Español I
Señora Crognale
September, 2016-17
Dear World Language Student:
¡Hola! Welcome back! Hope everyone is well rested and ready for a very exciting year in Spanish class. Some of you may or may not know some Spanish already. We will work together to prepare you as much as possible for Spanish at the high school, and who knows, you may even like it and continue studying Spanish or even make it a part of your career! I have a great big passion for the Spanish language I hope to share with you. I have been a Spanish teacher for 18 years, and I was lucky enough to have had a Cuban mother who was also a Spanish teacher. My desire for you is to have as much enjoyment learning about the Spanish language and culture, as I do in preparing interesting ways for you to be actively involved in class. While this class promises to be uniquely fun and exciting, it will also require a great deal for effort and dedication on your part. You will be using study skills and methods that may be totally new to you. However, if you pay attention in class, do you studying at home, and ask for help when needed, you will learn!
The following materials are required daily in my classroom:
- A binder for the many, many handouts you will receive
- Notebook paper in that binder
- Pen or pencil ALWAYS
- A positive attitude and willingness to learn!
Daily homework 20% of grade:
Repetition and practice are imperative to learning a World language! Therefore, homework is given on a daily basis and will be checked at beginning of the period. We will start the year with the rule that if you miss a homework, it may be handed in the following class period for half credit. However, should this privilege be “abused” or students try to complete the homework during the class, no credit will be given for late homework.
Weekly announced quizzed 35% of grade:
Written and oral – all students are expected to study new material when presented, most likely on Fridays. Coupons will be give as extra credit, as will the Spanish word of the day.
Tests / projects 25% of grade:
Tests – written and oral – always announced and usually at the completing of each unit. Projects – from time to time, students will be expected to complete projects. These may be done at home, in class or a combination of both. Students will be given a rubric detailing exactly what is expected in order to achieve a score of 100%
Class participation / Preparation / Behavior 20% of grade:
Each student will also be evaluated based on his/her daily participation/ preparation in class. Preparation means that each day as you enter the classroom, have your homework on your desk ready to be checked, begin the “comienzo” (pre-class activity) and have your materials for class, including the textbook unless otherwise noted.
Classroom behavior – each student is expected to behave according to our school code with an emphasis on mutual respect and courtesy. Classroom disturbances will be addressed first. If the same behavior continues, disciplinary action will be taken as well as loss of class participation. Classroom rules will reviewed on the first days of class. No one student will be allowed to disturb another’s right to learn!
Absences: If you are absent… it is your responsibility to make up missed assignments. Please see me or another student in our class to assure that your work is up to date. While you were absent sheets will be available too.
Ways to succeed:
- Practice at home daily (review pages at end of each chapter)
- Make flashcards or go to
- Be a partner in quizzing of dittos / flashcards.
- Checking that homework is done
- Log into on line textbook. (p.s. I can see how often you log in )
- Check my website for homework, games, worksheets and vocabulary.
- Sign up for the Spanish word of the day
- What can you expect from me?
You can expect that I will work very hard to prepare materials and activities for you to generate enthusiasm for learning. You may also expect that I will be fair.
Ways to contact me:
Please feel free to e-mail me at any time. I am here to help you!
My e-mail is: . I will respond as soon as I am able.
I am confident we will have a great year and I am excited about having you in class. Again, if you have any question at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. Don’t let the work pile up and snowball on you. See me before anything becomes a problem.
Muchas gracias y hasta luego,
Señora Crognale