Classroom Rules and Expectations: American Literatureand Composition
Mrs. Long-Goldberg
The following are the RULES that will be followed in the classroom in order to maximize the time spent mastering objectives while minimizing distractions and downtime:
- BE ON TIME. You must be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. Three unexcused tardies will result in an after school teacher detention and a phone call home. Any additional tardies will be referred to the office
- COME PREPARED. Proper learning cannot take place if you have not done the assigned reading or homework. Furthermore, you need to bring paper, a writing utensil, your binder, agenda, and any other course-required materials each day (text book, novel, creative supplies, etc.).
3. DO YOUR CLASSWORK AND HOMEWORK. Classwork and homework are due at the time they are collected in class. Homework will count for 5% of your grade. Per the English Department policy, no late work will be accepted.
4. RESPECT YOUR PEERS. In order to create a positive learning community, you are expected to treat your classmates and teachers with courtesy. Proper decorum is expected at all times.
5. FOLLOW ALL SCHOOL RULES AND POLICIES. This is very straightforward. You need to have the level of maturity to abide by all the rules that make Mayfield High School a safe place for you to learn and grow as individuals.
The following are the GENERAL PROCEDURESAND EXPECTATIONS that will be followed to maintain consistency in the classroom:
-PARTICIPATION. If you have a question or a comment, raise your hand to speak. Do not simply call out when you feel like it.
-PLAGIARISM/CHEATING. Do not plagiarize. Intentional plagiarism will result in a zero on an assignment, NO EXCEPTIONS. You are expected to turn in original work. Please see the Mayfield High School Academic Integrity statement for more information.
-GROUP/PARTNER WORK. During group activities and cooperative learning activities, students will be expected to communicate freely among group members and/or learning partners. You are expected to be working on classroom material during such times in the classroom.
-ABSENCES. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask about material and homework you may have missed. You are expected to make up any missed assignments in a timely manner.
- For an excused absence from class, you will be granted as many days as you missed to make up missed assignments.
- Missed tests will be made up at 7:30 a.m. on the first Wednesday morning following your absence in room 101 or by appointment with the teacher. A student has up to one week after an absence to make up a test or quiz.
- For an unexcused absence from class, you will not be granted any days to make up your missed assignments or tests. You will receive a zero for that assignment or test.
-FOOD AND SNACKS. No beverages or food will be permitted in class. Bottled water is permitted, but it needs to have a lid.
-PHONES. Phones should be out of sight and muted. Students will be given a warning at the first offense. Any additional offenses will result in the phone being confiscated and turned into the office.
Availability for Extra Assistance: If you ever need extra help on an assignment or preparing for a test, please speak to me to arrange a time that I can help you.
During the day, I will be available:
-2nd period (English Office—266)
-5th period (M, T: English Office; W, Th, F: MHS Learning Lab—Senior Commons)
-7th period (English Office)
Before and after school, I will be available by appointment only.
MHS Learning Lab—Senior Commons
-This Learning Lab design will offer support for any student in the subjects of English and Mathematics during every class period.
-Teachers will write a pass for their student to report to the lab during study hall.
-The Learning Lab will be staffed by Math teachers on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and English teachers on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
-Students must have a pass from study hall and sign in upon arrival to the Learning Lab using the Google attendance form.
Mayfield High School students and instructors are in a partnership of trust. It is imperative that student work is original for the class and assignment.
Violations of academic integrity include:
-Taking ideas—accidentally or purposely—from the Internet or other sources without proper citation.
-Turning in the same paper or portion of a paper as another student.
-Sharing an assignment with another student who then turns in the same work or portions of it.
-Submitting any work that has not been exclusively written for the class without prior approval from the instructor(s).
-Photographing and/or sharing any individual class assessment/assignment with other students.
Students will receive a “0” on the assignment/assessment for the first violation. Further cheating in the same grading period will result in failure of that grading period and possible disciplinary action.
If students are ever unsure about a possible violation of academic integrity, they are encouraged to discuss these matters with their course instructor before submitting an assignment.
English Department Mission Statement
At the end of the course, each student will be able to read, interpret, speak, and write about a variety of fiction, nonfiction, dramatic, and poetic works, while utilizing an eloquent and scholastic vocabulary.
In order to achieve this result, all classes will adhere to the following:
English Department Policies
No Late Work – An “M” will be placed in Infinite Campus for a missing assignment.
Tests and quizzes must be made up on a Wednesday morning or by appointment with the teacher. A student has up to one week after an absence to make up the test or quiz. Work not made up will receive an “M.”
Writing instruction is a process; therefore, students will receive feedback from the teacher prior to the deadline in the form of formative assessments and consults. Thus, all major writing assignments are final, polished pieces and will be graded as such.
Tests and quizzes aim to show student-gained learning at a specific time. Thus, there will be no retakes on tests and quizzes.
The central components of this course are reading, analyzing, synthesizing, speaking, and writing. Grading policies match these categories. In Infinite Campus, student grades are determined according to the following weighted quarterly breakdown:
Reading – 40%
Writing – 40%
Speaking and Listening – 15%
Homework/Reading Checks – 5%
Please sign as an indication that you understand my classroom expectations and the Mayfield High School Academic Integrity Policy.
Student’s First and Last Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments. My contact information is as follows:
Lacy Long-Goldberg
English Department, room 266
Please return this sheet and acquire all supplies by
Friday, August19, 2016.