Thursday, April 21, 2016
Black River Board of Education Meeting
Regular Agenda
Black River High School Media Center
7:00 P.M. - Regular Meeting
A. Opening Items
1. Roll Call/Call to Order
The Black River Board of Education is meeting in Regular Session. The meeting is called to order by President Jody Weidrick with the following members answering roll:
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Agenda
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that the agenda for tonight’s meeting be accepted.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
4. Public Communication
The Board of Education welcomes public comments. Please state your name and address for the record.
Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.
B. Board Work Session
1. Presentation by FCCLA students.
2. Pay to Participate discussion.
C. Approval of Board Minutes
Minutes of March 10, 2016 Work Session
Minutes of March 17, 2016Regular Meeting
Minutes of March 22, 2016 Work Session
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that the minutes of theMarch 17th, 2016meeting, the March 10th and 22nd, 2016 work sessionsbe approved as written.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
D. Financial – Treasurer’s Report
E. Financial – Action Items
1. Approval of Financial statements
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the March, 2016 Financial Statements be approved as presented.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
2. Amend FY 2016 Appropriations
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board amend the fiscal year 2016 appropriations as follows:
006)FOOD SERVICE $ 30,000
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
3. Approval of Salary Schedules
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board approve the followingsalary schedules:
Elementary Principal
Middle School Principal
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
4. Donation
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board accept the following transfer of items purchased by the Black River Band Booster to be used by the Black River Bands and Choir. This includes:
Instruments, Music and Uniforms
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
5. Donations
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board accept the following donation:
Betsy Rector8th grade trip$ 85.20
Penske LogisticsEL ear buds$1,299.28
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
6. Grant
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Treasurer, the Board accept the following grants:
Martha Holden Jennings GrantLiteracy Framework Project$16,200.00
Lorain County Farm BureauFFA Program$ 250.00
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
7. Student Accident Insurance
Motion by ______, seconded by to authorize Griffin Insurance to offer student accident insurance coverage for the 2016-2017 School Year.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
8. e-Rate
Motion by , seconded by to authorize the Treasurer to enter into a contract for providing the district’s e-Rate eligible services with the successful bidder.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
9. School Psychological Services
Motion by , seconded by to authorize the Treasurer to enter into a contract with Partners for Success and Intervention (PSI) for School Psychological Services at a rate of $60.00 per hour, as needed.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
10.School Psychological Services
Motion by , seconded by to authorize the Treasurer to enter into a contract with Mansfield Psychological Services for School Psychological Services at a rate of $900.00 per IEP written.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
F. Superintendent’s Report
1. HB 264 update.
2. Collaboration with New London.
3. Auditorium upgrades.
4. Summer repairs
G. Unfinished Business
H. New Business
1. Summer School
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the board approve Summer School at a cost of $125.00 per class. Teachers that teach summer school will be paid an hourly rate of $28.00 per hour. (June 6th through June 24th.)
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
2. Summer Help
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the following as temporary summer help:
Hayley McLean
Barb Murray
Tina Hensel
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
3. Employment
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the following Classified Substitutes for the 2015-2016 school year:
Shirley GerbasiCDL Driver, Food Service, Secretary, Paraprofessional
Clifford BarnhouseCustodian, Paraprofessional
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
4. Employment
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ the following volunteer athletic coachfor the 2015-2016 school year:
Jennifer NixonVolunteer Middle School Track Coach
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
5. Employment
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ the following limited contracts for Fiscal Year 2017:
Madison BalogTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Tyler DennisTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Georgina HarperTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Brooke MorganTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Robin RectorTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Liam SleggsTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Matt StaffordTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Patrice TimothyTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Katherine TuttleTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Jessica WilliamsTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
Renee ZatezaloTeacherOne-Year Limited Contract
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
6. Employment
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that upon recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board employ the following limited contracts for Fiscal Year 2017 and Fiscal Year 2018:
Elizabeth BonafieldTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Lauren CartwrightTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Corryn CasteelTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Roshelle DeweyTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Michael DonelsonTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Valerie DownsTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Kelly GillespieTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Jennifer HollandTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Christina HowardTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Mark LeiendeckerTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Wendy SchollaertTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Clayton VanDorenTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Frank WalthourTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
Lisa WilfongTeacherTwo-Year Limited Contract
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
I. Addendum Items
J. Executive Session
Motion by ______, seconded by ______to enter into Executive Session at _____ p.m. for the purpose of one or more of the following under Ohio Revised Code 121.22G
X_ Section 1: To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee or official, or theinvestigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
___ Section2: To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
___ Section 3: Conferences with an attorney.
___ Section 4: Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining session with public employees.
___ Section 5: Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statues.
___ Section 6: Specialized details of security arrangements.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler
Executive Session ended at _____p.m.
K. Closing Items
1. Item(s) for consideration for next meeting
2. Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting: May 19, 2016 High School Media Center 7 PM
3. Adjournment
Motion by ______, seconded by ______that the Board adjourn at _____ p.m.
CliffordMeredithStiver WeidrickWheeler