Research & Innovation Services.
Application to EPSRC Knowledge Transfer Account
Industrial Research Sabbaticals
Project name:Outgoing or Incoming Sabbatical?
1 -Academic Applicant details (outgoingsabbatical or host department)
Primary Investigator:Department:
2 – External Partner Applicant details (incomingsabbatical or host partner)
Primary Investigator:Organisation name:
Telephone(inc STD code):
Organisation type:
e.g. Commercial organisation, charity, government
3– Project Details
Please do not cross-refer to web addresses or add annexes.Proposed start date:
(Please take into account the time required to put in place a collaborationagreement if necessary)
Project end date:
Part–Time / Full-Time / Concurrent?
General summary of project proposal (maximum 300 words):
Describe briefly the nature and scope of the project.Key objectives & deliverables (maximum 200 words)
What are the commercial or technical objective(s) that will be achieved by the project? (present SMART objectives for the project). What are the key deliverables?Benefit to the University (maximum 200 words):
How will the University benefit from the project? Will the benefits/experience be fed back into the research and teaching base? How does the secondee hope to benefit in terms of his/her personal/professional development?Benefit to External Partner (maximum 200 words)
How will the partner benefit from the project?Details of any previous collaboration (maximum 200 words)
If your department or research area has collaborated with this organisation previously, please outline how this project is distinctive compared to previous collaborations.Justification of costs
Please provide an outline of the requested funds and describe why these are required to deliver the project.
Conflict of interest
Please declare any potential interest that you may have in the proposed host organisation (in particular any financial interests).Link to EPSRC Research
List the EPSRC grant(s) for the original research and give a brief summary of how this /these enable the project.
Non Confidential Summary
Please provide a short non-confidential summary of the project – this will be placed on the KTA website if the application is successful.
4 – Financial details
- Awards will cover the costs of suitable cover arrangements, travel & subsistence and consumables for the fellow. Cover arrangements should be costed at G8 pt 5 pro rata.
- Cost in URMS and input details below
- When completing the URMS record please enter UoS as the Sponsor and EPSRC as the Collaborator. Please include J R Molyneux (EPSRC KTA Project Officer) at 0% in the investigator tab.
- Add in Consumables, Travel and Subsistence costs below:
URMS Project Code (For Information Only)
Staff Cover (Outgoing Only)
Directly Incurred Staff Costs:
Travel & Subsistence:
5 – Signatures
I confirm that I wish to apply for funding for an EPSRC Knowledge Transfer Account Industrial Research Sabbatical. I confirm that the information presented in the application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.Signature of Principal Investigator:
I confirm that I agree to this application for funding for an EPSRC Knowledge Transfer Account Industrial Research Sabbatical. I confirm that the information presented in the application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Head of Department:
I confirm that I agree to this application for funding for an EPSRC Knowledge Transfer Account Industrial Research Sabbatical.
Signature from Industrial Partner
One signed electronic copy to: /