Application for Centre Consortium Arrangements
BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First in Art and Design (NQF)
This form is to be used to notify Pearson of a consortium of centres with joint teaching arrangements, so that the learners for Art and Design external assessments can be treated as a single group for the moderation of centre-assessed work. It is required only if two or more member centres will be entering learners for unit(s) 2 and/or 7.
If you wish to register a consortium arrangement you must complete and return this form by Friday 4 April 2014.
The centres concerned must nominate a consortium co-ordinator who undertakes to liaise with Pearson on behalf of all centres in the consortium.
Examination series (year)Coordinator
NameBased at centre number
The following centres are members of this consortium:
Centre Number / Centre NameUnits
The following units:
- Have common teaching arrangements within the consortium.
- Will have bookings from two or more centres within the consortium.
NB. Please list only externally assessed units (Unit(s) 2 and/or 7). Please do NOT list internally assessed units subject to standards verification.
Unit title / Unit code / Centre numbers / Total number of learnersI undertake to notify the awarding body of any significant changes in the information on this form (i.e. centres added or deleted, specifications added or deleted or any significant increases in numbers of candidates).
Signed (consortium coordinator)Name (block capitals)
Email will be accepted as a valid signature for electronic submission.
This form must be submitted to Pearson as below by Friday 4 April 2014:
Creative Arts & Media Team
Next Generation BTEC Assessment
One90 High Holborn
Guidance notes concerning centre consortium arrangements
In cases where all candidates from different centres have been taught and are assessed together, but where they are entered through the centre at which they are on roll, Pearson must be informed by the centres that they wish to be treated as a consortium.
- For each internally assessed component centres must carry out internal standardisation of marking across the consortium.
- The awarding body will allocate the same moderator to each centre in the consortium and the candidates will be treated as a single group for the purpose of moderation.
- Before commencing the moderation process, the awarding body will inform moderators of any consortia in their allocation. A single sample will be selected which includes representative coverage of the range of marks across the whole consortium, normally including the highest and lowest mark within the consortium.
- Each centre in the consortium will receive a report from the moderator, in addition to a report detailing the allocation of marks.
- If a consortium submits an enquiry about results, the work must be available from all the centres in the consortium, as it is the original sample that is reviewed.
- If you have any questions please contact the Creative Arts and Media assessment team at .