Pocono RHAB Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2015 Penn State Co-operative Extension office
In Attendance: Leslie Perryman Co-Chair, Andy White Co-Chair, Adrienne Hoeker, Lisa Day, Ann Marie Kline, Karen Ezzo,Kimberly Miller, Chris Bumford, Major Gingrich, Brian Fenstermaker, Tyler Day, Marta Gabriel, April Niver, Kevin Cope, Sharon Taylor, Jennifer Yaworski, Helen Kelly, Kelly Cummings and Madra Clay
As a reminder please reach out to all participants you think the RHAB meetings would be helpful for.
2) MarchMinutes- were approved by Andy and Karen
3) COC General membership meeting feedback- didn’t need the general oversight,DCED shared a lot of good information, DTM Leigh Howard is a visible partner and shared some good information. Next year, the meeting will be located in Monroe County and some suggestions were made to celebrate the local accomplishments, coordinated entry, and focus on functional zero.
4) PIT Count- Leslie noted that the count in Monroe County is close to 187.
5) Coordinated Entry- Helen Kelly from Wayne County is on the committee and made this report. There are 15 members on the Task Force and in the next 6 months the committee will be making a concentrated effort by holding 2 summits, one in the spring and fall. No dates have been selected yet. They are preparing a survey to use for the various agencies to gather what type of information each agency needs to be able to provide services or make a referral.
6) Homelessness Program Committee- Kevin Cope reported that by 2016 would end Vet Homelessness. He is working with a committee /Task Force in Lehigh Valley there are agencies that input the Vets 20 question survey in the data base and the committee meet do referrals and then follow the client. He suggested inviting the Monroe County Veterans Affairs Director to the next POC RHAB.
7) DCED UPDATES:Ed Gieger is retiring from DCED at the end of May 2015. The 15-16 ESG will be for 18 months grant period. New starting is that each Invoice must have equal or more match reported to be considered for reimbursement. Wiggio will remain for the RHABS for their membership however the COC will have a web site opened to everyone. Helen Kelly will coordinate the POC RHAB information to the COC Website. Leslie will email information the Helen and Jon Cherry.
NOFA – all forms due back to DTM May 15th Priority is on the chronic homeless. GIW- Grant Inventory Worksheet, Wiggio has an alphabet soup to explain acronyms.
8)PrioritizingChronically Homeless for PSH: Helen Kelly said she uses HMIS and it determines the number of times of homelessness and continues with questions regarding chronic homelessness. Chris and Colleen will add this question to the CHIPS meeting agenda on 5/28 at MHDS 9:30am.
9) Expanding Membership: career Link, Housing authority, Re-entry Program (Sharlene Gilbert) Michelle Bisbing from the IDA, MCTA, local WIB board, clergy, PMC, and DV service providers, C&Y providers, RedCO, literacy providers, access resources.
10) Round robin of program housing availability:
Crossroads 1 opening SPC, 4 openings single transitional, no disability,with eviction notice, or fleeing DV must have income. This is transitional up to 2 years. WR’s can refer their clients through Street2 Feet, these are scattered sites.
Salvation Army has 4 male and 3 female beds open, the family shelter is full.
Also, the major voiced his frustration and concerns with the bill PS153 that is mandating clearances for volunteers. It is very costly. Brian asked for membership feedback because he is working on an addendum to the bill.
PATH is celebrating its 25 year anniversary this year. She has 1 bedrooms open.
HDC- 2 openings in SH veterans homeless and disabled. One family opening any on in the family can have the disability. Person finds the apartment.
Fitzmaurice- 1 opening
Wayne County- Fair Avenue Access 2 rooms available, must be compliant with case management.
Family Promise- 1 opening 1 family total program max 14 people or 4 families. She also stated that the Rapid ReHousing money is spent and has assisted 24 families and 95% of them are still in their homes.
CMP – Colleen reported on the providers- NHS has 2 openings MHD with no income required. NHS – individual shared housing, Salisbury no openings.
RedCo 1 opening phyc rehab. 4 sites Lansford CRR Carbon County- Women’s shared housing 40plus on the waiting list.
Women’s Resources- 2 (2) bed and 1 (1) bed
Paul’s House- a few openings and they have a case manager on site each week.
1)Other Information: April Niver from Congressman Cartright’s office announced that there are grants available through USDA for facility features for nonprofits and local government. The contact person is Tanya St Claire.
Farmers market buy fresh- buy local – vouchers for Seniors available through the Area of Aging office.
NEXT MEETING: June 2, 2015 10:00am-12:00pm at the Penn State cooperative extension.