Cancer Research Centre of Excellence (CRCE)
Membership Expression of Interest
The Cancer Research Centre of Excellence (CRCE)[1] is a strategic partnership between Imperial College Londonand the Institute of Cancer Research(ICR) around a common vision to drive forward advances in the detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
CRCE harnesses the complementary expertise of its partner organisations bringing together:
the critical mass and excellence from across the Imperial faculties in Medicine, Natural Sciences and Engineering with
world-leading basic, translational and clinical cancer researchersfrom ICR.
To galvanise interactions and realise the potential of the partnership, the CRCE Board is developing a programme of activities tostimulate inter-institutional collaboration. For example throughjoint pump-priming calls; collaborative networking events and training activities.
To increase awareness of the potential expertise and resources available for cancer research across the partnership and to establish a conduit by which to inform researchers about opportunities, the CRCE Board wishes to collate information from researchers across the partnership who would like to get involved and benefit from the CRCE.
Researchers from across Imperial and ICR are therefore invited to submit the following 1-page Expression of Interest form, which will enable:
the CRCE Board to create a mailing list in relation to future CRCE events and initiatives,
development of a directory of CRCE expertise and resources
Eligibility requirements
Applicants must be independent researchers / Principal Investigators and have a contract (honorary or substantive) with either Imperial College or ICR.
Completed applications should be sent to
Applications will be considered by the CRCE Board as a standing agenda item
CRCE Membership Expression of InterestProforma
Position / Role
Substantive Employer
Division & Team name (ICR) or Division & Department (Imperial)
Tenure of appointment / (please provide contract end date if applicable)
Academic/Clinical Profile / (please add weblink)
Areas of expertise / (provide only key words or short statements in up to 5 bullets)
Scientific, technical or clinical areas in which you are interested in developing inter-institutional CRCE linkages / (provide only key words or short statements in up to 5 bullets)
Resources / expertise that you may be able to offer across the CRCE partnership /
- (provide only key words or short statements in up to 5 bullets)
Any other comments