Visiting Scholars/Researchers Program Agreement Form
Every year, Carolina Law welcomes a limited number of visitors from around the world. The program is designed to give an opportunity for foreign academics or law professionals to pursue their independent research interest and consult with UNC faculty.
No compensation is provided to the visitors and they are not eligible for employee benefits or financial aid. The visitors are granted full access to the Kathrine R. Everett Law Library and may be able to audit classes with the permission of the instructors. Typically, space restraints limit the possibility of providing office space to Visiting Scholars and Researchers; however, a library carrel space is provided. Additionally, Scholars are issued a UNC One Card and a PID#, which allows them to use most facilities at the University. In addition, Visiting Scholars are provided planning coordination help for events such as court observations, lectures, and meetings; along with the provision of Westlaw, Lexis/Nexis, and Bloomberg search databases access and passwords for use in research; and 24/7 law school building access. Visiting Scholars and Researchers must make their own travel and housing arrangements. However, UNC and UNC School of Law will assist in obtaining the proper travel visa and other official arrangements for the research period.
It is recommended that Visiting Scholars/Researchers review the Carolina Law web site to determine the ways in which they may be enriched by their time at UNC. Information about course offerings, special events,conferences, symposia, speaker series, and faculty may be found on the Carolina Lawweb site.
Fee for Visiting Scholars/Researchers
The fee for Visiting Scholars/Researchers is $5,000 per semester ($10,000 for the academic year). The fee is to be paid within a two-week periodfromthe required Scholar’s check-in visit with ISSS at UNC-CHor within a two-week period from the start date of the new semester for a continuing Scholar. This fee is to be paid to the International Programs unit at UNC School of Law. In cases where the length of stay will be less than a semester or year, the fee will be pro-rated. Payment may be made by personal check, traveler’s checks, Cashier’s check, or cash.
I, the undersigned Visiting Scholar/Researcher at UNC School of Law, agree to pay the established semester fee to UNC School of Law, as set forth by the International Programs unit, according to the length of my research stay.
Printed Name of Visiting Scholar/ResearcherLength of Research Stay
Signature of Visiting Scholar/ResearcherDate
Office of International Programs
UNCSchool of Law/CB# 3380
Van Hecke-Wettach Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3380
Phone: (919) 962-5106 Fax: (919) 962-1193