Evidence of the True Gospel

Maybe you’ve heard the name Chuck Colson. In the 1960’s and 70’s he was the legal counsel for the Nixon administration, a man who wasn’t above using “dirty tricks” in pursuit of political goals. Colson once bragged that he’d even run over his own grandmother if it would get the president re-elected. So it’s not surprising that this man who pursued his goals at any cost was the first to go to prison in relation to the Watergate scandal.

What may surprise you, though, is that during his incarceration Colson became a convert to Christianity … and spent the remainder of his life as an outspoken evangelical leader. Before his death last year Colson reflected, “The real legacy of my life was my biggest failure — that I was an ex-convict. My greatest humiliation — being sent to prison — was the beginning of God’s greatest use of my life; He chose the one thing in which I could not glory for His glory.”

Colson’s remarks echo the words of the most surprising convert to Christianity of all time: Saul of Tarsus, the man we know as the apostle Paul. In our second reading today from his letter to the Galatians, Paul makes no effort to sugar-coat his former opposition to Christ and the church. In fact, Paul uses his conversion as evidence that the gospel he proclaims is true.

Lastweekwe heardPaul condemnthe counterfeit gospelmessage which missionaries from Jerusalem were spreading in Galatia . These Judaizers were demandingthatall new Gentile Christians had toobserve OldTestament ceremoniallaws like circumcision, dietary restrictions and observance of the Sabbath. In effect, converts had to become Jews before they could become Christians. The Judaizers were adding man-made rules to the Christ’s pure gospel message,thusmakingit nogospel atall.

Intheir zealtobringthe Galatianchurchesaroundtotheir way of thinking, these Jerusalem missionaries undermined Paul’s preaching by questioninghis credentials. Sincehewas notone of theoriginal12disciples,they arguedthat he was not inthesame league astheotherapostles.They also claimed that his understanding of the gospel wasfaulty.Intheirview, theywere “correcting”Paul’s mistakenideas by leadingthe Galatians backtothetraditional Jewish ceremonial laws.

And because the true gospel is at stake, Paul fires back. Inthe first verseof today’s text, he reminds the Galatiansthat the gospelmessage he preacheddidn’t comefromany humansource. He receivedhis message directlyfromthe LordJesus, just as the other apostles did. He backs up this claim by recounting exactly where he wentandwhathe didduringthe time immediatelyfollowinghis conversion onthe roadto Damascus.

Then, to illustrate the power of the true gospel he is proclaiming, Paul asks the Galatianstoconsiderwho hewasbeforetheLordcalledhim tofaith.He writes,“Foryouhave heardof mypreviouswayof life inJudaism,howintenselyI persecuted the churchof Godandtried todestroyit.I was advancingin Judaism beyondmanyJewsofmy ownage andwasextremely zealousforthetraditionsof myfathers.”

We can’t reallyoverstatewhat aviciousandviolentpersecutorofGod’s ChurchPaulwas before the Lord called him tofaith. The bookof Actspaintsus a picture ofamanwhosystematicallyoppressedand harassedGod’s people,aman whorelentlesslypursued Christians fromtown totown … throughout Judea andbeyond … arrested them … and had them put todeath.Paul is described as“breathingoutmurderous threats”againstGod’speople.Byhis own admissionPaul persecutedbelievers “beyondmeasure”and consideredithis personaldutytoliterallydestroyChrist’schurch.

But then Saulwaschanged … from someonewhohatedChristandeverythingaboutHim …tosomeonewho would suffer and eventually givehislife for as one of Christ’s followers. Theman whohadtriedtodestroyJesuswasadoptedby Jesus.God’s enemywasnowGod’s child. And whathadPauldone to deserve such a gracious transformation? Nothing … absolutelynothing …in fact,he’ddonejustabouteverythinginhis powernot to deserveit.That hugelifechangewasn’ttheresultofanythingPauldid. Nor was it through the teachings of men. There wasn’t a person alive who would have been persuasive enough to convince Saul about Jesus. The only thing that could adequately account for Paul’s belief in the good news about Jesus as his Savior was that he received the message directly from Christ Himself. Only God’s Word has that power.

In our lessons from I Kings and Luke this morning, God’s Word raises the dead and brings them back to life. There are many powerful machines and medicines and techniques available to our doctors today, but none can bring someone who has died back to life … God alone has that power. But even more impressive is the spiritual power that God wields. That power doesn’t just change things … it changes people … their lifestyles … their behavior … their attitudes … and, most importantly, their eternal destination.

The power of the true gospel raises God’s people from spiritual death to spiritual life. We tend to think of Paul’s conversion as miraculous, but, really, was our being brought to faith any less miraculous? The Bible tells us that bynaturewewere deadin our transgressions andsins.Like acorpse lyingonthe table inthe coroner’soffice we hadabsolutely nopowerorabilitytoimprove our situation. We couldnot cometoGod. We had nothing within us that even desired God.We wereGod’s enemiesanddoomed to be separated fromHim forever.But Godchoseus. He choseus tobea recipientof his amazinggrace. ByHis Spirit,God breathed newlife intoeach oneof us.We weredead,butGodhasmadeus alive againthroughfaith inChristJesus!

If youare lookingfor proofthat whatthe gospel is true,lookno further thanyour own heartsand lives.The fact that you believe Jesus is the Son of God — your personal Savior and the Savior of all mankind — the fact that you confess Jesus as Lord … well, that is a miracle … because that’s not how you were born. You are not here because you made yourselves pillars of spiritual strength and paragons of virtue. No, you are sitting here this morning because of God’s power. You are here because the Holy Spirit came to you through Word and Sacrament to bring you to faith; you are here because you are sinners who have come to know Christ’s love and forgiveness through the power of His gospel message.

Saul,the church’s greatestenemy, became Paul, anunparalleledproclaimerof God’struth.The apostle says thatGodrevealed His Son not just “throughhim”but“inhim.” He wasa living,breathingexampleof God’s graceinChristandhowthe Spirit of Godchanges theheartsandlivesofthose hecalls. That’s why Paul joyfully concludes our text with what others are saying of him:‘The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.’ And they praised God because of me.”

You are living examples of that same grace. Itshines inyourlife. Itshinesinthe wayyou face tragedy and pain with peace and hope that’s not your own. It shines in the wayyou put others ahead of yourselves.It shinesinthe words youspeakandthe wayyouliveyourlife under the cross of Christ.You are evidence of the true gospel. The Son of the Living God sacrificed Himself for you … and as a result His love and mercy can now be seen in you.

If you know anyone – a relative, a friend, a coworker – someone who is extremely lost … who has turned his back on God … who seems like the last person on earth to ever become a Christian, then don’t despair. Remember what Christ did for Chuck Colson and the apostle Paul. Remember what He’s has done for you. Miracles can and do happen.

If you have someone like that in your life, pray for him or her …again and again and again. Quietly live your faith in front of that person. Who knows, maybe one day you will even have an opportunity to share how gracious God has been to you. If so, your words might resemble those of Paul when he wrote near the end of his life: “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:15-17 NIV).