for God’s provision to reduce that vulnerability around the world. Every time vulnerability is reduced human trafficking prevention takes place. Every time a victim’s basic needs are met by caring community instead of by a trafficker’s fraudulent promises or coercive behavior, hope grows and rescue begins.
In the kitchen meals are prepared, tasty bites are eaten and stories about the day are shared. But for many the pantry is empty and cupboards are bare. According to the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization 805 million people, or one in every nine people, suffer from chronic undernourishment. The majority of those starving are in developing countries (791 million) but the impact of food scarcity is felt worldwide, even in more developed nations (14 million starving)[1]. We know that many right here in our community have a difficult time providing food for themselves or their families on a regular basis as we provide roughly ______families with food each month. And in our corps we often help each other out in this way when a member is going through a rough time. Traffickers often use the lure of promised food to attract homeless teens, single mothers and others into their web. By exploiting someone’s need for food, traffickers use hunger to entice individuals to befriend them, or withhold food to force or coerce victims to perform tasks.
In Isaiah 55:1 we read an invitation to all who are hungry and thirsty to come and freely receive God’s provision. In Psalm 107:9 (NIRV) it says, “He gives those who are thirsty all the water they want.He gives those who are hungry all the good food they can eat.” Let’s pray and ask God to do just as He has said, to make provision for all who are hungry and thirsty.
If you agree that you are willing to continue to keep praying for God’s provision of food for all of those who face hunger, come on up and get a paint chip. Pick a color that you think best represents the kitchen or maybe your favorite food. Punch/cut our circle and add it to our corps family art piece. Feel free to take the scrap back to your seat as well – you’ll be given instructions about it at the close. (If using: Please be careful with the hot glue guns; they are really hot! Also, some may need a little help with this part so if you can lend a helping hand that would be awesome).
(Allow adequate time for everyone to add their chip)
Our next room to pray over is the bathroom! There’s a lot that happens in the bathroom; some we can discuss, some we really won’t! When we have a stomach virus, we utilize them. When we are getting ready for a special occasion we bathe in them. When we get a cut or scrape it’s off to the washroom to clean it up. In this room we take care of many of our basic health and medical needs. In many homes there’s even a medicine cabinet where first aid supplies, basic hygiene items, and personal care items are stored. And don’t under-estimate that most basic of health and wellness sources – clean tap water! According to the World Health Organization 1.7 million people die every year as a result of water-borne illness[2]. They have also published statements that roughly 10million children and expectant mother die each year from completely treatable illnesses[3] . But for many access to adequate medical care and basic health provisions is not within their grasp. Again, it is true that this most often occurs in developing countries, but there are many in more developed nations who are unable to access adequate health care or to pay their water bill. With this in mind, it is no wonder that seeking income to cover the cost of a father’s cancer treatment in Mexico a daughter may go with a pimp who says he will help cover the bills. Or that a son offers to work in his mother’s place in the brick kilns of India, so that she can see the doctor the boss has brought in for the day. He does this even knowing that his family’s debt to the boss has doubled and that he has now become trapped in the same slavery that his family has held by for three generations.
Let’s join our hearts now to pray for clean water, for wells, for affordable medical care. Let’s pray that God would increase access to these things so that traffickers cannot use the desperation created by the need of doctors and life giving water against the vulnerable. Let’s pray for our local free clinic – for those who work there and for those who need their services. Let’s pray for Band-Aids and blessings!
Alright – if you are willing to commit to continuing to pray for God’s provision of health and healing across the world in an effort to reduce this vulnerability, come on up. This time pick a color that reminds you of either the perfect spa-like bathroom or of water or of healing and health. Punch/cut out your circle (or whatever shape you are using) and add it to our art. Continue helping each other as before and when everyone is finished we are moving to the next room.
At the end of a long day there is nothing quite like falling into a comfy bed and getting a good night’s sleep! Knowing that I’ve got that retreat to go home to gets me through some pretty rough days. The fluffy pillows, the warm blankets… And it may not always be my bed, or my room. Often times it’s been a friend’s couch, but the point is that at the end of the day there’s a roof over my head, a quiet, and safe to rest… What a refuge!
It comes as no surprise to any of us, however, that there are many who do not have a place to lay their head tonight. At some point in our lives many of us have found ourselves in a position where couch surfing or staying in a local shelter was necessary. If it hasn’t been something we’ve experienced personally, most of us have known someone who has struggled in this area. This housing vulnerability is used by many traffickers to hook many runaway teens, homeless men and women into a life they never anticipated. Promising a warm bed and a safe place to stay to teens put out by their parents for identifying themselves as someone their parents disapprove of (LGTBQAI, for example) is very alluring. A 2001 report stated that within the first 48 hours of running away from home 100% of all teens are likely to be exploited or propositioned by a trafficker[4]. These teens view the trafficker making such promises not as someone scary or intimidating but as someone who is understanding and caring; that is, until the trafficker begins expecting favors in return.
