Hilo High School Quad Class
Judy Nitura
112-B N 3rd Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Ph: 702-388-0073 * e-mail:
April 2012
The class of ’60 70th Birthday was spectacular for a one day event. Not my opinion, but so says some of my classmates. For our luncheon entertainment, we had our church flautist play some songs; and Steve taught her to play a Japanese song, Kawa No Nagare No Yoni. She did a really good job of it, some wanted a copy of what they thought was a video of the whole thing., but it was all separately done, the video, the background music, and the flute.
Heard the class of ’58 Mitch’s memorial reunion went very well, too. They had about 70 attendees. Everett wasn’t sure if they were going to have a reunion every year.
The week of our reunions, there were two other Hilo High classes and the Hakalau reunion brought an additional 170 Hilo people to Vegas.
Seen In Vegas
1957: Harold Tonda, Ron Koi, Shirley Sakoda, Elsie Miike
1958: Nan Hiraoka, Henry Ito, Denton Dart, Mel Miyasaki, Everet Stockstill, Albert Marumoto,
Stanley Okinaka, Jane Saito, and 63 others
1959: Muts Pang, Raymond Matsuo, Jennie Hashiro, Herbert & Pat Morimoto, Arlene Yonamine
1960: Roy Aratani, Elsie Koi, Eva Yonemori, Jeanette Tanaka, Dale, Albert, Tootsie, Anna,
Leona, Kimo, Doug, Gladys, Carlene, Ken Matsuo, Ronald Sakaki, Ron & Mae
Hasegawa, Larry & Jane, James & Gertrude, Donn Uehara, Irene, Ben, Roy Maedo, Roger,
Reggie Satake, Oliver, Paul Shiota, Florence Babbitt, David Fusato, Pat Raguindin, Elaine
Young. Roy Ota, Jerome, Steve okura, Gary Hiyoto, Ron & Lorraine Hora, Doris
Iwaoka, Kaaren, Margie, Florida Brewer, & Linda Wallace.
Pray for Jerome Fukuda ‘60, He had by-pass surgery, plus he started dialysis in December. Also pray for Ron Hasegawa, he has a rare intestine disease.
Ke Akua Pu,