Critical AssessmentActivitiesforCampuses
HISD Student Assessment is responsible for ensuring district compliance on all facets of state assessments and overseeing test administrations. However, several other departments have jurisdiction over various aspects of the state assessments, especially in areas related to eligibility and special needs. In order to help campuses coordinate the various activities, the following interdepartmental information is provided. Use the monthly timelines to help keep your assessment programs on task.
January 2012
January 9–April 20: STAAR-Alternate Assessment Window
STAAR-Alternate window opens for teacher evaluations of students online
Main Contact: Beryl Boom, HISD Special Education @ 713-556-7025
January 16: TELPAS Assembling and Verifying Grades 2-12 Grades Writing Collections Course for Verifiers Opens
This course must be completed by all verifiers on your campus by March 16th
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460 and Multilingual Programs Department @ 713-556-6961
January 19-25: TELPAS Administration Trainings
This mandatory training will focus on the required administration and online procedures for TELPAS 2012. TEA mandates that all campus coordinators are trained on the procedural, logistical, and technological aspects of administering TELPAS. Register through e-TRAIN with course number TE0097.
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460
January 30: TELPAS Basic Online Training Course for Raters Opens
This course must be completed by all raters on your campus March 16th
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460 and Multilingual Programs Department @ 713-556-6961
February 2012
February 7-8: Middle School Grades 6-8 Stanford/Aprenda Administration Trainings
This mandatory training will cover specific testing procedures for the Stanford-10/Aprenda-3 program including NRT materials ordering for the grades 1-8 test administration in May. Register through e-TRAIN with course number TE0093.
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460
February 9-23: Spring STAAR/TAKS State Administration Trainings
This mandatory training for all campus test coordinators (CTC’s) begins February 9thand is scheduled by grade level. Coordinators should attend their grade level training. Because most eligibility and pre-administration issues will have been addressed in earlier trainings, the focus of this training will be on state test administration procedures for STAAR/TAKS. Register through e-TRAIN with course number TE0113.
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460
February 20: Principal’s General Test Security Training Deadline
Campus principals have the option of attending a face-to-face training on their campus with their CTC or take the General Test Security training online via Moodle. Affidavits or certificates must be sent to the Student Assessment Department via fax or email (see attachment for more information). This is the link to the form titled “Affidavit of Principal Test Security Training 2011-2012”
This is the link to the form titled “Principal Security Training Info 2011-2012”
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460
February 20: TELPAS Online Calibration Window (sets 1 & 2) for Raters Opens
This qualification must be completed by all raters on your campus March 16th
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460 and Multilingual Programs Department @ 713-556-6961
February 28-29: STAAR EOC Administration Trainings
This mandatory training for all campus test coordinators (CTC’s) begins February 28thand is scheduled by middle school and high school grade levels. Coordinators should attend their grade level training. The focus of this training will be on specific testing procedures for the STAAR EOC program. Register through e-TRAIN with course number TE0101.
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460
March-May 2012
March 9: Deadline forDocumentation and Justification of STAAR Participation Decisions
Documentation and justification of STAAR participation decisions for all ELLs is required by Section 101.1005 of the Texas Administrative Code. This process must occur prior to testing and maintained in each student’s permanent folder. This link will guide you to resources and documents to justify STAAR assessment decisions and linguistic accommodations for each student. Documents listed as draft are currently under review by the Multilingual Department and School Offices. Notices will be sent to all LPAC chairpersons when the document is final. Attendees of the Middle of the Year LPAC and STAAR TREK trainings will receive instructions on this process.
Main Contact:Multilingual Programs Department @ 713-556-6961
March 19–April 11: TELPAS Assessment Window
All Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in grades K-12 served and not served (coded as W-H) MUST be rated with the TELPAS assessment. All new and returning Verifiers and Raters must complete spring 2012 TEA required training before the TELPAS assessment window opens. The spring 2012 TELPAS assessment window opens on March 19 and closes on April 11, 2012.
Main Contact:HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460 and Multilingual Programs Department @ 713-556-6961
Schedule of State Assessment Programs
Due to the numerous and complex testing dates, please refer to the state manual (DCCM) and Student Assessment Critical Dates calendar for specific testing dates.
Main Contact: HISD Student Assessment @ 713-349-7460
This information is provided solely to help guide you on the major action steps that need to take place during spring 2012. If you have specific questions about any activities, contact the listed department(s).