The Minutes of the Meeting of Grendon Parish Council
held at 7.00 pm onMonday 2nd March 2009in
the Parish Rooms, Spon Lane, Grendon
Present:D Cox
P Swift
E Thawley
L Sutton
J Maudsley
Also Present:R Young, Clerk to the Council.
Apologies for absence were received from CouncillorM Hammersley.
No matters were declared.
It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th February 2009 were a true and correct record.
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2009.
a)Parish Website
The Clerk to email the minutes of the meetings to Councillor L Sutton for inclusion on the website.
b)Highway Matters
i)Speed Signs – B5000
The Clerk gave details of an email received from jack Linstead, News and Public Affairs, stating that at no time was correspondence to Warwickshire County Council from Judith Maudsley released to the press.
The Clerk to enquire whether details were passed on to the Highways Department.
ii)Grit Bins
The Clerk to enquire with Warwickshire County Council Highways whether a grit bin could be located by WoodsideSchool.
The Clerk to enquire with Optima why the streetlight near to the newsagents at Grendon has been removed.
iv)Bus Shelters - Grendon
The Chairman, D Cox, agreed to inspect the three bus shelters in Grendon that the Parish Council were considering adopting.
The Clerk circulated photographs of new bus shelters to be sited at two locations near to Riddings Farm. The installation to be arranged by Optima.
v)Flooding – Spon Lane
The Clerk reported he had not received any replies from Geoff Timms at Severn Trent Water regarding sewerage backing up into the gardens of properties on Spon Lane. It was agreed the Clerk should write to Mike O’Brien and Environmental Health regarding the lack of response from Geoff Timms at Severn Trent Water.
vi)Spon Lane - Railings
The railings from Spon Lane down to the bridge are damaged. The Clerk to request Highways to carry out repairs.
c) Parish Plan
This item to be put in abeyance for a separate dedicated meeting.
d) Grendon Waste Site
The Clerk to contact Warwickshire County Council Highways regarding the line of traffic seeking access to the waste site on 1st March 2009 suggesting traffic controls are installed.
a)Planning Applications Received
The Smithy, Warton Lane, Grendon.
Erection of tea room extension to farm shop.
The Clerk gave details of a letter dated 2nd March 2009 from Alan E Ross regarding this application.
The Clerk to forward a letter of support to point out the need to provide employment and that there is a need for such a retail outlet in the area.
World of Sp and Landscapes, Watling Street, Grendon.
Display of two internally illuminated signs.
No Comment.
b)Planning Decisions
No decisions reported.
c)Planning Correspondence
i)The Willows, Watling Street, Grendon.
The Clerk gave details of a detailed email received from Erica Levy of North Warwickshire Borough Council.
The Clerk to enquire as to when a decision will be made. Warwickshire County Council Highways to review design and siting of proposed signs.
ii)Anaerobic Digestion Unit – Baddesley Ensor
Jeff Brown of North Warwickshire Borough Council had confirmed the scheme details had been passed to the Secretary of State to decide whether the application should be called in for determination through a public inquiry.
a)Publications and Correspondence
The following were available for circulation to Councillors:
i)Warwickshire County Council.
The Chairman of Warwickshire County Council’s invitation to “At Home” drinks reception at Shire Hall, Warwick on Saturday 28th March 2009 from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.
ii)WRCC – Best Kept Village Competition 2009.
Details and application forms.
iii)Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.
Schedule of workshops for The Local Development Framework.
iv)Warwickshire County Council.
Warwickshire Minerals Core Strategy : Revised Spatial Options Consultation.
v)1st Grendon Girl Guides and Grendon Rainbows.
Email request for a donation towards operating costs.
It was proposed, seconded and agreed £50.00 should be donated to each group.
- To donate £50.00 to both 1st Grendon Girl Guides and Grendon Rainbows.
vi)North Warwickshire Borough Council.
Council minutes, 25th February 2009.
i)Cheque Payments
ITEM / AMOUNTKhoo Systems / 64.94
1st Grendon Girl Guides / 50.00
Grendon Rainbows / 50.00
TOTAL / £164.94
It was proposed, seconded and agreed the above cheques be issued.
- To issue the above cheques.
Austrey village had been gifted Village Hall by Birmingham Diocese. The Clerk to obtain further information.
Councillor J Maudsley reported the 5th light towards Atherstone on the central reservation was not working.
Councillor P Swift asked if the A5 was swept by a mechanical sweeper.
The Clerk to obtain a costing from North Warwickshire Borough Council for a dog waste bin and the cost of emptying the bins. Also to enquire with Environmental Health regarding litter fine structure and whether the Dog Warden can check Spon Lane.
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.
D Cox
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