The theme verse for this emphasis on praying for victims of human trafficking this year comes from Psalm 9:9-10. In the Message it has been interpreted in this way, "God's a safe-house for the battered, a sanctuary during bad time. The moment you arrive, you relax; you're never sorry you knocked." As we take time to pray for God to provide safe housing opportunities and shelter for everyone – to end homelessness – we are also praying against human trafficking. Getting rid of this vulnerability takes this tool out of trafficker’s hands and ensures that everyone can rest. We need to pray for more teen shelters, more affordable housing opportunities for families, and wisdom when traveling.
We read in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, allyouwho are weary and burdened, andIwillgiveyourest.”Our prayer is that Jesus would do just that – give a place to rest for all. We’re going to sing our prayer together this time with the song, “You Are My Hiding Place,” recognizing that the greatest shelter we can find is in the arms of God. He is our refuge. He is our hiding place. He keeps His Word. As we sing we are simply asking Him to continue to make a way for the homeless to have physical homes so that their lack does not leave them vulnerable to predators, and for us all to take refuge in His House.
If you’ll continue to pray for this, to have this song in your heart, let’s continue to paint this house in prayer! Pick out the paint chip/swatch color that is the most soothing or the color you would paint your dream bedroom or the color you’d pick for a new comforter for your bed… Just as we’ve done before, punch/cut out a circle and add it to our art. It’s really coming along now!! Very exciting!! Do help each other out and be patient. When everyone has added their piece, we’ll move on to our final room – the LIVING ROOM/ LOUNGE!
Whether you are a TV watching family or not, for most households the majority of the living takes place in the living room/lounge. Conversations take place here, football matches are viewed, board games are played, and visitors are entertained – all in the living room/lounge. It’s the most public room in the house and made for lounging around and simply living life together. We love that sense of belonging that come from being a part of a family – whether it’s the one we were born into or the one that has gathered around us at the point we find ourselves in life.
Belonging is a part of the basic needs of every man, woman and child ever made[5]. We want to be accepted and loved and to fit in with others. To identify with them and have them identify with us. Simply put – we are social creatures, made by God to live in community with one another. That’s part of why He gave us the church. Romans 12 talks about this a little in verse 10 where it says, “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” We are to be devoted to each other, to care for each other and honor each other.
Nonetheless – there are many who struggle with this need. Lost, hurting, and feeling all alone. This vulnerability is perhaps the cruelest one that trafficker prey upon. Befriending unsuspecting individuals simply looking to find love and approval through a boyfriend or even a parent-figure, traffickers lure them to their side with affection, and then turn on them, exploit and enslave them.
Church, this is where it is so important that we live up to the challenge Romans 12:10 gives and be that community of love and devotion – so that before the ploy of the trafficker can sneak in and trick folks, we are there to love, to care and to welcome into a family of hope and joy. The greatest prevention effort we, as the church, can participate in is to be a community that welcomes everyone and loves them for who they are, where they are. As we pray now for God to address the vulnerability of belonging, we are praying for the self-esteem of the lonely; we are praying for the lost to find healthy community and belonging in safe places. We are also praying for the heart of this fellowship – and that of the Church around the world – to make the most of every opportunity to fill that need by welcoming and loving all our neighbors – the smelly, the dirty, the snobbish, and spoiled. It calls us to lay aside our politics and our cynicism and love, in Jesus name, without discrimination. Now that’s some powerful and personal praying!
PRAY – inviting all to join in as they feel led.
It’s time for that final prayer commitment! Are you willing to continue to pray for the lost and the lonely – for their protection and for them to find meaning and community in healthy places? Are you willing to continue to pray for this body of believers here? If so, come and punch/cut a paint chip/swatch in a hope-giving, life-speaking color; in the color of your living room; in the color of home. Be sure to help each other out as needed. We’ll have our benediction once everyone returns to their seats.
This time of worship has definitely been a little different than other times we’ve spent together. Hopefully it’s been fun and memorable, while at the same time, striking a chord in your heart and making a prayerful impression. The art we’ve created tonight as a family is going to be finished up and placed in the (insert prominent space in the building or simply a bulletin board) to serve as a prayer reminder each time we come into this House of Refuge. As part of the benediction, I invite you to cup your hands and receive this blessing as a challenge and reminder to keep your commitment to pray.