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Trust Funds Specialist
Under close to limitedsupervision of the Retirement Planning & Outreach Section Chief, provide accurate and detailed information to Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) participants, their representatives and survivors, and other interested parties regarding the benefit programs administered by the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF). Analyze participant records to determine eligibility under statutory provisions, administrative rules, and departmental policies. Effectively communicate available benefit options via telephone conversations, face to face meetings and in writing. Respond to participant inquiries and complete participant transactions, assist in training of staff, audit the work of less experienced staff, revise work procedures, update forms and brochures, and provide other operational support. Initial benefit payments are based on estimates computed by the employee in this position. WRS benefit information is provided for critical life events such as employment termination, disability, retirement and death. This information will influence important decisions that are made by the participants and/or their survivors. This professional position has the responsibility to independently organize, prioritize, and manage their individual workload. This position requires exceptional skills in oral and written communications, customer service, and interpersonal relations. Requires frequent use of personal computer, calculator and other communication tools.
40%GOAL A:Provision of information regarding ETF-administered benefit programs in response to inquiries received in person (for participants without scheduled appointments), in writing, or by telephone. Information and explanations provided substantially influence participants decisions during critical life events such as termination, disability, retirement, and death.
ActivityA.1Review and understand federal and state tax rules and regulations pertaining to WRS benefits. Respond to inquiries regarding tax issues and treatments such as tax deferment, tax exemption or rollovers. Explain various options to have tax withheld from benefit payments.
A.2Assist participants in preparing individually tailored beneficiary designations to address their specific needs and desires in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, Administrative Code, departmental policies, precedents, and procedures as they pertain to ETF-administered benefit programs.
A.3Assist participants with military service credit requirements and procedures for obtaining the necessary documentation as evidence of active military service. Provide information to help participants decide whether to apply military service credit to a federal or state pension.
A.4Provide participants with information regarding purchasing service for WRS credit including the estimated cost, eligibility requirements, when to purchase, potential increase in WRS benefits and other advantages/ disadvantages.
A.5Provide participants with information regarding health, life and other insurance programs including requirements for participation, coverage levels, premiums, application deadlines, open enrollment periods, and continuation/conversion of coverage.
A.6Provide information to retirees regarding estimated benefit calculations, final computations, tax issues, annual dividends and other periodic changes to their benefit payments.
A.7Review and confirm validity of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO) in accordance with Wisconsin statutes, Administrative Code, departmental policies, precedents, and procedures. Communicate account division information and other impacts to the participant and alternate payee. Provide alternate payees with benefit information and application materials.
A.8Provide information to participants with teaching credit in other states to help them decide whether to waive Wisconsin credit in order to maximize retirement income.
A.9Provide general information about ETF-administered benefit programs to interested parties including, but not limited to, employers, attorneys, legislators, union representatives, other state and federal agencies, and retirement systems from other states.
A.10Research and resolve exceptional and complex inquiries by analyzing and interpreting Wisconsin Statutes, Administrative Code, departmental policies, precedents and procedures as they pertain to ETF- administered benefit programs.
A.11Obtain relevant information from persons reporting deaths, without disclosing confidential information. Analyze participant records and beneficiary designations to determine and locate beneficiaries and to determine if benefits are payable.
A.12Compute estimated benefit amounts for all available annuity options. As necessary, project earnings and service to anticipated benefit effective dates. Ensure benefit estimates are within 90%-100% of the actual benefit amount.
A13. Answer and respond to incoming telephone calls for the Contact Management Section as needed during times of high call volume.
40%GOAL B:Provision of accurate, timely, and detailed information to participants, their representatives, and their survivors in one-on-one retirement planning sessions regarding benefits including, but not limited, to retirement, separation, disability, survivor, and insurance benefits.
ActivityB.1Research, interpret, and apply relevant Wisconsin Statutes, Administrative Code, departmental policies, precedents, and procedures as they pertain to all ETF-administered benefit programs.
B.2Analyze participant records and reported information to determine eligibility and entitlements for WRS retirement or separation benefits.
B.3Analyze participant records and reported information to determine the degree and length of disability, and to identify potential benefits available from the WRS, Long-Term Disability Insurance, Income Continuation Insurance, and life insurance programs. Determine the impact of offset provisions and tax consequences on disability benefits.
B.4Determine participant and survivor eligibility to continue health, life and other insurance coverage.
B.5Communicate benefit information thoroughly, accurately, and professionally. Explain benefit payment options and application requirements and deadlines.
15%GOAL C:Provision of staff development and benefit communications, development and enhancement of job related skills, benefit program knowledge, and communication tools.
ActivityC.1Obtain and preserve knowledge of Wisconsin Statutes, Administrative Code, departmental policies, precedents, and procedures as they pertain to ETF-administered benefit programs, and actuarial concepts applicable to the WRS.
C.2.Assist in training new staff as directed and provide feedback to
the Bureau trainer/lead-worker/supervisor as requested.
C.3Audit the work of other Bureau staff as directed and keep the Bureau trainer and/or supervisor informed of any concerns and/or problems. Provide auditing results to the Bureau trainer.
C.4 Develop and/or revise written procedures as directed by supervisor.
C.5Review forms, brochures and other media used to communication WRS benefit information. Recommend revisions to supervisor/lead-worker to ensure provided information is complete, accurate and easily understood.
C.6Provide input to supervisor/lead-worker regarding new and existing communication tools and technologies.
5%GOAL D:Provision of input to improve Bureau operations and customer service.
ActivityD.1Monitor accuracy and integrity of computer systems and recommend modifications and/or enhancements to supervisor/lead-worker. Provide input, as requested, on computer program design and assist with user testing of program changes as directed.
D.2 Evaluate Bureau procedures for efficiency, completeness and applicability. Recommend procedure and/or operations improvements to supervisor/lead-worker.
D.3Evaluate customer services and recommend improvements to supervisor/lead-worker.
D.4Participate on work groups or project-teams and assist with special projects as directed by supervisor/lead-worker.
D.5Other duties as assigned.
(Rev. 01/14)
Ability to set priorities
All A, All B, All C, All D, All E
Organizational Skills
All A, All B, All C, All D, All E
Interpersonal Skills
A3, A7, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, C2, C4, C5, All D, All E
Effective customer service skills
A1, A3, A7, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, D3
Ability to analyze facts and problems, infer and decide on potential and appropriate solutions
All A, All B, C2, C3, C4, C5, All D, All E
Ability to perform complex mathematical calculations
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A7, A8, B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, All C, D1, D2, D4
Ability to establish productive and efficient working relationships
A1, B7, All C, All D, All E
Oral and written communication skills
A1, A3, A7, All B, C2, C3, C4, C5, All D, All E
Ability to oversee and audit work of staff
Knowledge of Wisconsin statutes, Administrative Code and other technical resources related to benefit programs
All A, All B, All C, All D
Knowledge ofbenefit programs
All A, All B, All C, All D
Knowledge of state and federal tax laws and regulations pertaining to benefit programs
All A, All B, All C, All D
Knowledge of training tools, methods and techniques
All C
Knowledge of employee training needs assessment methods and techniques
C1, C2, C3, C5, D1
Ability to gather statistics and prepare reports
C2, D4
Knowledge of procedure writing methods and techniques
C3, D2
Knowledge of research methods and techniques
All A, All B, All C, All D
Ability to use complex and sophisticated personal computer based software systems (e.g., Microsoft Windows applications such as Word, Excel, Access, etc.).
All A, All B, All C, All D
Knowledge of the uses and applications of web-based computer programs.
All A, All B, All C, All D
Ability to operate a 10-key calculator
A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, C2, C3, C4, All D